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Hello there again everyone who added this book of mine to their reading lists, voted, commented, and followed me, I know this is late for some of you who already know but Piggy insisted for me to announce it here although it's late.

Book two is out everyone!!!! "Priceless Smile 2", I'm sorry if I can't put a screenshot here since my phone's on full storage already. I also published another one titled "artbook/ random book" but it seems like I have to put that artbook on hold because of my phone's storage. AND I'M HONESTLY ANNOYED!!!

If only unlimited storage exist!!!

Anyways, may you enjoy the book two everyone!!!!

🐷: I've told you about this before but you didn't listen, oink!

🕵️‍♂️: I'm sorry *sulks in the corner*

🐷: *sighs* Alright.

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