Chapter 99: Jealousy

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     They were taken aback by Shinjuro's explanation. They've been slayers for quite long now yet none of them experienced such a thing.

"That's.... awesome." Senjuro praised as he look at Kazumi who started to walk away.

"Awesome. Amazing. Any praise. But Kazumi-sama thought of it as a curse first before accepting it as a blessing." Kai said.

The scene changed again and they saw Kazumi approaching Ayato who is standing on the short bridge above the wide deep pond watching the koi fishes.

"Ayato-kun...." Kazumi called.

Ayato just hummed in response as he kept on staring down.

"Is there something wrong?" Kazumi asked worried for her friend.

".... Nothing, don't mind me." Ayato answered.

"You're lying."

"There is.... you." Ayato replied looking at Kazumi with an expressionless face as he walk away from her.

"Please tell me what exactly is wrong. I.... don't understand." Kazumi said as she follow Ayato behind.

"I don't know too! It's.... it's just that.... I feel like I wanted to hate you but at the same time I don't! I don't know! Please.... just leave me alone for a while." Ayato replied tears showing at the corners of his eyes.

He then looked away from her and walked away. Kazumi remained standing there having a sad look on her face. The first time they saw her show a worried and sad expression made them feel uncomfortable. They never once saw her like that.

The scene changed again showing Ayato with a guard holding a rope as they approach Kazumi sitting on the veranda.

'It's been seven months since Ayato and I became friends. I wonder what has been bothering him this past few days.'
Kazumi thought.


Kazumi looked at Ayato who called her then to the guard behind him.

"I'm sorry."

His words made her confused as the guard held her and tried to tie her.

"Wait! What's happening?! What did I do?! Ayato-kun! Help me! Ayato-kun! Please help me!" Kazumi pleaded as she struggle with the guard's grip.

"The f*ck is happening?" Sanemi asked balling his fists.

"Ever since my parents found out about what you've done to sensei, they wanted me to convince you to train with us. Which I did. But you didn't accept it, turns out you'll be my downfall if you did. Hearing how you defeated him tells me you're different. You're someone who would shadow me in the future. But I just can't purely hate you. I.... don't know what I exactly feel towards you." Ayato explained.
"But right now.... Hibiki-san and uncle Tetsuya would be dealing with your mother. So I have to keep you here."

Hearing this, she could sense nothing but coldness in his words. And somehow, a little bit of guilt from within him. She wanna cry but now is not the time for she has to go to her mother.

"No! Not my mother! Please! She hasn't done anything wrong! Ayato-kun! It's me that you hated!" Kazumi exclaimed.

"Hey shut it! Don't talk to the young master like that!" The guard fumed as he kept on trying to stop her from moving.

"Your mother is a bad person so she deserves to be punished. Uncle Tetsuya told me so." Ayato said turning his back from her.

"No! She's not a bad person! You don't have any proof for that! Please not my mother! Don't believe your uncle! AYATO!!!" Kazumi kept on pleading.

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