Chapter 29: Final Selection

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[2 years later....]

      Someone opened the doors of Kano's room while he's still soundly sleeping.

"Carrot! Wake up!" Nahori exclaimed shaking him a little.

"Yes." Kano replied still with his eyes closed.

Nahori cursed mentally.

A tick mark appeared on the side of her forehead. She then sent a chop on Kano's stomach that made the latter woke up. He rolled on his futon clutching his stomach.

"What was that for?!"

"I've been waking you up but you just keep on saying 'yes'! Now get up or I'll punch your face next!"

Nahori left his room to go to the kitchen. Kano sat up slowly clutching his stomach in pain. As soon as he stood up, he realized something.

"Aaaaah! Dammit! Today's the final selection!"

Kano ran out of his room and to the bathroom to change and fix his self. Today's the day they've been waiting for after two years of training, the final selection.

"Nahori-nee, is Kano still asleep?" Haruna asked as she enter the dining room and saw Nahori.

"Yeah, I already woke him up. I'm sure he's getting his self ready, eat up now." Nahori answered as she left the dining room and went back to the kitchen.

Haruna sat down to munch on her food while still waiting for Kano, his food is also there untouched. Soon as she finished her food, Kano showed up.

"Haruna! Am I late?" He asked looking frantic.

"Of course you are! I'm already finished my food and yours is still untouched!" Haruna answered pointing at Kano's food.

Kano sat down to eat his food, as he does, someone smacked his head.

"Ouch! That—" Kano got cut of his words as he saw who it was.

"Just look at who's nearly late for breakfast." Ringo said.

Kano stiffened as he felt the dark aura leaking from Ringo.

"Ringo-chan, please let him eat so he'll finish his meal. At least he's awake now." Mei said tapping Ringo's back.

"Alright. You better eat fast."

"Yes ma'am!"

Just as Kano finish his food, Haruna came back in the dining room and threw his sword at him.

"Thanks!" Kano said catching his sword.

The two walked out ready to leave. As they do, they saw everyone standing outside waiting for them.

"Guess time flies by really fast. Now you two are taking the final selection." Ringo said with her arms crossed.

"Make sure you two come back. Master might not be here to see the both of you go but, I'm sure she'll be glad if she were to receive the news about you two coming back alive." Mei added as she patted the two children's head.

"Yes we will! We won't waste the time we spent for training, we'll come back!" Kano reassured raising a fist.

"He's right, Kano and I will come back safe and sound and in one piece." Haruna smiled proudly.

The children wished them goodluck as they leave the estate. As they got closer to their destination, they were met by so many wisterias covering the whole area.

"They're so beautiful aren't they Kano?" Haruna touched the wisteria flowers.

"Yes they are, but come on! We'll be late!" Kano called as he gets ahead.

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