Chapter 68: Demon Mansion

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Kokushibou remained silent right after hearing her answer. He doesn't know whether he should be enraged or saddened. He just walked away from her and sat at the river side a bit further from her.

"Aren't you going to leave?" Kazumi asked.

"Then what? You're gonna follow me? No way." Kokushibou answered not batting an eye to her.

"You're right but well.... I have to leave now, there are still demons roaming around here devouring humans." Kazumi turned around, her back facing the demon.
"But for our next meeting, it'll definitely be a fight against the two of us." She added as she walk away from him and into the forest.

Kokushibou just watched her until she's out of sight. He then looked down on his reflection on the water then up to the moon.

"We'll see about that, Kazumi." He mumbled to himself.

'She might be a very dangerous threat to us.... I seriously didn't even notice her earlier.'
Kokushibou thought as he touch his right ear.
'Completely no presence at all.'

Kazumi's currently running to her next mission. Her short time with the demon still in her mind.


As she reach her destination, she is greeted by the lights of the city. It's night but it's so bright. She roamed around in search of the demon. Just as she walk around, she felt the presence of the creature she's been searching for coming from inside a restaurant. She decided to take a peek at it and there she saw two men in black clothes. She noticed they're already finishing their meal so she waited outside.

After twenty minutes of waiting, the two finally came out. They were dressed in casual clothing and even walked around like they are human. She decided to tail them first before attacking them at a right place, a place where no one could see it or get harmed. The longer she tailed them, the further the two walked away from the crowd. As they kept on walking, they arrived at a beautiful and elegant mansion at the end of the city.

'So they live in groups too just like Gotou-san.'
Kazumi thought as she hear more sound inside.

The two men went in and closed the doors. Just right after that, she walked around the mansion and noticed an open window above. A window at what seems like to be for a certain room. She walked away backwards before sprinting back and climbing the wall reaching for the edge of the window seal.

'Alright, here we go.'

She pulled herself up and found an empty lighted room. Inside, a girl is tied up, her clothes smudged and stained with blood. When the girl saw her, she struggled from her position and made muffled noises due to a handkerchief tied around her mouth.

"Shh, I'm here to help you." Kazumi whispered as she calm her down.

The girl's eyes are puffy due to crying. As she calmed down, Kazumi slowly untied the handkerchief on her mouth.

"He-help me.... I don't want.... them to eat me." The girl said shivering in fear.

"Do you know what happened here?" Kazumi asked while untying the girl.

"I don't. I was just walking around town when I felt a sudden pain behind me after that, everything went black. When I woke up, I'm already here and I saw them eating a human. I tried to escape but they didn't let me. Saying I'm important cause I'm a marechi." The girl explained in a fast phase gripping tightly on Kazumi's arms.

"Stay here then, I'll make sure to save you and bring you back there."

The girl hesitatingly nodded as she let go of Kazumi slowly. Kazumi shortly stood up and walked towards the door, she heard the sound of incoming footsteps as she signaled the girl to hush putting a finger on her lips.

The doors soon opened and showed a demon, he was surprised when he saw the girl untied and rushed towards her. The girl was about to scream when the demon's head instantly fell on the floor as he enter the room. Kazumi stabbed his mouth for it not to make a noise to call for attention.

"Stay here and don't ever go out." Kazumi said as she close the windows of the room and left.

The demon disintegrated as the girl was left there sitting hugging her legs in fear. She soon fell asleep from fatigue.

Kazumi slaughtered all the demons she had encountered silently. Not making a sound until she reached the ground floor of the mansion.

"Oh a slayer, congratulations for making it here and I suppose, killing my useless servants." The demon praised standing from the couch.

Kazumi's eyes suddenly widened, her hands shivering holding her sheathed sword hilt tightly as the demon stopped walking closer to her.

"I see, you remember me huh? Long time no see, Kazumi-chan!" The demon greeted.

"You.... you're alive." Kazumi stuttered.

"Yes I am! Though how unfortunate, Hibiki-san died even before I do. Oh well, he's dead so let's not talk about him."

The demon's wearing a red tuxedo paired with red pants and black loafers. His red hair tied in a man bun and his blue cat-like eyes looking at her as if she's his prey.

"Come on, your face is pale. Aren't you suppose to be happy to see me?" He said as he take a single step closer.

Kazumi took a step back seeing him trying to get close. She can't stop shivering and fear painted on her face.

"How am I suppose to be happy to see you?" Kazumi replied trying not to stutter.

"Come on my dear, don't act as if we haven't known each other. I've been searching for you ever since I became a demon and yet here you are, a slayer."

In a blink of an eye, the demon disappeared from her view. As she turn around, there she is face to face with him. She instantly jumped away as he tried to grab her.

"Even when you're shaking from fear you managed to jump away from me. Impressive! I like it!" The demon praised.

"Tell me.... where are the other hostages?" Kazumi asked.

"Hostages? The only hostage I have is the girl in a room at the second floor where you came from. The rest, I've eaten them already." The demon answered.
"But maybe you're next. You can't concentrate once fear crawl up your body."

Kazumi jumped from side to side trying her best to dodge the demon's claw attacks. He giggled as if he's playing a normal game of tag with a child.

"Come on, I just want to touch you. Be good and I'll make sure your death won't be painful." He said still with an evil smirk.

As his hands got closer to her neck, she suddenly stopped and spun around sending him a kick on the right side of his face her heel. The demon rolled on the ground as he instantly got up and touched his cheek.

"You, I thought you're scared." He said now glaring daggers at Kazumi.

Kazumi just smiled as she look at him. Her hand on the hilt of her sword.

"Is my acting that good? Maybe it is or it's just that you're too stupid to fall for it." Kazumi replied.

"You...." the demon growled.

"Why should I be scared to someone who's not intimidating at all? For me, you're just nothing but a stupid coward, a very fine piece of trash." Kazumi mocked in a calm tone her smile not faltering.

Her words were like daggers that hit the demon hard inside. He gritted his teeth almost looking like as if it's going to break. He soon dashed forward ready to kill her but....


.... he only felt his body fall on the ground. In a blink of an eye, he has a large slash wound across his stomach almost cutting him in half. He tried his best to regenerate but he can't.

"Now go to hell you perverted trash."

The demon tried to get up but he couldn't. The only thing he could do is to watch his killer walk away from him and vanish.

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