Chapter 2: Visit

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[3 months later...]

It's been three months since Kazumi became a Pillar and now she's on her way to visit a certain friend. Even if Sanemi and Obanai questioned their Master for giving her the Pillar position, they got to accept her not long after that. Sanemi seem to treat her like a little sister since he let her call him 'Nemi-nii' or 'Shina-san'.

"There it is." Kazumi said as she stop on her tracks and look at the house in front of her.

An old man with a Tengu mask came out just in time to sweep outside.

"Hello there Sakonji-san!" Kazumi greeted as she walk closer.

"Ah, it's you again Kazumi. Seems like you really came for a visit." Urokodaki said before inviting the girl inside.

"Do you have anyone in here Sakonji-san?" Kazumi asked.


"There's no need for you to worry, I know this kind of presence that I feel and the sound it makes. I don't have any wish to hurt them."

"What you're thinking is right Kazumi, there's a demon in here. But she had never devoured anyone and her older-brother's currently training under my guidance now." Urokodaki replied as he serve tea in front of Kazumi

"I see, that's very rare then but, how did it come to all of this?" Kazumi asked.

Urokodaki explained everything to her, from how Tanjiro's family was slaughtered by a demon to the current situation where he trains Tanjiro. They spent the time having a short chat before the sun sets. As they are about to finish and say goodbye to each other, a boy with a burgundy hair and a scar on his forehead came in.

"Tanjiro, you're back." Urokodaki said to the boy who just came.

"So, you are Kamado Tanjiro-san?" Kazumi looked at the boy.

"Ye... yes, I-I'm sorry for suddenly entering!" Tanjiro apologized as he bow down but Kazumi stopped him. "Huh?" Tanjiro looked at her.
She's shorter than him and wears a uniform.

"It's alright Tanjiro-san, I'm glad I managed to see you before I leave." She replied with a closed eye smile.

"Pl-please don't call me formally like that."

"It's very nice to meet you then Tanjiro-kun, unfortunately, I already have to leave now."

"Please wait."

"Hmm?" Kazumi turned around to look at him.

"May I ask, what's your name?"

"Yeah right! I forgot to tell you my name. Just call me Kazu or Kazumi. Bye now Tanjiro-kun, Sakonji-san." She waved goodbye at the two before walking away.

"Urokodaki-san, who is he?" Tanjiro asked.

"A friend who just came to pay me a visit." Urokodaki answered. 'Should I tell him that Kazumi's a girl not a boy?'

"He's carrying a sword and.... is that a demon slayer uniform?"

"Yes, Kazumi's a demon slayer."

"Woah! That's amazing, despite of his height, he's a slayer." Tanjiro exclaimed with an amazed look in his eyes.

'Maybe I'll just let him find it out himself'

As the night falls, Kazumi run around the village near Urokodaki's home. A demon's been reported to be roaming around the area and has slaughtered a total of sixty-seven people. As she search around the area, she saw a man walking around the village late at night.

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