Chapter 48: Cooking Competition

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The Pillars, together with Ayato and his friends, gathered at one spot of the garden while chatting with each other. They were giggling, chuckling, and teasing each other.


They all turned their attentions to the source of the voice. He has a long black hair tied in a high ponytail fastened with a black ribbon and a gold colored lotus shaped hairpin, and green eyes. He's also wearing an elegant looking kimono, with just a single look, you could see that he's a noble.

"Uncle Tetsuya!" Ayato walked closer to the man as they gave each other a hug.

"What your father said is true, you really did changed a lot." Tetsuya said patting Ayato's shoulder.

"Yes! And they are my new friends!" Ayato turned his head to the Pillars.

"I see. I'm Midorime Tetsuya, it's very nice to meet everyone of you." Tetsuya greeted.

Shortly after that, a woman walked closer to them. She's also wearing a very beautiful and elegant kimono, her black hair tied in a soku hatsu hairstyle.

"Ara~, you've grown up Ayato-kun." The woman said.

"Aunt, please don't talk like you haven't seen me for a long time."

"Well I didn't. I haven't seen that cheerful attitude of yours for a long time. Besides, won't you introduce me to your friends?"

Ayato suddenly get to realize that and laughed nervously.

"Oh well everyone! This is uncle Tetsuya's wife, aunt Toshino! Both of them are friends with my parents so basically, we treat each other as relatives."

"It's nice to meet the both of you Mr. and Mrs. Midorime." Ryuugi greeted.

'Be aware of the name Midorime.'
The words suddenly strucked in Ryuugi's mind with his mother's voice.
'Beware of them.'

He remained calm as if nothing just came in his mind. He stood straight up again and smiled at the two. The others did the same and introduced theirselves. After a short chat with the couple, the two soon excused theirselves and went to entertain and talk with the other guests.

"They sure are sweet with each other." Mitsuri commented watching as the two walk away from them.

"Well yes. Uncle Tetsuya did changed a lot too." Ayato replied.

"Changed?" Tengen repeated raising an eye brow.

"Yes. He's no longer the very cold-hearted type of man I've met seven years ago, even I myself was surprised when that thing happened." Ayato answered.

"Well, people change as time pass by." Ryuugi said shifting his gaze from the couple to his friends.

They soon heard the sound of the gong again. It's time for the contests to begin.

"Whaaaaat? A cooking contest?" Mitsuri's eyes sparkled after hearing the first contest.

Everyone listened carefully at the rules. There must be twenty-five participants to cook a variety of food, there would be ten rounds and in each round, they would take out two or more people until the round is finished and the final participants will have the chance to serve the village chief and his wife the food they have prepared for the both of them to decide who's the winner. And also, a time would be given to finish a delicacy.

Right after the announcement, everyone kept on looking, pointing, and whispering at each other. The Pillars looked at Mitsuri who looked so excited. She noticed this and blushed in embarrassment.

"You seem to be very interested Kanroji-san." Obanai said.

"Ye-Yes I am bu-but.... I'm really shy to go up there. Unless...."

"Unless?" Sanemi repeated.

"Unless I have someone with me."

"Then, how about you and Kocho-san? That'll be great." Ryuugi suggested.

"Wait, me? Are you sure?" Shinobu asked.

"Of course, you two are very good at cooking."

After some time, Mitsuri and Shinobu took in a deep breath and looked at each other. The two nodded and made their way in front. The two could hear how the other Pillars cheered for them as Giyu and Muichiro stayed silent as usual. By the time the participants were complete, each of them took their own positions, Mitsuri and Shinobu just positioned theirselves side by side.

"Now then for the first dish, everyone of you will be given an hour to prepare. After that, each of the five judges would taste it and would decide if you pass or not. If you gained three or more passes then you may move on to the next round, but if you gained two or more loses you're automatically out." The proctor explained while holding a watch.
"In three.... two.... one! Start!"

Each and every participant looked determined and focused. Everyone moving and gathering all their ingredients and also preparing them. The judges are all sat at the side waiting for the dishes to finish. The proctor walked around to check on each and everyone of them. The audiences watched carefully and silently.

After an hour, everyone has to put their hands up behind their heads and stop moving. Everyone's very skilled to be able to fully finish their own dishes from cooking to its final preparation. The judges soon stood up and started to walk around. Each of them tasted each dishes the participants have made. They showed several reactions and gave their different oppinions.

"Your dish is very eye-catching but its taste is very unsuitable. You've put too much salt in it." One of the judges commented to one of the participants.

After each judges finished their tasks, servants walked up to each participants to calculate their points. In the end, a total of five men were pulled out. The Pillars were very happy to see Mitsuri and Shinobu remained that they all cheered again.

"Shinobu-chan we passed!" Mitsuri cheered holding Shinobu's hands.

"Yes we did, but we still have a long way to go." Shinobu replied smiling at her.

Soon after that, they all started the next round and another five new judges went up as the former judges left. In each round, there will be a new set of judges to taste each participant's food. With five pulled out, there are only twenty participants remaining. An hour was given again to them to finish their dishes.

"Time's up!"

The judges again stood up from their places and tasted the participant's dishes.

"Too spicy."

"It tastes awful, sorry."

"It lacks some sugar."

The judges gave their opinions and gave the participants their points. Until it ended again, four participants were pulled out. This went on and on. The resuming of each round, the change of judges, cooking, hearing their opinions, receiving points, calculating them and finally, participants being pulled out. As the remaining participants reached the seventh round, they were given a fifteen minute rest.

"Congratulations to you two! You both passed the previous rounds!" Ryuugi praised them.

"That's too early for a congratulation Taka-kun, there are still three rounds remaining." Shinobu replied.

"Right. It's really fun to be in a competition like this! Though, I feel sorry for those who were pulled out." Mitsuri said looking down.

"It's alright, defeat is also part of the game after all!" Kyojuro replied.

After their rest, they all went back to their positions and got theirselves ready for the next round.

"In this round, everyone of you will no longer have an hour to prepare your dishes." The proctor announced.
"From this seventh round to the ninth round, you all will be given forty-five minutes. And for the last round, you all will be given thirty minutes."

The participants gasped at this and felt nervous, but then soon felt excited and challenged.

"Now then, START!!!"

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