Chapter 108: Total Concentration

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     Their scene changed again as they watch the three sneaked into Aiko's room. As they enter, they sat down beside her bed.

"I'm glad you three visited me again." Aiko said as she smile at them.

"There's something important that we would like to tell you." Fu replied with his usual monotone voice.

"The ones Hibiki wanted us to kill, are the slayers you've told us about. He wanted us to assassinate them. But don't worry.... the three of us still hasn't killed anyone." Asano explained.

"What?! So you children.... were trained to kill slayers?" Aiko asked disheartened.

"Yes. And we're sorry for that." Kazumi said.

"Then.... can I ask you three a favor?" Aiko asked as she look at them and bit her lower lip.
"I know this is too much but.... Could you please.... protect my friends and the other slayers you encounter?"

The three stayed silent as they look at her. Kazumi then sighed.

"Alright. But.... could you please tell us how you ended up here?" Kazumi asked.

"You see.... I'm a Pillar, the Insect Pillar. One of the highest ranking slayers in the corps. Our organization have several ranks for slayers but not everyone is chosen to be a Pillar. I received a report about certain people abducting slayers so I decided to investigate and make myself a bait. Unfortunately, as you can see, Hibiki caught me and locked me up here. And the worst? Here, he impregnated me and that prevented me from escaping." Aiko answered as she look down saddened.

"Do you blame yourself then?" Asano bluntly asked.

Aiko just nodded in response still looking down.

"Even my kasugai crow was killed which I use for communication. And none of the slayers know this place." Aiko added gripping her blanket tightly.
"Hibiki's a dangerous foe, I could feel it. Despite being human, I'm sure he's able to take down lower ranked slayers."

"Don't blame yourself, it's not your fault. You just did what you're told." Fu said as he cross his arms.
"Even if you're a Pillar, you're still human. And humans and demons both have weaknesses."

"Then please tell us how your friends look like.... we'll try our best to protect them incase we encounter them." Kazumi said as she blink at her.

Aiko raised her head up in surprise as she look at the children in front of her. She could see that they're not lying at all.

"But.... why?" Aiko asked.

"We know killing is bad. And also, they're your friends right?" Fu answered with a smile.

"Right. But as long as you teach us those so called breathings you mentioned before! It sounds amazing!" Asano added his eyes shinning with excitement.

"Alright." Aiko replied with a smile.

She told them how her friends look like and their attitudes for them to know how they should approach them or how to hide from them. After that, she told them on how breathings are used.

"We learn total concentration breathing in order to make a breathing style we use to decapitate and kill demons. That also helps us not to get exhausted easily and to strengthen our bodies." Aiko explained.

"Teach us! Teach us! Teach us!" Asano chanted tugging her sleeves.

"I will, we can start now if you want." Aiko replied.

The three of them sat on the floor as what Aiko has told them.

"Since you guys have trained already, I'll just tell you guys how to do it."

Aiko then taught them on how to control it and make it work. For the first hour, they seem to still be having a difficult time. But after four hours, the three of them managed to get the hang of it.

"You three are such fast learners! But there's still many more!" Aiko praised.

"She seriously taught them total concentration knowing that they assassinate us." Obanai sweatdropped.

"As expected from Aiko-sama." Kanae said.

"What a kind soul." Gyomei said.

They watch as the three kept on training to master it. They even use it in the training room as they train to use total concentration in one corner of the training room.

"You're doing it wrong." Fu said as he smacked Asano's abdomen.

"That hurts!" Asano retorted catching his breath.

And the next thing they're watching now is the three of them playing tag around the whole training room. Running around past the others not even bumping them.

'In just a short amount of time she's already as fast as Kanao-chan. Incredible.'
Kanae thought as she watch Kazumi outrun Asano and Fu.

"How could you be so fast Kazumi! Unfair!" Asano whined.

"Don't be a baby and concentrate!" Fu nagged at him.

'This total concentration thing is quite interesting, I wonder if there's more.'

"She's.... five right?" Tengen asked sweatdropping.

"Yeah." Mitsuri answered.

"And yet she wanted more." Shinobu sweatdropped.

"It's just three days yet you guys already mastered it." Aiko said.

"It's beacuse we train outside too! Instead of killing, we go to a place where no one would see us and train there!" Asano replied.

"That's right. So, is there more?" Fu asked.

"These trio are monsters!" Zenitsu freaked out.
"They mastered it in just three days!"

"Zenitsu, that's not a good thing to say." Tanjiro said.

"But it's true!" Zenitsu replied.

"Very well then, let's do Total Concentration: Constant! That's a harder one!" Aiko said in a cheerful manner.

And so the three did. Now they're back in their room after their first day of Total Concentration: Constant. Fu and Asano looked like someone beat them up while Kazumi looked just fine.

"My ears.... are ringing." Asano muttered out as he lie down his bed.

"It feels as if I'm going to puke out my insides." Fu said as he lie down on his bed on his stomach.

"What happened?" Take asked as he look at the two males.

"We trained. And they're tired." Kazumi simply answered.
"Here." She added giving Take a mouse she caught on their way back.

And just that, it just took Kazumi three days to learn it. She could even do it in her sleep so she helped the two.

"You're a real genius. You learned it just after three days, again." Asano said after drinking some water from the lake.

They're now outside, but instead of killing, they're training.

"But still.... thanks for helping us!" Asano added with a cheerful smile.

"No worries. I still do lack something." Kazumi replied.

"What?" Fu asked.

"I'm small so I don't have the strength to wield a sword. And I don't know if I'll grow up." She answered.

The two just chuckled that turned into a laugh as they pat her back.

"Of course you will! You're still five after all!" Asano said.

"He's right. Don't worry." Fu added ruffling her hair.

"But still.... what if I don't because of those injections and electrocutions?"

"You will, believe us!" Asano answered.

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