Chapter 40: Rush

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Since the upcoming celebration is still next month. Everyone still have their time to do and finish their assigned missions and also a time to prepare theirselves.

Kazumi's now back to her original look and on her way to another mission. Night has fallen now and she just got out of the village after her mission.

"CAAAW! KAZUMI-SAMA! EMERGENCY! CAAAW!" Taro announced panicking.

"Please calm down and tell me." Kazumi said lifting up her right arm for the crow to land on.

"Master! Hurry! Kano and Haruna needs your help! They're fighting a dangerous demon and are on the verge of dying! Caaaw!" Taro answered quickly.

Kazumi dashed to the direction Taro had given her. She's still calm and all but she got to be faster than the usual speed she would use when travelling to her missions.

As she enter the forest, she hopped from tree to tree and would occasionally land on the ground swiftly.

[At Kano and Haruna's place....]

Kano and Haruna were currently panting trying their best to control and catch their breath. The right side of Haruna's forehead is currently bleeding while Kano's left shoulder is bleeding too. Both of them have bruises and scratches.

"Insect Breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter!"

Haruna dashed at her target in a blinding speed sending a single powerful thrust to inject her target with poison. As her blade got closer at her target, she felt a stinging pain on her gut. Before she realized it, she was kicked on her gut that sent her flying away, her back hitting a huge tree that made her cough out blood.

While the opponent's distracted of Haruna, Kano charged forward with the same attack. A single powerful trust to inject their opponent with poison. As his blade get closer, the opponent disappeared in front of him.

"You're dead!"

Kano heard a voice from behind him. He saw the incoming attack directed at his chest. As it get closer, he felt an arm around his waist.

"Haruna!" Kano said as both him and Haruna land on the ground after jumping away from the demon.

"Be careful! Nii-sama won't like it if we die here!" Haruna replied holding the hilt of her sheathed sword.

"Poison won't affect me that easily so both your efforts are useless." The demon said giving them an evil smirk.

The demon dashed towards them with his fist. They jumped to the side as the demon ended up punching the ground leaving a small crater and made their surroundings dusty. As he show himself up to the two, he charged towards Haruna.

"Insect Breathing, Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon!"

Haruna moved her blade in order to defend herself striking six different areas of the demon's body injecting him with more poison.

Kano took this chance to attack the demon from behind.

"Insect Breathing, Butterfly Dance: Caprice!"

Kano leapt forward sending multiple stabs to the demon. While he kept his self busy from Haruna's attacks, he saw her jump back and felt his body being stabbed and slashed multiple times from behind.

"YOU BRATS!!!" The demon shouted obviously irritated now.

He could slowly feel his body getting exhausted and his regeneration speed slower than before. He did ate many humans with marechi blood but he has been fighting the two for a long while already. He needed more in order to get stronger. As he saw the two coming towards him from behind and in front, he thought of a plan.

Haruna could smell how his scent changed and got alerted. She knew he got a trick.

"KANO WATCH OUT!" She shouted stopping herself from attacking.

Kano heard this and barely dodged the demons attack nearly stabbing him. The dusts finally cleared and they saw him grew a tail, and at the end of his tail is what looked like a stinger. The tail soon slapped Kano's left cheek sending him rolling down the ground and dropping his sword. Haruna's about to help him by grabbing his sword but the demon's tail attacked her that made her jump away.

"Such a pity. It's a two against one battle and yet it looks like I'm clearly winning." The demon said grabbing Kano's sword.
"This sword is beautiful but.... it'll be such a useless weapon once I break it." He added looking at it.

Hearing his words about breaking the sword, Kano dashed forward in an attempt to grab his sword back. The demon soon smirked and controlled his tail in order to stop Kano's attempt.

"Insect Breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter!"

Haruna focused and gave her all in her attack. This only made her faster than when she previously used the breathing. She dashed forward in an incredible speed stabbing the tail on the ground preventing it from stabbing Kano.

This made the demon surprised that he lost focus and didn't notice Kano who already have his sword on his hands.

But then, Haruna suddenly felt the tail move. She quickly pulled out her sword but the demon's already behind her.

"NO! HARUNA!" Kano shouted dashing forward.

As his claws are about to make contact with Haruna's back, he suddenly felt pain. He saw his hand drop on the ground and the girl no longer in front of him.

"You two have done well."

Kano and Haruna felt theirselves being gently put down the ground. They looked up, their eyes widened. They saw that ever familiar person who just saved them greeting them with her usual gentle and warm smile.

"Another came huh." The demon said finishing to fully regenerate his hand.

Kazumi turned around to face him smiling. She slowly unsheathed her sword.

"Looks like I have to make you pay for nearly killing them." She said pointing her sword to the demon.

"You sure? Don't joke with me! You're clearly even smaller than them!" The demon replied pointing his tail to Kano and Haruna.

"Then how come you didn't even notice me?"

Her question just made the demon chuckle for a bit. He soon dashed forward with his planned attack. He planned to attack her from the front while crippling his tail behind her cornering her. To his surprise, he felt his tail getting cut and his face getting kicked to the side that sent him rolling on the ground.

"Come on, that's just a kick." Kazumi said looking at the demon while approaching him slowly.

"Shut up! If only I met you before them I could've shown you my real strength!" The demon replied as he stood back up.
"Don't underestimate me!"

"Seems like you've forgotten me...." Kazumi said stopping on her tracks.
".... Naruki."

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