Chapter 117: Report

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     Kazumi walked back to Aiko's room, Fu's still there playing with the children.

"Kazumi-chan! How's Take?" Aiko asked.

"I.... didn't get to check on him." Kazumi answered.

"Why?" Fu asked.

"Aiko-san's right.... it's best for the slayers not to come here." Kazumi said as she sat down her bed.

"Is there something wrong?" Aiko asked looking serious.

"He's here. Kibutsuji Muzan.... is the one Hibiki's helping." Kazumi answered.

Aiko stiffened up upon hearing that name. The child right in front of her just saw the actual progenirator she has never seen.

"What.... did he.... do to you?" Aiko asked gulping a lump in her throat.

"He tried to convince me to become a demon.... he said that I'm strong enough to be one.... And also strong enough to climb the upper moon rank in a short time." Kazumi answered.

"Is there more?" Fu asked.

"He just said that he'll come back here at a right time to turn me into one." Kazumi answered.

Aiko and Fu were speechless as to hear Kazumi's answers. The progenirator himself spared a child and is planning to turn her into a demon one day. Aiko then patted her head as Kazumi looked at her.

"Listen Kazumi-chan.... if that day comes, it'll be your own decision to make. For I believe, that despite everything that happened to you, your mother's kindness and your own kindness is still there." Aiko said caressing her cheeks.

"But I don't feel anything.... I'm numb and I.... don't feel any emotions at all." Kazumi replied.

"You may not feel it but you're showing it. Kazumi-chan.... I hope you don't lose hope to humanity."

Aiko then engulf her into a hug as Kazumi did the same. Fu then walked forward with the children and the hug ended up as a group hug.

"Stay.... don't leave like Asano-nii." Togashi said as he look up to Kazumi.

"Of course I will." Kazumi replied smiling at him.

"Now this is.... something like this needs some serious decision making." Gyomei said.

"I'm afraid...." Shinobu muttered out.

"Afraid of what?" Kanae asked.

".... That what we have done to her would lead her to a decision where we will face her as our enemy.... and not as a comrade anymore." Shinobu answered clenching her fists.

"So.... mind telling us about the demon you faced while protecting Obanai-kun?" Aiko asked.

"The demon.... was a member of the twelve kizukis, lower two." Kazumi answered.

"Ara~, you're just six but you're now a Pillar. Congratulations!" Aiko praised.

".... How?" Kazumi asked.

"You see.... if a slayer managed to kill fifty or more than fifty demons, they can be recognized as a Pillar. But also, if a slayer managed to kill a member of the twelve kizukis, they can be also recognized as one." Aiko explained.

Fu's eyes widened as his mouth went agape while Kazumi just hummed in response.

"That's so cool! You're really amazing Kazumi!" Fu praised as he lifted her up.

"Thank you but.... I'm not." Kazumi bluntly replied.

"How did you defeat him?" Aiko asked.

"I saw through him.... like a glass."

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