Chapter 59: Sun Resistant Demons

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Ringo's still up in the middle of the night. She just really can't bring herself to sleep after finding out what just happened between Kazumi and the Pillars. She soon felt someone tap her shoulder gently.

"Still up?"

Ringo turned her head to see the familiar person she's worried for.

"Master.... welcome back." Ringo greeted and soon noticed another three figures behind her.

"You're overthinking and worried again. I always tell you that's not good for you." Kazumi said in a gentle tone.

"I.... I'm sorry."

"There's no need. Just rest for tonight and I'll explain about the three of them tomorrow." Kazumi replied gently caressing Ringo's cheek with her thumb.

Ringo nodded in response before looking one last time to the three figures behind Kazumi and going back inside.

"Are you really sure about what you just told her Kazumi-sama?" Aoki asked taking off his hat.

"Don't worry. We could trust her." Kazumi replied giving them a closed eye smile.

[The Next Day....]

Early in the morning, Mei got surprised to see the outside of the estate already swept and Kazumi cooking breakfast.

"You came home early Kazumi-sama." Mei said as she approach Kazumi cooking in the kitchen.

"Actually, I came home last night and still saw Ringo awake. Good morning!" Kazumi greeted.

"Oh.... yeah.... Good morning too Kazumi-sama." Mei greeted back.

After breakfast, Kazumi called for Ringo and Mei in her room. They sat there together with the other three figures Ringo saw last night. The other one still wearing his white tuxedo and white pants, while the other two no longer wearing their black cloaks.

The woman has a black hair tied into a low bun with a clothe, brown eyes, and wears a blue floral kimono and black hakama pants.

The other one, which is a man, has a long dark-brown hair the upper part tied into a ponytail while the lower part is loose, he has yellow eyes, and wears a chinese styled green hanfu.

"I know this is a surprise but, these three are the demons I have saved back then." Kazumi started.

"Demons?" Mei repeated in a confused tone.

"Yes. And just like Tamayo-san and Yushiro-san that I have mentioned before, these three also help humans." Kazumi answered.

"I'm Kai, and the ones with me here are Fuji and Aoki." The one with a dark-brown hair introduced himself and the other two.
"We help humans through medicine and also by saving them from being devoured by demons whenever we encounter one."

"I'm Fujikase, for short, Fuji." The woman with a black hair introduced herself.
"We traveled around Japan for more than four hundred years to help humans. We are skilled in the fields of medicine and poisons."

"And I'm Aoki." The man with a blonde hair introduced himself.
"For me, I went to another country known as England. Since I don't have that much knowledge about medicine, I just put up a business in order to help others."

"How exactly?" Ringo asked eyeing Aoki.

"With the money I make, I gave those people suffering in poverty homes and food that they needed. I also built a total of fifteen orphanages there and also another fifteen here in Japan for abused and abandoned children." Aoki explained.
"Don't worry, I legally make the money. I don't sell illegal drugs or do something illegal in order to make money." He continued reassuring Ringo and Mei.

"I see. That's very kind of you then Aoki-san." Mei said giving him a reliefed smile after hearing his explanation.

"Then, does the three of you still needed human blood in order to survive?" Ringo asked looking at them with an expressionless face.

"Yes we do. But, we also kill humans." Kai answered.
"But the humans we kill are those ones who deserve death and never change their twisted ways of thinking and killing people."

Ringo and Mei sweatdropped at his statement.

'I see, they're killing criminals. Good for them.'
Ringo thought giving out a long sigh.

"If you guys have been travelling for more than four hundred years, have you ever met the so called demon progenirator, Kibutsuji Muzan?" Mei asked in a serious tone her smile no longer there.

"Well, unfortunately no, even if we wanted to. We can't let ourselves be captured by him or else it'll be a very big trouble." Fuji answered.

"How is that?"Mei asked eager to know the answer.

"It's because we can't let him know that the three of us can walk under the sunlight even when none of us are sun conquerors." Kai answered.

This shocked the two and led them speechless. The three noticed this and so did Kazumi.

"The reason they can walk under the sun is because of medicine." Kazumi said getting both Mei and Ringo's attention.
"The medicine is what helps them walk under the sunlight."

"How?" Ringo asked still confused.

"Muzan is in search for this flower called Blue Spider Lily which only blooms in daytime. If he found out that a medicine can be made for a demon to walk under the sunlight, he'll take advantage of this to use in search of that flower." Kazumi answered.
"And once that happens, he'll be even more troublesome than he already is." She continued facepalming herself.

"That's why we're trying our best to distant ourselves from him. But, if the time comes we have to face him in order to end him then, we'll do it." Aoki said in a serious tone.

Kai and Fuji nodded showing their agreement to his words. Ringo and Mei managed to understand everything that they have heard and agreed to keep everything a secret from other people.

"Does the Ubuyashiki family already know this?" Ringo asked.

"Well we do, we also even know where their headquarters is." Fuji answered.
"But they don't know that we're here at the estate of the current Frost Pillar."

"I see. Then, how about the other Pillars?" Mei asked having a worried look.

"Don't worry, the only Pillar who knew about our existence is Kazumi-sama." Kai answered reassuring Mei.

"Can I ask another question Master?" Ringo asked looking a bit hesitant.

"Go on." Kazumi answered smiling at her.

".... How is Hibiki able to turn someone into a demon when he's not a demon progenirator himself?"

"I agree, he's not even a part of the twelve kizukis." Mei said in agreement.

"I see, I already expected you to ask me that." Kazumi replied.
"Simply because of demon blood. He have collected some demon blood and also, he himself knew Muzan. They were planning something but because of what I've done, it all fell down to nothing." She explained.

"It's still a mess." Ringo said looking confused.

"Don't worry, I'll explain it to you guys further more later on when we have the right time. For now, let's go back to the children or they'll be here to drag us to play with them." Kazumi answered cheerfully as the children's footsteps came closer.

"Are you guys finished?" Togashi asked holding his younger twin's hand.

The doors soon opened as Mei and Ringo came out with Kazumi. Kazumi patted the triplet's head and Hideshi lifted up his arms wanting to be carried in which Kazumi did.

"Yes we are. Come on." Kazumi said as she follow the two to the living room where the others are waiting.

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