Chapter 64: Whisper to the Fourth

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Fuji and Kai are inside Kazumi's underground laboratory while Aoki decided to go back to his own place for a while and fix his own business. As the two kept on working at some medicine they are about to distribute at a certain village, Take came back and entered through a small opening from above.

"Tamayo sent a letter." He said handing the letter to Fuji.

Fuji instantly opened it and read what's written on the paper.

"What does it say?" Kai asked walking closer.

"It says that her and Yushiro already transferred to a new place. They were attacked by Muzan's demons last night but managed to defeat it with the help of a slayer named Kamado Tanjiro and his demon sister, Kamado Nezuko." Fuji answered as she folded the letter back and put it on the table.

"Weren't those two Master mentioned when we came here? The slayer carrying a demon." Kai said crossing his arms.

"Yes they are. Seems like Tamayo's going to help them too. I'm sure of it." Fuji replied as she gets back on her work.
"We'll tell Master about this once she's back."

As Kazumi continued to walk and travel to the location of her assigned mission, she ended up in a village. As she walk around, she noticed how quite it is, almost like a ghost town. She kept on walking looking around when suddenly, a child bumped her in front.

"I-I'm sorry." He apologized.

"Don't worry, it's alright." Kazumi replied giving the boy a pat on the head.

The boy soon left running on his way. Kazumi watched him as he got further and she continued to walk around.

Before the sun sets, she managed to ask some villagers around. She only received their scared expressions and stammering, it only led her to have no choice but to wait until the night comes and find it out herself.

As she sat on the rooftop of a certain house, she felt the aura she's been waiting for. She jumped from roof to roof before reaching the place where it's coming from.

"Tch! Useless! People locked their selves and now I have to look for them myself!" The demon complained.

The demon has a white short hair, a pair of horns, and a red kimono with a black-and-white fur collar. She has gray colored pupils and dark-red sclera, on her left eye, she has the kanji of four for her rank.

"Ara~, a demon throwing a tantrum because she has to make the effort to catch her prey. What a child." Kazumi teased.

The demon looked up the roof behind her to see who just talked to her. She saw a slayer standing atop, hands placed on the side instead of holding the sword hilt.

"Who are you?" The demon asked.

"Aren't you suppose to tell yours first? "

"..... Mukago.... lower moon four."

Kazumi jumped down and walked closer to the demon giving the demon a closer look of her figure.

Mukago's eyes widened as she seemed to froze on her spot. Her whole body shivered. Seeing the slayer in front of her made her remember the late lower moon two. Since they share information through their mind, she knew who killed him.

"Y-You.... it's.... you...." Mukago stuttered taking a step back.

"I see, you demons share information so you knew me." Kazumi replied.

'This slayer, he's the one who slayed lower moon two.... wait.... is it a boy or a girl?'
Mukago thought as she kept on looking at the figure in front of her.

"Hmm.... afraid aren't we? Well if you won't make a move—" Kazumi got cut off her words as Mukago suddenly ran away.

She watched as the demon ran as fast as she can away from her and to the forest. She just sighed before going after her. Not seeming to mind it at all that the demon she is suppose to kill just ran away to escape.

Mukago's sweating cold, running away from the slayer that just showed up with all her strength. She's faster than the usual speed she use whenever she run away from the other slayers or to hide from the sun.

'That slayer definitely is not a normal one.... he's definitely a Pillar.... yes he is.'
Mukago thought in panic as she turn her head to her back to see anyone following her.

As she saw no one, she sighed in relief before looking in front. She then suddenly jumped down from a tree branch to stop.

"Finally.... I lost him." Mukago mumbled to herself.

"Hello there! You're a fast runner!"

Mukago's whole body froze as she is now face to face with the Pillar whom she tried to escape from. She jumped away to gain distance as Kazumi just looked at her tilting her head a little.

"Shut up! I haven't eaten any humans tonight so let me go!" Mukago exclaimed.

"But you still ate so many during the previous nights and more to this upcoming ones." Kazumi replied, her calm expression and smile not faltering.

'How the hell is he smiling?! Isn't his expression suppose to change even just a little?'
Mukago thought again questioning herself at the actions of the slayer in front of her.

She tried to run away again but Kazumi leapt forward kicking her back and pinning her on the ground. The slayer now standing on her back.

"Say Mukago-san, aren't you a cowardly one. You knew that I'm a Pillar so you ran away, it seems like Muzan has wrongly promoted you to being one of the twelve kizukis." Kazumi stated.

Her words are like arrows and blades that stabbed Mukago from the inside, scarring the demon's pride. Kazumi saw how Mukago shiver in anger and tried to lift her right arm but Kazumi already held both her wrist down.

"You're taller than me and I know you're heavier too, how come can you not get up?" Kazumi whispered beside her ear.

Her warm breath made Mukago shiver. No one has ever talked that close to her nor whispered to her like that.

"Do you.... wanna live?"

Her question made Mukago stiff.

"Of course I do! Why the hell would I even ran away from you if I don't?!" Mukago answered looking at Kazumi in the corner of her eye.

"But you know you're still going to die even if you did. It's either you encounter another Pillar or Muzan himself killing you for running away."

"H-How dare you.... how dare you say such a thing?!"

"Obviously because he dislikes weak and coward demons. As you can see, the upper moons are much more stronger than you lower ones."

Silence surrounded them. Mukago can't think straight right now. The slayer's right, she would still end up dead even if she managed to ran away.

"Bye then." Kazumi whispered to her.

She instantly unsheathed her sword and stabbed Mukago's neck injecting her with poison. She knew that even if she questions the demon about Muzan's whereabouts, she wouldn't answer nor even utter his name. And the same goes if she questions her on how to turn a demon back to being a human. She stood up and walked away seeing the demon disintegrate slowly.

"Seems like it will still take some time before I could face him.... again."

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