Chapter 54: Bloody Night

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Clashing of blades are heard at the Frost Estate. Ringo's currently battling Etsudo, turns out that his parasol is a sword in disguise. While Mei's currently facing Hisano. They also found out that they brought some demons with them and are now causing havoc at the village.

"Are you ever wandering how many people have died already while you two are facing us?" Etsudo asked.

"No because we are well prepared for this night." Ringo answered giving Etsudo a glare.

On the other hand, while the Frost Estate is being protected by Ringo and Mei, Haruna and Kano are currently facing the demons at the village to protect the people out there, Nahori's with them together with the two kakushis to assist the injured people.

"Ugh! This is annoying! How could they just attack here at one night and this many!" Haruna complained in an annoyed tone.

"Nii-sama's right, thankfully, Ringo-san and Mei-san had a plan about this." Kano replied stabbing another demon.


Ringo, Mei, Haruna, Kano, and Nahori are currently gathered in the living room. They have to organize a plan to protect the village and the estate according from Kazumi's warning.

"Tonight wouldn't be an easy one, for this incoming enemies we have are much more difficult than that of a normal demon." Ringo stated.

"How is that if they aren't even actual demons?" Kano asked with a confused look.

"Listen. Master already told me and Mei-san here that the enemies are coming. Since she wouldn't be here, I'm sure they'll take advantage of that. There are two people who would surely come here and I've already met them back then. They might be humans but their skills are even deadlier than that of a normal demon." Ringo answered.

"So you mean, their targetting us?!" Kano asked in panic.

"Well, I could say that. But their main goal here is either to kill anyone here at the estate or everyone to make Kazumi-sama lose heart." Ringo answered again clenching her pants.

"That's why we will be having a plan not to let that happen. We shouldn't put all the things Kazumi-sama taught us into waste." Mei said looking seriously at them.

Flashback Ends《《《《

"Don't worry, your wound's not that deep." Nahori reassured a man in panic of his injuries.

"Father, could you give me more bandages? I'll go check the others." Satoshi said to his father who is also a kakushi.

"Here." The man answered handing him five bandages.

"Insect Breathing, Dance of the Butterfly: Caprice!"

Haruna leapt forward to a demon giving him several stabs and slashes stopping it from devouring a child

"Are you alright?" Haruna asked in a worried tone.

"Yes, thank you nee-chan." The child answered before running back to his mother.

They kept on counting the demons they kill since it just seemed like they just kept on coming.

"Flame Breathing, First form: Unknowing Fire!"

Ringo charged at him at high speed sending him multiple slashes. Etsudo managed to dodged it but still received slashes around his body.

'She's even faster than before. Dammit!'
Etsudo thought as he cough out blood.

"You damn bastard! All this time you were alive. Say, where's that damn mistress of yours? You killed her too?" Ringo spat out smirking at him.

"Heh. Your tongue has become sharper than the last time too huh. Good to hear your voice again." Etsudo replied as he charge at Ringo.

She lifted her sword again to block his attack. She soon jumped away to gain distance as Etsudo try his best to stand on his feet while sweating coldly. He gritted his teeth while glaring at Ringo as he cough out more blood.


"What? I see, so it has taken effect now, good."

Etsudo soon slowly fell on his knees and dropped his sword. Ringo turned around to walk away from him. Just as she do so, Etsudo turned his head to his bow and an arrow near it, he crawled towards it as he grab it and point it behind Ringo. He let go of the arrow as it reach Ringo, but instead of hitting her, it hit the wall instead. Within just a blink of an eye, Etsudo's head is now on the ground as his headless body drop down dead with blood spurting out of it staining the garden.

"Now go to hell where you and that bitch belong." Ringo said as she glare down at the corpse and spit at it before leaving to check on Mei.

Mei managed to finish her opponent only gaining a wound on her left shoulder and some minor scratches like Ringo.

"We're finally finish." Mei said as she smile at Ringo.

"Yes we are, and I'm sure they do too." Ringo replied looking at the direction of the village.

Kazumi's now running up a mountain, a mountain covered with snow as you go further on top despite the weather not being winter yet. As she go further on top, it just got colder. She soon stopped at a small house. The house is very old and its roof covered with a pile of snow. She walked towards it silently as she sat on the ground covered in snow facing a mound.

"I'm home, mother."

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