Chapter 77: Face to Face

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Kazumi's currently walking around the city where she has been assigned for her new mission. She spotted an open ice cream stall and decided to get some.

"What flavor would you like kid?" The old man asked.

"Vanilla and chocolate please." Kazumi answered.

Shortly, her order was given and she walked away. As she walk away while licking her ice cream, she bumped into someone. She looked at it, it's a child. He has a short black hair and red plum eyes. He's wearing a button up long sleeve shirt and shorts with socks and shoes.

'Shape shifting. You're really something aren't you?'
She thought.

She knew even from the distant before bumping him, the child is not human. She's now face to face with none other than the progenirator himself.

"I'm sorry, it seems like I didn't notice you." Kazumi apologized smiling and bowing slightly.

'So, this slayer isn't stupid.'
Muzan thought.

The child stayed silent as Kazumi walk away from him. Just as she do so, Muzan only watched her, an irk mark forming on his forehead.

'Finally.... I came face to face to one of my targets.'
Muzan thought as if he's so excited to do something.

"Kazumi." He muttered out in a whisper before vanishing from his spot.

Kazumi stopped on her tracks as she look behind. The spot where she last saw Muzan is now empty. But despite that, she could still hear his sound and feel his presence around. The kind of presence he has that could make anyone who feels it shiver in fear, but not her. She continued to walk away.

"Seems like tonight would be a hard one."

Tanjiro's currently meditating on the rooftop of the Butterfly Estate, a voice suddenly caught him off guard.


Tanjiro snapped his eyes open as he turn his head to his side to see Shinobu. It made him blush slightly for how close she is as she backed away a little and sat down with him.

"Seems like you're working hard. Aren't you even wondering where your two friends are?" Shinobu said.

"That's why I'm working hard. I wanted to master it immediately and then teach it to them later." Tanjiro replied.

After his answer, silence enveloped them for a while. Tanjiro then smelled something from Shinobu.

"Shinobu-san.... are you angry?" He asked.

Shinobu's eyes widened but shortly went back to normal. She soon looked down.

"I guess you could say that. Ever since my sister died from a demon, I kept on smiling. You know, she's just like you, you two are very kind. Even in her death, she pitied demons. I too dreamed of a world where demons and humans could exist together." Shinobu answered.

"Then, what about Kazu-kun? I.... saw everyone of you glaring at him." Tanjiro asked again remembering the trial he had.

"Kazumi.... killed someone close to us. And that someone was very special to us." Shinobu answered again.

Tanjiro's eyes widened. His shocked expression saying he couldn't believe what he just heard. He never expected this kind of answer.

'Kazu-kun.... killed someone?'
Tanjiro asked himself mentally.

He soon saw Shinobu stand up.

"Goodluck Tanjiro-kun!" She said before vanishing in front of him.

Tanjiro sighed closing his eyes before opening them again.

'If their reactions towards him were like that, it only means it's true. How? How could he do such a thing?'
Tanjiro thought now getting confused.

Tanjiro soon went back inside the estate to rest for the night. He can't help but feel saddened. He couldn't do anything but think on what he should feel towards Kazumi, whether to still trust her or not.

'Maybe.... maybe I should keep my distance from him for a while.'
He finally decided before closing his eyes to sleep.

Since Kazumi's the only person assigned there in the city, she has to defend and yet at the same time rescue people from a swarm of demons that suddenly showed up. As she finish slashing one, she jumped onto the other one to stab it. As she was about to slash it, she has to jump back and save an old lady from being devoured.

"Please hide somewhere safe." She instructed still in a calm tone and a smile on her face.

Despite this happening, her aura and smile didn't falter. She's handling the situation smoothly but a bit rough too. Indeed, the clamest amongst all the Pillars as this situation did not even made her panic nor angered her the slightest.

'Ara~ ara~, he really wants me dead does he?'
Kazumi thought as she decapitated three demons.

Many buildings and homes were crashed but thankfully, no one died. She jumped onto one large demon to another slashing them in a blink of an eye making their bodies fall on the ground. She jumped to the side and saved two children from getting smashed by a building debris. As she put them down, she slashed the demons who dashed towards them.

"One, two.... Five demons left." She counted while looking at the five huge demons.

She dashed forward to save people first from their grasps while slashing the demons at the same time.

"Frost Breathing, first form: ....." she dashed forward to one of them.
".... Frozen Scythe Slash."

The demon instantly have a slash wound across his body from his left side up to his right shoulder. She then dashed forward to cut another one, but was distracted when she heard someone shouting for help. She stopped and saved the person first, the demon took advatage of it and threw her to the side making her back hit a wall.

'Come on, I'm not even serious yet this is the only damage I got.'
She thought chuckling at herself dodging another attack.

"I lost my energy to play now, let's end this." She muttered out.

In an instant, she vanished from her spot. The demons looked around but didn't saw any sign of her.

"Frost Breathing, seventh form: Winter Hail."

As she dashed towards the demons. She sent them multiple stabs and slashes making them loose some of their limbs and their heads with such a painful freezing sensation. All four of them fell on the ground headless as Kazumi swung her sword to the side before sheathing it.

'Thankfully, none of them are upper moons.'
Kazumi thought seeing the damage the swarm of demons caused.

Most of the people around got severely injured. She has to help the other ones from losing too much blood since the medics nearby would still take some time to come. She transferred from one person to another. Either stopping their bleeding, wrapping their wounds, assisting the ones who were fractured, giving the others chest compressions, and more. By sunrise, she may not feel it, but her body's exhausted.

"You've done too much last night, please rest." Take said.

"I will once the sun completely rise. We can't be careless." Kazumi replied while sitting on a rooftop.

     On the other hand, Muzan, still in his child form, gripped the book he's holding tightly almost tearing it apart. He's gritting his teeth as veins pop on his neck from anger and frustration.

'Dammit! First, the boy with hanafuda earrings! And now the one who almost killed all my lower moons! Just how long would it take me to kill two pests!'

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