Chapter 112: Spirit

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     Kazumi got out of the lab after the experiment and managed to inform Asano and Fu about it. They were glad she didn't turn into one. Now they're out again for their night hunt. And just as they venture further more, the three of them heard some sort of blades clashing.

"Let's check it." Fu said.

Now, all three of them are wearing a white mask with red motifs. In order for them not to be recognized at all.

As they reach the place, they saw a white haired slayer fighting demons on the hanging bridge.

"That's dangerous! Out of all the place they could fight at, why the bridge!" Asano exclaimed.

"I guess he has no choice but to face them there." Fu replied.

The three watched the scene as one of the two demons passed by the slayer and went on the side where the three were. And what's bad is, the demon managed to knock out the slayer before fully disintegrating as the other one who managed to pass by him cut the rope.

"Shit." Fu cursed.

Kazumi then sprinted towards the bridge and held the unconscious slayer by the back of his collar as her other hand held onto the rope.

'He's heavy.'

Kazumi then looked down to see a swamp down and she noticed one thing, that swamp have crocodiles in them.

'If he falls down there he's dead.'

As the slayers look at the unconscious slayer they recognized him. He was no other than Shinazugawa Sanemi.

"That happened?" Sanemi asked.

"As you can see moron." Fuji answered glaring at him.

Fu and Asano managed to kill the demon but they also couldn't go to the bridge or all of them will fall.

"Can you throw him to us?" Asano asked.

"He's heavy." Kazumi answered as the other part of the rope snapped while the other part is still intact.

"Is she serious?!" Sanemi exclaimed his brows furrowed.

'I have no choice, if the other part of the rope snaps.... both of us will fall.'

Kazumi then let go of the rope as she used both her arms and her strength to throw the unconscious slayer to Asano and Fu. They managed to catch him at the edge and pull him up.

"KAZUMI!" Fu yelled as Kazumi fell down the swamp.

As she fell down and kept her head atop, she could feel the crocodiles slowly swimming closer to her. She then swam out of the water before one of them could even eat her.

"Shinazugawa-san.... you bastard." Tengen cursed.

"What?! It's not my fault that I fell unconscious during the fight!" Sanemi retorted, a tick mark appearing on the side of his forehead.

"Shut up you ungrateful bastards!" Fuji cursed at them as the two shut their mouths.

"Hey, are you alright?" Fu asked as he arrive.
"Don't worry, Asano's with him."

"Yeah." Kazumi answered barely escaping the crocs.

"Anyway, I bet that slayer just now is Shinazugawa Sanemi. One of Aiko-san's friends. White hair with scars all over his body and face." Fu walked back carrying Kazumi on his back.

Just as they arrive, they saw Asano keeping his distant from the unconscious slayer who's now leaning on a tree.

"Asano." Fu called.

"You guys are back." Asano replied in a whisper.

"The hell are you doing?" Fu asked as he put Kazumi down.

"Come on. Aiko-san said he has a short temper and some sort of aggressiveness, what if he kills me once he wakes up." Asano answered still in a whisper.

Kazumi then walked closer to him as she look at him. She then patted his left shoulder to wake him up. As his eyelids move and his body shows the sign of waking up, the three instantly hid away from him.

"Why did you do that?!" Asano asked in a whisper.

"We still have to go and see more, we can't leave him unconscious." Kazumi answered.

"First Uzui being a pervert and now me. Do I look like I bite people?!" Sanemi scoffed.

"Bullsh*t! You're one to talk! Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?! Let me just remind you, you're the one who nearly killed Master!" Fuji snapped at him as Kai has to hold her back again.
"Let me hurt you like you did to her!"

"Please calm down or you'll end up killing them." Kai sweatdropped as he kept his hold to Fuji.

"Then so be it!" Fuji growled.

'Fuji-san.... really is scary.'
The Kamaboko trio sweatdropped watching Kai struggling to hold her.

As their scene changed again, it showed another different place, it's a forest covered in mist. They noticed the sound of the blades clashing at each other as they saw the three children watching someone fight.

"Come on, it's just a month after we met the aggressive one and here we are watching the gentle-giant." Asano said putting his hands at the back of his head.

"You're really ridiculous at giving nicknames." Fu replied, his right eyebrow twitching.

"Even me?" Gyomei asked as he saw his younger self fighting a demon.

'So it's true, he's big. But he's bigger than I thought. He's like a bear.'

They all chuckled hearing her thoughts as they watch the fight. Kazumi wrote everything she think are important during the fight. How the slayer move and how he breathes, just like what she have done before to the previous ones.

"So cool! He got a unique weapon, instead of a sword, he uses a flail and an axe. That must be heavy." Asano praised.

"Seeing his size and his movements and that he's blind, his weapon suits him just fine." Fu said as he look at the slayer in the eyes.

Shortly, the fight ended but now, the mist just got thicker.

"Fu. Asano. Deal with the one causing this mist." Kazumi said.

The two nodded as they went the other way.

"Now, how am I suppose to get out of here. The mist disrupts my senses." Gyomei asked himself as he started to walk away trying to find his way out.

Just as he go further, a soft small hand held his left index finger and led him the other way.

"My.... what soft small hand. I really can't tell whether you're a human or a demon."


"You must be a spirit.... I received some reports that children often went missing here.... you must be one of them."

'I wish I am. Rather than being chained up.'

They were all saddened at her thoughts again. How she choose death over those chains that binds her.

Shortly then, they managed to come out of the misty forest and Gyomei felt his senses coming back but also the soft small hand letting go of his.

"I pray that your soul may rest in peace young one, thank you for guiding me out." Gyomei thanked as tears roll down his cheeks, his hands in a praying position.

'Sorry.... but I am not a spirit and neither am I going to be at peace.... hell knows no bounds for suffering.'

"I.... remember it now." Gyomei said as they look at him.
"This was the last mission I had before stepping up as a Pillar."

They all watched Kazumi as she walk back into the misty forest whose mist started to dwell down.

"A spirit.... I do hope it's just true Himejima Gyomei-san."

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