Chapter 86: A Sword Against Fists

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     As Tanjiro kept looking up and using his own breathing to stop his wound's bleeding. Kyojuro suddenly appeared.

"It looks like you can do Total Concentration: Constant! I'm impressed!" Kyojuro praised looking down to him.


"That's the first step to becoming a Pillar! But that's just the first of ten thousand steps yet to come!"

"I'll do my best."

"Your stomach is bleeding. Concentrate more. Improve the accuracy of your breath. Focus every inch of your body." Kyojuro instructed.

Tanjiro inhaled more oxygen slowly spreading it in his system before slowly exhaling it. He's trying his best to use his breathing. Just as he does this, it is as if his body became a transparent one to Kyojuro for a second.

"That's it.... hemostasis. Stop the bleeding." He said as he put a finger on Tanjiro's forehead.

After his groans using Total Concentration to stop his bleeding, he finally did it.

"That's it. No more bleeding. There're lots of things you can do if you can master your breathing. That doesn't mean you can do anything.... But you'll be much stronger than you were yesterday." Kyojuro informed him.

".... Yeah."

"Everyone's safe! No deaths and no injuries! No need for you to overdo it!"

'Please don't let your guard down yet. Someone's coming.'
Kazumi thought as she still held her sword for not everyone has boarded out of the train yet.

With that, a sudden explosion was heard in front of Kyojuro and Tanjiro and just a bit away from Kazumi.

'Guess someone came early, yet I'm still stuck here.'
Kazumi thought hearing the sound behind her.

As the dusts cleared caused by the explosion. The demon is standing right before them, his hair color a bubblegum pink, his eyes carrying the kanji characters for 'upper three', and his body and face covered with markings. Tanjiro's eyes widened. In an instant, he charged towards Tanjiro with his fist aimed at his face.

"Flame Breathing, second form: Rising Scorching Sun!"

Kyojuro moved his blade from below and up to the demon's arm cutting it in half. The demon then flipped back several times back to his original spot.

"Nice katana you got there." The demon said licking the blood on his arm as his wound regenerated quickly.

'Fast regeneration and an overwhelming demon aura. He must be.... an upper moon demon.'
Kyojuro thought.

"Now, why would someone as powerful as you attack the wounded first?" Kyojuro asked.

"I thought he might interrupt the conversation we're about to have."

"What are we going to talk about? This is our first time meeting, but I already hate you." Kyojuro replied as he ready his sword in front of him.

"Of course. I also hate weak humans. When I see weakness, my skin crawls."

"You and I have very different values."

"Aha.... then I have a great idea.... why don't you become a demon?" The demon suggested.

"Hmm.... no thanks." Kyojuro replied.

"I can tell your strength just by looking at you. You're a Pillar, right? You've developed your fighting spirit to the edge of perfection." The demon stated as he seem to see a kind of energy surrounding and radiating from Kyojuro.

"I am the Flame Pillar, Rengoku Kyojuro."

"I am Akaza. Let me tell you, Kyojuro, why your power will never reach perfection. It's because you're human. Because you age. Because eventually you'll die." The demon, Akaza, said as he point his index finger at Kyojuro.
"Become a demon, Kyojuro. If you do, you can train for hundreds of years and keep getting stronger."

'Of all the demons I've met, this one smells like Kibutsuji! Where's my sword? Gone.... it's gone....'
Tanjiro thought as he flip over on his stomach on the ground looking at Akaza.

"Growing old and dying is what gives meaning and beauty to the fleeting span of a human life. It's precisely because we age and die that our lives have value and nobility. Strength is not a word that means much in regard to flesh." Kyojuro stated focusing his eyes on Akaza.
"This boy isn't weak. Do not insult him. I'll say it again.... you and I value different things. I have many reasons for not becoming a demon."

"I see." Akaza said as he positioned his self in a fighting stance.
"Technique Development, Destructive Death: Compass Needle!" He continued as a snowflake shaped compass appeared underneath him.
"If you won't become a demon, then I have to kill you."

With that, Akaza dashed towards Kyojuro as the other did the same thing.
"Flame Breathing, first form: Unknowing Fire!"

'I can only follow them with my eyes!'
Tanjiro thought as he saw the two fight.

When both their attackes collided at each other, an explosion was once again heard. Now that there's distraction, Kazumi pulled her sword out and hid behind the train. The train slowly moved and fell sidewards, thankfully, the people were all out and was distanced from the train.

"The other Pillars I've killed didn't have flames! Still, none accepted my proposal!" Akaza said from above while in mid-air looking down at Kyojuro.
"Why is that?! As someone who also walks the path of the warrior, I do not understand it! One cannot simply decide to become a demon! You must be chosen!" He continued as he display a fighting stance again while in mid-air.
"But you who worked so hard to build such magnificent talent, would simply let it wither away! Such a waste! It's hard for me to accept! I can't stand it! Die for me, Kyojuro! Do it while you're young and strong!" He then moved his hands right after that.

"Air Type!"

Akaza sent some punches in the empty air but Kyojuro quickly noticed this as he readied another form to defend his self.

"Fourth Form: Blooming Flame Undulation!"

Kyojuro spun his sword in a circular motion as he deflected Akaza's attacks.

'He strikes the empty air with his fists, but the attack came directly at me! If we keep fighting at a distance like this, it will be tough to cut off his head.'
Kyojuro thought as he saw Akaza landed down the ground, he then decided to dash towards his enemy.
'So I'll get in close!'

"Such amazing speed!" Akaza praised as he saw Kyojuro right in front of him.

The two exchanged some blows, Kyojuro swinging his sword as Akaza would use his fists to deflect them and attack too. The exchange of blows are quite fast.

'As expected from an upper moon, they're the trouble.'
Kazumi thought as she kept on watching them while holding the shivering Taro.

"And your wonderful technique! Time will steal it Kyojuro! Aren't you sad?!" Akaza kept on deflecting Kyojuro's sword attacks while sending his own punches.

"That's how it goes! It's normal! That's what it means to be human!" Kyojuro replied, his sight then landed on Tanjiro struggling to get up and move.

Kyojuro's sudden shout made Tanjiro stiffen and stay at his place not moving at all. He could only watch as both Kyojuro and Akaza's movements get even faster.

"Don't waste your thoughts on that weakling, Kyojuro! Concentrate on me! You need all your strength to fight me!"

'Flame Breathing, fifth form: Flame Tiger!'

Kyojuro sent multiple sword slashes that took in the form of a tiger as it reached Akaza.

'Destructive Death: Disorder!'

Akaza then let out multiple punches to defend himself from the attack yet, at the same time send it as an attack towards Kyojuro.

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