Chapter 104: A Lab Rat's Fate

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"What's your friend's name then Aiko-san?" Asano asked.

"I'll tell you later on when Kazumi could speak. For now, I'll keep it a secret." Aiko replied winking at him.

"Eh?! That's unfair." Asano pouted.

"She's got a point and besides, it's not as if you'll see him anyway." Fu said crossing his arms.

Their scene changed again now back to the training room. They saw Kazumi holding two rubber daggers as she train with Asano.

"Hold it like that then swing it to cut your target." Asano said as he teach Kazumi how to hold it properly.

She followed his movements of swinging his left hand from left to right and his right hand from right to left and vice versa. Asano saw how fast she managed to understand it and taught her some tricks on how to move it in her hands.

"Now copy this." Asano said as he toss the rubber daggers in the air then catching it by the handle.

Kazumi, despite her hair covering her eyes, managed to copy it easily.

"Waaah! You're a fast learner! I'll teach you more!" Asano praised.

From their training turned into Asano teaching her tricks on handling a single and double daggers. Kazumi managed to learn them all.

"See that Tomioka-san? He's much more skilled when it comes to daggers unlike you." Shinobu teased whilst Giyu remained silent as he watch.

"It seems like she's learning fast." Fu said as he approach the two.

"Yeah! That's why I got an idea!" Asano replied.

"Please no." Fu facepalmed his self as he already know what Asano's gonna say.

"Teach her how to use a gun! That'll be amazing!" Asano suggested.

"She's a kid stupid! A gun's too dangerous!" Fu nagged at him.

"I'm interested."

"See?" Asano said as he point at Kazumi's notebook.

Fu just sighed as he led the two to the other corner of the training room where a guard stands. They told him they'll train inside for a gun firing and he let them be. Only a maximum of five people could enter and inside were Naruki and Tetsuko so they were allowed.

"Hm? So you brought the lab rat in here." Tetsuko said smirking.

"Shut up or I'll feed you some bullets." Fu threatened as Tetsuko just rolled his eyes and went back to shooting.

They went to a table where hand guns and shotguns are placed.

"This is crazy! They're children but look at the guns!" Tengen exclaimed.

"Seems like I'm already getting the idea here." Obanai said eyeing the guns.

"What do you mean?" Mitsuri asked.

"This children.... are being trained for assassination." Obanai answered.

Fu then held a handgun as he walk away from the table and stood away from the target log. The log has a red circle mark at the center while a bigger one surrounding it. Fu then held his gun with his right hand as he shoot it. Kazumi watched as the bullet hit the center.

"At least teach her how to hold it properly first and not to hold it your way." Asano said.

"I will! I just shot first!" Fu replied.
"Alright so here, hold the gun with both your hands and use your right index finger to pull the trigger." He continued as he gave her the gun and guided her hands on how to hold it properly.

Kazumi then held the gun properly as she point it at the target while Fu's hands are around hers to help her. As she pulled the trigger, the bullet landed just an inch away from the center.

"Don't you think a gun's too much for her age? I mean.... it's quite heavy." Naruki said watching them.

"Tell that to Asano." Fu replied.

"Me? I'm not the only one here! You're the one teaching her right now!" Asano retorted.

"Cause you wouldn't stop bothering me if I didn't." Fu gave him a deadpanned expression.

Asano just sighed in defeat as Naruki sweatdropped at them.

"Well, the earlier the better. Who knows what if that cruel bastard test her shooting skills so suddenly then torture her if she failed like the others." Asano said scratching his nape.

"Even if she pass, as long as she's chosen as a lab rat, it's her fate to be tortured everyday." Tetsuko butted in as he shoot his last bullet hitting the center of the log.
"As a lab rat, torturing you every single day is part of the experiment."

Their eyes all looked at him. As they follow him walking back to the table to put the gun back with their eyes, he left the room. They all stared at Kazumi with a saddened look.

"He's right. Even if we train her to have such excellent skills, they'll still torture her every single day. Just like yesterday and also I'm sure today again." Asano said looking away as he looked back at Kazumi.

"I'm alright. Don't be sad. I want to train too even though I'll be tortured. At least I'm with my brothers."

The three boys just engulfed her in a group hug before letting out a chuckle as they continue to have a firing training.

"To be tortured every single day, it's even worst than being locked up in a cell and being stuck with a bunch of food trays." Obanai said looking down.

"That's even worst than having to train day and night even though you don't want to." Zenitsu added looking down his feet as he remembers how much of a cry baby he was during his training back then.

"What's more is that.... she managed to survive all that." Gyomei said as he watch them teach her how to shoot a gun.

Their scene changed again of a familiar laboratory and the same female doctor. Kazumi's lying on the same bed again with her wrists, ankles, and neck held down by straps.

"This will be a different poison now. A bit stronger than the previous ones I've given you." Hikaru stated as she walk to her with a syringe.

It has a liquid in it that looks like a normal water. As she injected it into Kazumi, as usual, it didn't affect her at all. She didn't give any reaction even when her nose started to bleed.

"Since you're numb, your body's capable of adapting faster and being able to stand whatever poison I inject inside you. That's quite the advantage of being numb." Hikaru explained as she grab some tissues and wipe away the blood from Kazumi's nose.
"But of course, along the advantages also comes the negative effects which are the disadvantages."

After that, Hikaru gave her a ten minute break to stay in her lab before calling a male doctor for her electrocution stage. Even if she didn't want to, she'll die if she wouldn't call them. Shortly, the male doctor came and picked her up taking her to another room.

As they watch her to be electrocuted again, she stayed silent. Despite her body bleeding and shivering. Right now, she's no longer lying down but she's sitting on a metal chair.


"THIS IS F*CKING INSANE!" Sanemi yelled too.

"Shinazugawa. Tomioka. Don't yell at me as if it's my fault." Fuji said as she glare at them.

They kept on watching speechless at how much blood there is. The whips, the poison, and now electrocution. She has to face all three every single day, add up the training before the lab experiment and elctrocution. A young girl who was tortured mercilessly for fun and for the advantage of someone. Such fate of a so called 'lab rat' it is.

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