Chapter 120: Azakura

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Kazumi's now back from the village. She managed to explain to them that she still can't stay there for a long time, telling them about being busy and having to handle lots of things. They did promised her that they'll take care of it while she's away.

"You're back just in time." Fu said while waiting for her inside the room.

"Did Hibiki come here again?" Kazumi asked.

"No. But one of his men did. They asked me about you but I just answered 'I don't know.'" Fu answered.

"Let's go now then." Kazumi said as they leave the room.

"Flower Breathing, sixth form: Whirling Peach."

Fu dashed towards the demons as he spun his body around moving with his body weight as he deliver an attack. He managed to decapitate all three of them.

Kazumi then handled the assassins as she used poisoned senbon needles to kill them. The two assassins fell on the ground lifeless before Fu and Kazumi burry them.

"Let's split now." Fu said as him and Kazumi went their opposite ways.

Their scene changed again as Kazumi's now rushing up a mountain. As she get closer to her destination, she remained calm despite the scent of blood meeting her nose and the slow pulse she's hearing. As she reach it, she saw Fu standing with his back turned away from her.

"Fu." Kazumi called.

"Don't.... don't come.... any closer." Fu replied as he grip his sword tightly.

Kazumi then heard his sound changing and his scent. Fu is slowly turning into a demon.

"There was a group of slayers here a while ago.... then demons also showed up. I managed to protect them but.... the assassins came. There were twenty of them. Whenever I shot them dead, they'll come back as demons." Fu explained.

"Let's go back.... maybe.... Hikaru-san could restrain you." Kazumi suggested walking closer to him.

Fu then faced her as she halted. Both his eyes are now glowing yellow similar to that of a cat.

"Kill me.... I don't wanna hurt.... my own sister or anyone." Fu said as he smile at her.
"I always love it when I see you smile."


"Your smile is always so warm.... despite everything you went through. It's.... so.... so.... warm." Fu said as he let go of his sword and a tear falling from his right eye.

His body started twitching as his demon instincts tells him to attack but he tries his best to stay put and hold his self back.

"Now! KAZUMI!" Fu shouted as Kazumi charged at him beheading him.

As his body fall on his knees, Kazumi hugged it. Fu's head that's now on the ground is looking at her with a smile.

"How I wish.... I could see that smile of yours again. That warm smile.... that kept me alive.... Thank you.... for ending me." Fu muttered  out as tears come out of his eyes, his body hugged her.
"Sorry.... for leaving you too."

His body then disintegrated as Kazumi's left there again, all alone. She then stood up picking up his sword that's still intact and his gun. She walked away gripping those two things so hard.

'Again.... I'm.... left behind.'

She walked back to the hideout and walked into the room. A room she shares with two people but now has no one to share with. Take saw the sword that Kazumi put down and the gun. She then took off her cloak and mask as she sat down the bed.

"Is he—"

"I killed him." Kazumi said cutting Take off from his words.

Take just sat close right beside her as she gently caress his back.

"In the end.... she has to kill those two with her own hands." Gyomei said as he look at her with pity.

"Let's go see her." Kazumi said as she carry Take with her and leave the room.

Now their scene changed again as they are again inside Aiko's room. The children were asleep as Kazumi sat there silently.

"Is there something wrong?" Aiko asked looking at her with a worried expression.

"Fu.... I killed him." Kazumi answered.

Aiko's shocked. Although this wasn't the first time, it still feels like it's new to her. She then hugged Kazumi as she caress her back gently.

"I'm sure they don't blame you at all." Aiko said as she comfort her.

As their scene changed again, they saw Kazumi with Hikaru in her lab. She's making some explosives with the use of the chemicals there.

"You know a lot, I'm impressed." Hikaru praised as she look at the three bottles Kazumi finished.

"We can't escape here without destroying this place." Kazumi replied.

A thin line is the only thing that formed on Hikaru's lips upon hearing her.

"So you finally wanted to get outta here."

"I've wanted to for so long but I'm afraid that Asano and Fu would die if I did. But now they're gone.... I don't want Aiko-san's children to suffer here."

Hikaru just watched her do her thing as she stayed silent. She then walked towards the book shelf as if looking for some books.

"When will you do that? Your plan?" Hikaru asked.

"Maybe once Aiko-san can walk and run like normal again since I still have to carefully and slowly extract the medicine Hibiki's giving her. Maybe soon." Kazumi answered.

"I see.... do you have any place to stay at now?"

"Yes. Fortunately I do, I even have another friend to come here and help." Kazumi answered as she put aside the newly finished explosive in a bottle.

"Really? That'll be great then. Who is it?"

"Yasashii Ringo-san, she was the one I helped from the Red Light District."

Hikaru remained silent for a short while. Kazumi could hear her sadness and also feel it from her aura.

"Is there something wrong Hikaru-san?" Kazumi asked.

"Nothing. Just to think of it, you were just seven when Fu died and now you're turning eight planning for an almost impossible escape.... Time flies by so fast." Hikaru answered still her back facing Kazumi while holding a book.
"You managed to live despite all of those things you went through. All those tortures you have to face every single day."

"But escaping from here doesn't mean I wouldn't have any responsibilities.... I still have to help the slayers." Kazumi said.

"She helped us yet none of us even know." Mitsuri said as she sadly look down.

"Say Kazumi, you don't have any surname." Hikaru faced her as she put the book she's holding back to the shelf.

"Is there something wrong about that?" Kazumi asked.

"Of course. A lot of people would ask you for one and also, you need it for presenting yourself formally." Hikaru answered.

"I see.... maybe I'll think about it." Kazumi replied facing the table.


Kazumi then faced Hikaru as she tilt her head a little.

"That'll be your surname from now on, Azakura Kazumi." Hikaru said as she pat her head.

"Where did you get that from?" Kazumi asked.

"From a book I read when I was your age. It was such a wonderful story."

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