Chapter 50: Dreamland

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Seeing that Ryuugi's spot is empty, they all looked around. Tengen being one of the tallest saw someone walking away from them.

"Oi! Stop right there! Don't run away!" Tengen called out.

Ryuugi's about to move on from walking to running but, as he took two steps away, he bumped someone in front. Fortunately, he managed to grab that person's wrist and pull him back to stand up.

"I'm really sorry." Ryuugi apologized.

"Oh.... no it's alright. Thank you for not letting me fall." The boy said.

He has a black hair tied in a low ponytail and green eyes, he's just an inch taller than Ryuugi. As Ryuugi's about to leave, someone already grabbed his collar from behind. He looked at the person behind him.

"Oh, hahaha! Tengen-san, I'm just about to you know.... search for my wallet since I lost it." Ryuugi lied clasping his hands together.

"Do you really think I'll buy those words of yours?" Tengen replied with a smug face.

He dragged him back by the collar as the the boy watched them sweatdropping.

"Oh, so it's you Takahara-kun!" The chief's wife said.

Ryuugi's now standing in between Mitsuri and Shinobu in front of the couple.

"I'm sorry, this must be a misunderstanding. They taught theirselves to cook and practised a lot, that's how they managed to cook that fast." Ryuugi answered.

He felt the deadly auras Mitsuri and Shinobu emitted. He gulped down.

"Ara~ ara~, Taka-kun, don't lie." Shinobu said.

"Takahara-kun, tell them the truth or we'll tell them more about your food." Mitsuri threatened.

'I'm doomed! I never wanted this. To stand and cook in front of many people?! That's a big no!'
Ryuugi thougt.

"As I—" He got cut off his words when he felt hands on each of his shoulders.
"Ah, yes! Yes! I taught them how to do all those!"

"Then, could you perhaps cook something for me and my wife here?" The chief asked.

"Well, if you insist." Ryuugi replied.

'I really can't reject it or else I'll be tied up in no time.'
He thought as he could still feel Mitsuri and Shinobu's auras.

He walked away and went to a table and looked at the ingredients one by one. He slowly nodded his head and grabbed for a ribbon from inside his kimono and tied his clothes. Though, he still have a long sleeve underneath covering his arms. They all watched him silently, their eyes not leaving him.

"This is the first time I saw her cook, didn't expect it'll be this satisfying to watch." Tengen commented in a whisper.

"Me too." Muichiro replied.

Soon after, he already put two bowls of food on a tray and walked on to the chief and his wife. They looked at the food with puzzled looks.

"Tch. Are you playing tricks with Chief Minamoto boy?" The head of the guards said standing beside Ayato's father.

"Are you really sure about this Takahara-kun?" Lady Minamoto asked gently.

"Well, it might look so simple but, I call it Transforming Furikake Gohan." Ryuugi answered smiling at them with his usual smile.

"Transforming Furikake Gohan?" The chief repeated.

"Yes, it might just look simple but this here will do the magic." He answered pointing at the other smaller bowl.
"Shall I do it myself?"

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