Chapter 62: Crying Mess

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Hearing Tetsuya's explanation only made Ringo sick to her stomach. She gripped her pants so tight her knuckles are turning white, her expression darkened as she kept looking down. Gritting her teeth, she's shivering from anger.

"You...." she muttered out enough for the couple to hear.

Tetsuya's trying his best not to cry but he failed, as his tears streamed down his face and dripped down on his lap.

Ringo slowly got up from her sitting position and walked towards the door sliding it open leading to the inner corridors.

"I'll leave or I might end up beating the shit out of you." Ringo spat before leaving.

She walked down the halls. As she passed by Satoshi, he felt the anger radiating from her which made him flinch. As she reach her room, Mei saw her and approached her.

"What happened?" Mei asked seeing her angered expression.

"I'll explain it to you once the Master is home, remembering it only makes me want to kill him more." Ringo answered as she entered her room.

Mei knew it didn't come out well. And seeing the angered expression of Ringo, she knew what happened is a very serious thing related to Kazumi. She couldn't do anything but to hope that there would be no chaos to happen.

A few minutes after Ringo entered her room and Tetsuya calming down, Kazumi arrived.

"Oka-sama!" Ai called.

This caught the other children's attention as they ran towards her and greeted her. The brothers were taken aback to see whom they just called 'mother'.

"Are you serious?" Shu muttered out.

"Welcome home nii-sama!" Mitsuki greeted.

Kazumi got swarmed with children in just seconds after showing up. She patted everyone's heads before looking at the brothers and the couple who just came out from the living room.

"Hello there Tetsuya-san and Toshino-san, and also to the rest." Kazumi greeted them.

They all smiled at her as thet approach her. Touya ran towards her and hugged her.

"Finally you're home Kazumi-chan!" Touya said as he realease her from the hug.

"Yes I am. I'm glad you guys are here to visit." Kazumi replied.

"Wait up. Are you serious? We just heard four children call you 'mother'." Suzuki asked looking dumbfounded.

"Yes. I take care of them so I already got used to it." Kazumi answered.

They all sweatdropped at this.

"Aren't you too young to be called like that?" Shu said scratching his nape.

"It's alright."

"Oh my! Welcome back Master!"

Kazumi turned around to see the person who just greeted her. She has a long waist-length black hair and blue eyes, she's carrying a little child around her arms who's already flinging his arms upon seeing Kazumi.

"I'm back Chiyo-san! And hello there little sunshine!" Kazumi greeted back as she carry the child and lift him up the air. The child giggled and reached down to her face. Kazumi shortly gave him back to Chiyo.

"Waaah! Another one!" Touya said admiring the little child.

"Yes, he's Chiyo-san's son. He's cute right?" Kazumi replied.

"Huh?" Hideshi muttered out looking up to Kazumi with puppy eyes.

Kazumi took notice of this and patted his head.

"Of course you too Hideshi-kun." Kazumi said which was replied by Hideshi with a bright smile.

Nahori soon asked for Kazumi's sword for her to take it to Kazumi's room. The children soon continued to play as the brothers went in the living room and sat there with their parents and Kazumi.

"I apologize for making you guys wait too long." She said giving them a closed eye smile.

"It's alright. We understand." Tetsuya replied.
"Besides, this four did enjoyed playing with the children."

The four just gave out a sheepish chuckle.

"What's important is that you're home safe and sound. Knowing that the missions you take is life threatening." Toshino said.

"Those children, how did they lost their families?" Tomoe asked looking outside.

"Demons.... their family were killed by demons. So I took care of them." Kazumi answered looking at the children.

She didn't notice that they're all looking at her now. She's smiling while watching the children. In just a split second, it's as if Tetsuya just saw Miyuki smiling gently at him.

"Father?" Shu asked that made Tetsuya snap back to reality.

"I'm sorry, I suddenly doze off."

"Did you cry Tetsuya-san? Your eyes are puffy." Kazumi asked noticing Tetsuya's puffy eyes.

"Oh.... well, I did but don't worry, I'm fine." He answered.

She spent some time with them. Talking and laughing with them as they share their own stories. She soon excused herself to fix herself before dinner time comes. As she got out of the living room, she went straight to Ringo's room instead of hers.

"Ringo-san, I'm back." Kazumi called.

The sound of the door being unlocked shortly was heard. Ringo peeked out and saw Kazumi smiling gently at her.

"May I?" Kazumi asked.

Ringo gave out a slight nod as she open the door fully welcoming Kazumi in. She soon closed it as she and Kazumi sat on her bed. Ringo soon laid down and put her head on Kazumi's lap as Kazumi gently caress her head.

"You would usually greet me outside but you didn't. Is there something wrong?" Kazumi asked looking down at her.

"As expected, you'll notice it."

"Of course I will, why can't I?"


"It's alright, you can tell me anything."

Kazumi soon felt her clothes getting wet. She shortly heared Ringo sobbing on her lap.

"How.... How could you forgive him?.... He already told me everything.... his words made me sick! Just staying in the same room with him longer, I could skewer him down! Just how?.... Kazumi-sama...." Ringo muttered out in between her sobs.

"I'm sorry if you have to feel that way because of me.... sorry that you even got affected with my own problems." Kazumi replied.

"Stop saying sorry.... why are you apologizing if you haven't even done anything?.... Seeing one of the people who just made you suffer makes me sad and mad.... and what's more?.... how could you have the heart to forgive such a man as him! He beheaded your mother! He abandoned you!"

Ringo kept on sobbing as she grip on Kazumi's clothes tightly. Kazumi soon gave out a sigh closing her eyes then opening them again.

"I myself kept on wondering too. Even mother's anger towards him made her have an unstable mind, and yet here I am. Still having the strength to smile right in front of him, them."

Kazumi continued to comfort Ringo in her room. She let her cry it all out before Kazumi hummed a lullaby to her while she's sobbing that soon made her fall asleep. She gently moved and fixed Ringo's position before leaving her room and closing the doors slowly. She turned to the other side to walk to her own room now and change seeing that it's almost dinner time.

'I wonder.... if mother's still alive, would she forgive him?'

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