Chapter 119: Too Generous

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     Aiko's now enjoying her sakura mochis Kazumi bought as she ate it with her and the children, including Fu. Take's also out again as to deliver Aiko's letter to the Ubuyashiki Estate.

"Nee-chan, how does Mitsuri-san look like?" Ai asked.

"She's beautiful and cheerful. Her haircolor is also amazing, from pink fading to green." Kazumi answered smiling at her.

"Will we be able to see them someday?" Togashi asked.

"Of course you three will. It's just that, that'll take a long time." Aiko answered patting her son's head.

After finishing their mochis, Fu and Kazumi has to leave once again to sneak back to their room. By the time they arrived and entered their room, they saw Hikaru inside.

"What're you doing here?" Fu asked.

"Just came here to give something important." Hikaru answered as she walked towards Kazumi.

Kazumi then looked at the tube Hikaru handed her with a red liquid inside, she slowly grabbed it and held it carefully.

"That's demon blood. Aiko told me the Ubuyashikis knew a certain someone who also makes medicine but needed demon blood. She also said her younger sisters also needed some for they plan to make a certain medicine too." Hikaru explained as she opened the door ready to leave.

"So you want me to give this to them?" Kazumi asked.

"Yeah. As you can see, I can't get out of here." Hikaru answered as she walk out of the room and close the door.

"What's with her?" Fu asked in confusion.

"She wanted to help I guess." Kazumi answered as she look at the tube she's holding before hiding it.
"For now.... let's go to the training room."

     Their scene changed again as they are now inside the Ubuyashiki Estate again. Kazumi's kneeling on the tatami mat in front of the the same man and his wife.

"I see, so you wanted to know who's that person who also helps us." Kagaya said.


"Her name's Tamayo-san. She's a demon but she helps humans as a doctor. She wanted to make a medicine that could turn a demon back to being a human. The same goes for the Kocho sisters." Kagaya explained.

'So he really knows Tamayo-san.'
Tanjiro thought.

"A certain friend of mine named Hikaru-san gave me some demon blood. She gave me one at first but later on gave me another one. I would like to hand this to you for you to give them." Kazumi said as she place the two tubes down the tatami mat.

"Are you.... really sure about this?" He asked for assurance.

"Those blood are from Kibutsuji Muzan. The blood he has given to Hibiki in order to turn us into demons." Kazumi answered.

"This could be a big help. Thank you."

"No need, I'm just doing what I can to help."

After that, she left again as she ended up coming back to the same village she saved. She looked at how fast they managed to recover, in just a few days time, their village is now like before. As if no demon attack happened. Just as she walk around, a man called her from behind.

"Hey! Wait! Wait!" The man yelled as she stop walking and look back.

The man stopped in front of her panting a little. He's a wearing a red kimono and black hakama pants.

"You're the kid who stopped my father's bleeding and killed the demon right?" He asked.

"Yes, why?" She answered.

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