Chapter 14: The Demonic Inn(part 1)

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As she follow the aura she kept on sensing and the sound she kept on hearing, she ended up at an inn. There she saw the men she had a fight with before go inside. She saw a girl get out after them, she looked around as if checking the inn's surroundings before closing the doors.

"Lady Yuna, please treat my men." The 'boss' said motioning to his men.

"Just what the hell happened?! You guys are suppose to take that lady here!" The lady called Yuna exclaimed in an irritated tone pointing her index finger on the floor.

Yuna, she has a white hair tied into twin braids reaching her waist fastened with red ribbons with bells at the end, she has dark-brown eyes, a pale complexion and nails painted with a red color. She's wearing a dark-pink colored qipao reaching above her ankles. And a black colored high heeled sandals.

"Follow me you IDIOTS!!!"

Yuna led them to the second floor of the building and into a room. The men went inside and was met by another girl wearing the same qipao but has a violet color. She also has a white hair styled the same way as Yuna and a pale complexion.

"Yuno, handle them." Yuna said annoyed because of the men.

"Did they fail getting the girl sister?" The girl named Yuno asked.

"Obviously!" Yuna answered glaring at the men.

The men felt the coldness of her glare down their spines and backed away a little. They were invited by Yuno inside the room while Yuna left to go to a certain room. As she walk to the third floor, she faced an empty hallway and at the end of the hallway, there stood closed huge doors. She approach the door then knocked.

"Master!" She called.

"Come in." A deep voice replied.

As she slowly open the door to enter the room, she was met by a very beautiful and bright chandelier hanging under the ceiling. Several thin, silk linens are covering half of the room. The floors inside are very clean almost like they were shinning. Yuna stopped walking facing the silk linens.

"What is it my dear Yuna?" A deep voice asked behind the silk linens.

"The men I've sent to bring the woman here failed. I'm sorry Master." Yuna answered kneeling on the floor bowing down.

"Don't apologize, where are they now?" The 'Master' asked again.

"They came back injured, only one of them isn't. They're currently being taken care by Yuno." Yuna replied raising her head.

"I see, tell them to come here once they're finish." The 'Master' ordered.

"Yes I will."

"You may go now."

With those words said, Yuna stood up and left the room. As she stepped out of the room, the doors automatically closed as if someone else's there holding those doors. She didn't looked back and just walked away.

[Inside Yuno's room....]

As the so called 'boss' help the lady tend his injured men, he can't stop shaking. He's shaking out of fear. Afraid that he might lose his life because of failing his task tonight. Afraid that he might be tortured as payment for what he and his men have done, of not being able to bring their target back. Afraid that if they told their Master that their failure was caused by a mere child, he might not believe them.

"Hurry, the Master said he'll be waiting." Yuna said opening the doors of the room.
"You better get you and your men ready for an explanation." She continued.

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