Chapter 82: Wake Up!

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     As they all fell asleep, they slowly started dreaming. Zenitsu then started dreaming about Nezuko. The both of them running while holding each other's hands.

"This way, this way! The peaches over here are delicious! And there's lots of white clover blooming!" Zenitsu said as he held Nezuko's hands.
"I'll make a ring of flowers for you, Nezuko-chan! I'm really good at it!"

"Okay! Make a lot!" Nezuko replied.

"There's a river on the way. It's shallow, so you'll be alright, won't you?"

"River? Oh dear, Zenitsu-kun! I can't swim!"

"I'll carry you on my back and jump across! I won't even let your toes get wet! Just leave it to me!" Zenitsu replied with his blushing face.

Inosuke then dreamt of venturing inside a cave with his own underlings.

"An expedition! An expedition! We're a team of cave explorers!" Inosuke chanted raising his fists up with Nezuko who have bunny ears behind him.

"Boss! Boss!" The two figures called.

"Yes underling one and underling two?!"

"I smell the lord of this cave up ahead!" Ponjiro(Tanjiro) answered.

"I can hear it breathing as it sleeps!" Chuitsu(Zenitsu) added.

"All right! Let's go! It's on! Come along, underling three! Hey, grah!" Inosuke called.
"This way c'mon! Here, I'll give you a smooth and shiny acorn!" He offered to Nezuko sitting down.

"Yay!" The three rejoiced.

"Let's go!"

Kyojuro then dreamed too. His dream seemed to be his own past as he is seen sitting in a room looking at his father's back as his father lies on his futon.

'Hmm? What did I come here to do? Oh right. To tell my dad I became a Pillar.'
Kyojuro thought as he look at his silent father's back.

"You became a Pillar. So what? A worthless title. Who cares. Neither you nor I will ever amount to anything great." His father, Shinjuro spat out.

Kyojuro got out of Shinjuro's room and as he walk on the hallway, he saw someone showed up. It was his younger brother, Senjuro.

"Oh.... Senjuro?"

"Was father happy for you? When I become a Pillar, will father praise me too?" Senjuro asked.

'He didn't used to be like that. Father even bacame a Pillar in the Demon Slayer Corps. He was enthusiastic, but one day he suddenly stopped being a swordsman. Suddenly. Even though he had raised us so enthusiastically. Why? I shouldn't worry about things that I can't do anything about. Senjuro has it even worse. He barely remembers our mother, who fell ill and died when he was very small, and now father is the way he is.'
Kyojuro sadly thought as he crouched down on Senjuro's level patting his shoulder looking at him.

"To be honest.... father wasn't happy for me. He said no one cares." He said.
"But.... that won't dampen my enthusiasm! The flame in my heart won't go out! I won't be discouraged!"

He then held his younger brother's hands.

"But Senjuro, you're different from me! You have a big brother! And he believes in his little brother!" As he say this, Senjuro's tears started rolling down his cheeks.
"Whatever path you walk, you'll be a great person! You have a burning passion in your heart!"

Kyojuro and Senjuro then hugged each other, as Senjuro cry on his older brother's shoulder.

"So let's do our best! Let's work hard in life! Even if we're lonely!"

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