Chapter 12: The Cries Of A Butterfly

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As Kazumi silently walked to the Butterfly Estate to give Shinobu a late night visit but she noticed something when she arrived at the entrance. She heard a sound coming from the rooftop, a sound she already knew too well. She decided to follow it, as she stand on the rooftop, she saw Shinobu a few feet away from her with her back facing her. This time, she's not wearing her butterfly hairpin, her short hair's swaying gently as the wind pass by. Kazumi decided to approach her.

While she's sitting on the rooftop with her head down. Shinobu is in deep thoughts that she didn't even notice that someone just sat beside her.

"It seems like you're thinking about something Shino-san."

Shinobu snapped back to reality as she turn her head to her side, she saw Kazumi looking at her while she's sitting beside her.

"I'm sorry, I suppose I bothered you." Kazumi apologized while smiling at her.

"No, not at all. I'm just thinking about some stuffs." Shinobu replied showing Kazumi a smile.

"You know Shino-san, you don't have to force yourself to smile. It's me who is in front of you, not a stranger." Kazumi said as she give Shinobu a closed eye smile.

Shinobu's eyes widen hearing her words. She soon turn her head back then looked down. As the silence surround the two, she hugged her knees with an obvious sad expression on her face.

"Let it out, you can tell me." Kazumi said not turning her eyes away from Shinobu.

"Well.... it's just that.... I had a nightmare. Honestly, this isn't the first time this thing happened to me, it's just that...." Shinobu hugged her knees tightly.
".... I'm still not used to these nightmares."

"Let me guess, is that nightmare of yours, somehow connected to your sister?"

"Yes." Shinobu answered burying her face on her knees trying her best not to cry.

"Shino-san, you don't have to get used to it. It's alright having nightmares, because nightmares are dreams too. Everyone can have their own different nightmares, either in their dreams, reality, or both." Kazumi slowly caress Shinobu's back comforting her.
"You're very strong Shino-san, and I'm sure your sister's really proud of you."

Shinobu slowly lifted her head and looked at Kazumi. Despite of her smiling, she could feel the warmth of Kazumi's smile and the sincereness of her words.

"It's alright for everyone to cry, you don't have to hold it back. Didn't I say I would be here if you needed someone to open up to or someone to comfort you, Shino-san?"

Shinobu's tears roll down her face like a waterfall as she was slowly engulf into a hug by Kazumi. Shinobu hugged her back tightly as she cry on her shoulder. Kazumi just caressed her back gently, staying silent as she comforts Shinobu.

"Kanae nee-san wanted me to live a normal life.... she wanted me to live like a normal girl, getting married.... having a family.... living a normal life." Shinobu cried while Kazumi hug her.
"But I don't want to! Not after what happened to her and what the both of us have been through. I wanted to be a slayer alongside her.... but she's gone!"

Shinobu kept on crying, the cries of sadness, anger and pain that she kept hidden. Hidden behind her smile that she hides to everyone. She cried and cried.

"Kanae nee-san was so kind, even in the end of her life, she still felt sympathy towards demons. She still feel pity towards them.... even when it was a demon who ended her life."

'Shino-san, you're really strong to even hide this much sadness and pain behind your smile.'
Kazumi thought as she stay silent comforting and listening to her friend.

"It hurts.... it's so painful. Seeing her die while she wanted me to live a normal life! It pains me! She wanted me to live happily when she herself died in agony. She wanted me to quit being a slayer! And yet she died as one!"

As the time pass by little by little, so is Shinobu's cries as she slowly stopped crying. She still felt Kazumi's arms around her, it feels so warm. She can't even feel the cold wind despite the both of them sitting on the rooftop. She didn't even notice how long she cried her heart out. The only thing she know is that, Kazumi's there embracing and comforting her. She felt like she don't wanna let go, not yet.

Kazumi soon caressed her hair gently. As this thing happen, Shinobu didn't notice her eyelids slowly going down, she tried her best to be awake but Kazumi's warm embrace and gentle hands caressing her head made her fall into a slumber. Kazumi noticed it as she stopped caressing her head and slowly got up carrying Shinobu on her arms.

'Seems like someone's exhausted from crying that long.'
Kazumi thought looking at the sleeping face of Shinobu.

As she jump down, she silently went inside without making a noise and went to where Shinobu's room is. She stopped in front of a room and slowly opened the door. A futon with a messy blanket, a night table with a small lamp on it, and a small book shelf is what's inside the room. She also noticed a pair of goldfish in a small circular aquarium. She gently put Shinobu down and covered her with a blanket.

"Ne.... Nee-san." Shinobu mumbled as she grip the hem of Kazumi's yukata.

"It's alright, I'm here." Kazumi whispered as she gently put Shinobu's hand aside and caressed her hair before she get out of the room.

Kazumi's relieved that she's already hearing a sound of comfort from Shinobu and not an angry one anymore.

'On the very least she managed to cry some of it out.'
Kazumi thought as she slowly walk away from the door and out of the estate.

As she is already outside the estate, she noticed a moth land on her right shoulder and a butterfly on her left shoulder. She just smiled looking at the two beautiful insects on her shoulders before walking back to her own place. As she did, she looked above the stars and smiled.

"Kanae-san, please keep on watching over your sister and the children of the Butterfly Estate." Kazumi said as she stopped looking at the sky and continued on her path.

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