Chapter 46: Keep

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The three Pillars are still at the Frost Estate. Since they wanted to spend some time there a little longer to see if ever the person who left that 'gift' would come back, unfortunately no one showed. Until they just ended up having lunch there too.

"Should we tell this to the others?" Obanai suggested that made Kazumi nearly choke on her food.


"Definitely! The others should also know about this!" Mitsuri agreed cutting Kazumi off.

"Please calm down. We better not tell this to the others. Please, I'm begging you guys." Kazumi pleaded.
"Who knows? What if the person who placed that outdide just received a wrong address?"

"That's not enough as an excuse." Obanai replied.

"He's right. Wrong or not, that's not a very good one. We won't allow this to pass by." Giyu said in his usual monotone voice and expressionless face.

'Come on! I'm the one whose name was written on the sash and not you guys! Please calm down!'
Kazumi thought as she worries about the outcome of everyone knowing about this.

"Please just think of it, if they found out about this then it'll be a very big misunderstanding." Kazumi again tried to convince them.

"Better." The three replied in unison.

"Misunderstand what?"

They all looked at the veranda and saw Tengen who just spoke together with Gyomei and Sanemi.

'Now this is what I call trouble.'
Kazumi and Ringo thought as Ringo facepalmed herself.

"Ah it's just—"

"Someone sent a very offending gift to Kazumi." Obanai said cutting Kazumi.

"Yes and—"

"Please! Please! It's not like that! It's just a misunderstanding!" Kazumi said cutting Mitsuri as she jolt up from her seat.

"Tell us." Sanemi demanded in a serious voice.

"It's nothing really. It's not that big of a deal at all." Kazumi replied trying her best to calm them down.

Seeing her smile to them, they just let it go. Even the three just sighed since they really know Kazumi don't wanna cause trouble. Obanai and Giyu just nodded at each other.

"Yeah it's nothing. We're just talking about nonsense here." Giyu said.

"You guys wanna join to eat with us?" Kazumi asked changing the topic.

"Yes please." Gyomei answered as they all take their seats.

[Outside the Estate....]

The six of them finally bid farewell to Kazumi and everyone at the estate to go on to their respective missions. Gyomei, Tengen, and Sanemi looked at the other three.

"Now talk. What gift was it that you've been talking about?" Sanemi asked.

"No-Nothing." Mitsuri answered sweating coldly since it's not really her character to lie.

"Just don't mind it. It's just a slip of the tongue." Obanai said looking straight ahead.

Giyu remained silent. The answers didn't satisfy Sanemi but he knew they wouldn't blurt it out so he didn't ask further more.

"I see. Then you should be careful at your words the next time Iguro-san." Gyomei said with his hands in a praying position.

As they walk amongst the crowd, Giyu noticed a certain someone with a blue parasol. Just by looking at the stranger already made him feel uncomfortable and uneasy. Despite that, he just turned his head away and continued on his way.

"Hey Tomioka! Where are you looking at?" Tengen asked noticing Giyu turn his head away from a certain direction.

"Nothing." Giyu answered nonchalantly.

Ringo's currently walking towards the garden as she saw Kazumi training on her sword swings. She approached her.

"Are you really sure those three won't tell anyone about what happened today?" Ringo asked worried.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they won't. Besides, the only thing we have to focus on for now is to get ready. In just three days time, I have to leave for that upcoming celebration." Kazumi answered stopping on her sword swings and looking at Ringo.

"You're right. Well for me, I already have an idea about the person who kept on sending those gifts." Ringo said sitting on the bench with Kazumi.
"There's also another gift sent here yesterday for you. Have you seen it?"


Ringo couldn't do anything but to worry about Kazumi. Despite of the trust she have for her not to get herself hurt or injured badly, these gifts that she kept on seeing at the doorstep of the estate just made her worried even more.

"You know, isn't it wonderful for you to be married and have a family Ringo-san?" Kazumi asked cheerfully changing the topic and to cheer Ringo.

"No need for that Kazumi-sama. I already have a family, my family is here. I don't need a husband to depend on and be happy."

"You're independent as always."

"As long as everyone's here, I'm happy. You, together with Haruna and Kano coming back from your missions alive makes my worried self calm down. And.... it also makes me happy having the ability to protect this place I call home and the people whom I treat as my family."

"I see.... then, I'm glad I got the chance to meet you. To be honest Ringo-san.... I'm thankful to have you and everyone to be there by my side."

In just a second, Ringo's body suddenly moved pulling Kazumi into a hug. Kazumi felt the hug get tighter and so she hugged back caressing Ringo's back.

"Can I.... stay like this for a little longer?" Ringo asked.

"Of course. If that's what you want." Kazumi replied.

She slowly felt Ringo's body soften as she relax. She felt how Ringo have been worried for her and everyone all the time so she would always reassure her.

'So warm.... her hands are so warm. It makes me not want to let go.'
Ringo thought as she indulge herself in Kazumi's warmth.
'I wonder.... if I die, will I ever see you again in my next life.... Kazumi-chan?'

What seemed like minutes turned into hours as Ringo ended up in a nap and Kazumi have to adjust herself to let Ringo rest her head on her lap. She slowly caressed Ringo's head smiling gently while looking down at her.

"You shouldn't stress yourself too much Ringo-san. It worries me too." Kazumi mumbled to herself.

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