Chapter 115: Awful

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     Kazumi's now walking back to the hideout as she saw Fu waiting for her. He ran towards her as he saw her bleeding forehead and her cloak gone.

"Where's Asano?" Fu asked.

His eyes then saw the other sword Kazumi's holding. His question got answered right away.

"I.... killed him." Kazumi answered as she look down.

Fu can't do anything but to hug her. They stayed silent hugging each other under the rain.

"It's not your fault.... I'm not angry." Fu said as he hugged her tighter.

After a while, they sneaked inside Aiko's room. She got surprised to see the two soaked especially Kazumi. Thankfully, the children are still asleep.

"Aiko-san.... sorry...." Kazumi apologized.

"Kazumi-chan...." Aiko mumbled.

".... I killed.... Asano."

Aiko's eyes widened as it became teary. Fu and Kazumi walked closer to her as she hugged them.

"It should be me apologizing." Aiko cried as she hug the two tighter.

Their scene changed again as the two are now wearing their ragged clothes and Kazumi's forehead got patched up. They're sitting beside Aiko's bed while playing with the children.

"Mother, where's Asano-nii?" Togashi asked as he look at his mother.

"Asano-nii's at a peaceful place now. And he'll watch over everyone of us." Aiko answered with a gentle smile as she pat Togashi's head.

"What happened to your forehead?" Ai asked as she look up to Kazumi.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Kazumi answered smiling at her.

"Pain, pain, go away!" Ai chanted as she gently put her hand on Kazumi's forehead.

"The pain went away now." Kazumi replied giving her a closed eye smile.

"How about me Ai-chan? Fu-nii needed that too." Fu pouted.

"Alright!" Ai said as she go to Fu and do the same thing.

Aiko just chuckled seeing them like this. After a short time, they left to go back to their own room.

Just right after entering their room, Hibiki came. He didn't say anything but just dragged Kazumi away.

"Where are you taking her?!" Fu asked as his question went unanswered as Hibiki slammed the door close.

"It seems like until now you don't know your purpose. You are trained to kill them not to protect them. Just how many times do I have to punish you for this?!" Hibiki he kept on dragging Kazumi further from the room by her wrist.

He suddenly came to a halt as a man with a short red hair covering his left eye showed up. He's wearing a blue kimono fading down to white matching his bright blue eyes as he puff out some smoke while holding a pipe.

"Eh? A girl. Hibiki! Mind giving her to me?" The man asked in such a cheerful manner.

"Tokiwa, I'm on my way to punish her so shut up." Hibiki replied glaring at him.

"Awww~, come on! Who knows.... maybe my punishment would change her." The man with a red hair known as Tokiwa said as he look at Kazumi.

"I.... feel something not so good here." Inosuke mumbled out.

Hibiki just scoffed as he hand Kazumi to him and walked away angrily. Tokiwa then held her hand gently as they walk the other way.

"Say little girl~, you wanna play a game?" Tokiwa asked.

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