Chapter 63: Safe Trip

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After dinner, Kazumi's sitting down with Tetsuya and his family on the veranda. They're all looking up the sky filled with stars as they have a chat.

"I'm really happy you managed to accept us here and let us visit you. I feel so happy." Tetsuya said looking at her.

"As long as there would be no problem for them and for everyone of you, you guys can come visit here at any time Tetsuya-san." Kazumi replied.

"Hey, hey, Kazumi-chan, can you call me older-brother from now on?" Suzuki asked putting his left arm on her shoulders.

"Well, if you would like to then I will." Kazumi replied.

"Unfair! Suzuki, I'm supposed to ask her first!" Shu complained pulling him by his sleeve.

"Heh. Sorry but I already did!" Suzuki replied sticking out his tongue.

"Could you call me that too Kazumi-chan?" Tomoe asked smiling.

"Of course, as long as you're fine with it." Kazumi replied.

"Finally! All this time we have a little sister! I'm very happy to have met you Kazumi-chan!" Touya exclaimed hugging her from behind.
"Am I right mother?"

"Of course, it's really wonderful to meet you Kazumi-chan. My wish for your mother just came true. I'm very glad Miyuki-chan have a very kind and gentle daughter like her." Toshino answered smiling gently at her.
"Though I'm not your mother, and I know I have no place to say this but...."

"Please don't say that Toshino-san, just say what you want."

"Kazumi-chan.... could you perhaps.... please call me mother from now on too?"

"Of course!" Kazumi answered.

Toshino's eyes soon became teary, not with sadness but with joy. She hugged Kazumi as Kazumi hugged her back and caress her back gently.

".... Kazumi-chan.... could you me father too? I know I've done something—" Tetsuya's words were cut off by Kazumi.

"You don't have to say that.... father."

Tetsuya just chuckled lightly as he slowly reach for Kazumi and hugged her. Kazumi closed her eyes as she hugged him back and caress his back gently.

As the night fell deeper, they were taken to their own rooms to rest since they've decided to spend the night there before leaving together with Kazumi tomorrow morning on her way to her mission.

"Goodnight Tomoe-nii, Shu-nii, Suzuki-nii, and Touya-kun."

"Hey! How come it's 'Touya-kun'? I'm older than you too." Touya complained.

"Yes you are but just by months." Kazumi replied.

Touya pouted as Kazumi patted his head. He sighed in defeat and went into his room to rest.

"Goodnight too.... father and mother." Kazumi said giving the couple a gentle smile.

"You too Kazumi-chan." Toshino replied.

"Sleep well, you still have another mission tomorrow." Tetsuya replied patting her head.

As she have made sure everyone of them are in their own rooms now. She went out of the veranda and made her way towards her own. She then saw the three demons sitting on the edge of the veranda outside her room.

"You never changed at all, you're still as kind as ever Master." Kai said as he watch Kazumi sat down with them.

"I honestly can't believe you could forgive such a bastard like him. Master, have you gone insane?!" Fuji exclaimed in a worried tone.

"I'm fine Fuji-san, no need to be worried. Besides, there's no need to make the conflict bigger as it had already been buried down." Kazumi calmly replied.

"But Master, we still shouldn't forget the fact that he killed your mother." Aoki said walking towards her and sitting on her right side.
"He also ABANDONED you as his daughter." He added making sure the word he specifically wanted to be heard is heard.

Kazumi just let out a sigh as she close her eyes and open them again.

"It's a mess inside. But I just really couldn't bring myself to kill him. Seeing him change and fix his family, seeing his wife and sons plead to me to spare his life." Kazumi replied looking up the sky.
"I... do not wish for them to lose their father the same way I lost my mother... Especially Touya who's still very young."

Despite of her smiling, they felt pity from her words. She pitied them. They all sighed as they look up too.


They all turned their heads to the side seeing Ringo and Mei. The two women sat up with them as Aoki walked back to his original position.

".... Ringo-chan already told me everything." Mei continued.

"I see. Sorry for dragging you two down into my own mess." Kazumi replied showing a sheepish smile.

"You're not dragging us down Master. We're just saddened, angered, and confused." Ringo replied hanging her head down low.
"But if that's your decision, then we just have to accept it. Even if it would take long until it's no longer against us." She continued sadly smiling at Kazumi.

"Thank you everyone." She said smiling brightly at them.

She soon lifted her arms and opened them wide, in an instant, she's enveloped around everyone's arms.

     Right after their breakfast, Kazumi bid farewell to everyone at the estate together with the Midorime family. She's now accompanying them on their way back before taking her own way to her mission.

"Kazumi-chan, since we're all travelling together now, could you perhaps explain us more about these demons?" Tomoe asked.

Kazumi's now riding in the open cart with Toshino and Touya.

"What more would you like to know then Tomoe-nii?" Kazumi asked looking at him.

"Perhaps, these kizukis you've mentioned before back there." Tomoe answered.

"Oh them.... the twelve kizukis are demons chosen by the demon progenitor himself, Kibutsuji Muzan, to serve him directly. Though I could say, the lower ones are a bit weak." Kazumi explained.

"Lower ones?" Touya asked looking confused.

"The twelve kizukis are composed of six upper moon ranked demons and six lower moon ranked demons. The upper moons being stronger since they have received more blood from Muzan and has eaten more humans. They also have lived longer than the rest of the demons, of course, except for Muzan. Since he's the demon progenitor, he have lived much longer and also the oldest amongst them." Kazumi answered saying it as if it doesn't bother her.

".... Then does that mean.... the upper moons could be stronger than the Pillars of the corps?" Suzuki asked looking worried.

"Yes, they could be stronger than us. But that doesn't mean we would back away. Even though they have devoured several slayers and Pillars, we will still keep on fighting in order to put an end to the chains of grief and despair that kept on circulating over and over again." Kazumi answered.
"We will all keep on trying our best to fight them and protect humanity."

They all looked worried but at the same time relieved. Looking at someone as young as her to have such confidence and a strong will to defeat the demons made them feel somehow happy. But at the same time, they all worry hearing her words and seeing her still put up a smile as if there's nothing to be feared within her explanation.

They all soon stopped as Kazumi hopped down the cart. She smiled at them before slightly bowing down.

"I'll take my own path now, have a safe trip back." She said as she walk away from them.

She could feel their worried and saddened auras, she stopped and turned around to look at them.

"Don't worry that much, I still have time to live."

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