Chapter 9: The First Meeting

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     It's been three days since Giyu and Kazumi finished their mission. He decided to pay Urokodaki a visit for a while. As he get closer to Urokodaki's home, he saw Tanjiro outside who just came back from training. Tanjiro caught a familiar scent and turned to where it's coming from, his eyes widened and a smile showed up on his face.

"Giyu-san! It's been a long time, how are you?" Tanjiro said walking towards Giyu.

"Fine. I'm just here to visit Urokodaki-sensei." Giyu answered with his still expressionless face.

The two went inside and they were met by Urokodaki who just finished preparing dinner.

"Both of you are just in time. Dinner's ready."

They entered and the three ate dinner together while having a small chat, Tanjiro asking Giyu about his missions and Giyu just giving a short reply or just staying completely silent while Urokodaki's watching the two.

     After dinner, Tanjiro went inside his room to write on his journal again while Giyu helped Urokodaki clean the dishes.

"Has she woken up already?" Giyu asked washing their bowls.

"No, not yet. She's still asleep and shows no sign of consciousness. Tanjiro's obviously worried about his sister every single day."

"They're siblings after all."

After the two finished washing the dishes, Urokodaki decided to check on Tanjiro. As he slowly slide the door open, he saw Tanjiro already asleep. He slowly closed it and sat outside beside Giyu. The teacher and student both looked up the night sky as they watch the crescent moon shine above them.

"Whenever I come here, I still feel like he's always here." Giyu said still looking at the moon.

Urokodaki was silent for a while as he hear his former student's words. Even him is saddened.

"They're always here Giyu, they're always here."

For a short time, only silence surrounded them, none of them talked nor gazed at each other. The two only stared at the moon and watch the clouds pass by it. Giyu finally turned his head to look at his teacher. Urokodaki noticed it and looked at him too.

"You look like you wanna ask something."

Giyu is silent for a while thinking if he should ask what he wanna ask or just stay silent. After a short period of silence and thinking, he opened his mouth....

"Sensei.... I just wanna ask.... how did you and Kazumi met?" He asked not taking his eyes away from his teacher.

Urokodaki turned his head to look in front of him then back to the moon.

"So, that's what you wanted to ask."

Giyu just gave him a slight nod, he knew that even if Urokodaki's not looking at him, he knew his former student's response.

"It was during that night...."


Urokodaki is walking back home after spending some time in the village. While running back home, he caught a certain scent, a scent he knew well. As he runs faster someone suddenly tried to slash him, he jumped back to dodge it.

"What a lucky night, another human for me to eat." The demon in front of him said wiping the leftover blood around his mouth with his hand.

'I should run away, I don't have my sword with me.' 
Urokodaki thought as he find an opening to escape from the demon.

The demon charged towards him trying to grab him, he kept on dodging the demons attacks and tried to escape but the demon blocked him.

"I won't let you escape."

The demon kept on attacking Urokodaki, he kept on dodging the demon's kicks and punches or just simply tapping them with his own hands to change the directions of the punches. As Urokodaki focused on dodging, he didn't notice a small pebble behind him and tripped as he step on it. The demon instantly tried to slash him with his claws.

'He's going to slash me.'
Urokodaki thought as he block his face with his arms.

Just as when he thought he's gonna get slashed, he smelled the scent of blood and noticed someone standing in front him. He looked at the figure, the person's wearing black hakama pants and a plain black yukata, the ash-gray hair with black tips this person have is swaying gently in the air as it is tied in a high ponytail. He can't tell if the person in front of him is a boy or a girl.

"YOU, HOW DARE YOU INTERRUPT ME!!!" The demon shouted as his hands finished regenerating.

Urokodaki noticed that the person in front of him, instead of holding an actual sword, the person's holding a wooden sword but he could smell the scent of wisteria from it.

"I'm sorry but, I can't let you eat any more humans."

As Urokodaki listened carefully to the voice, he's sure that the person in front of him is a girl. The girl dashed towards the demon and with one swing of her wooden sword, the demon felt wounds around his body but didn't lose his head. He turned around to look at his attacker as he suddenly felt pain crawl inside of him. In just several seconds, the demon fell on the ground.

"Are you alright sir?" The person asked as they stopped walking in front of Urokodaki and helped him get up.

"I'm alright, thank you." Urokodaki answered.

"Is your home near this place?"


"Can I please accompany you to go back?"

Urokodaki stayed speechless for a while, he scanned the girl. He didn't see her wearing a demon slayer uniform. He just slightly nodded as a response. As they walk back to his home, Urokodaki decided to ask.

"That wooden sword is dipped with wisteria right?"

"Yes, since I didn't brought a real sword with me so, I just covered my wooden sword with wisteria."

"I see, so you're training to become a slayer."

"Yes, how about you sir, are you a former slayer perhaps?"

"Yes, how do you know?"

"Well, you noticed that my sword's covered with wisteria poison and you also managed to survive from that demon."

"I'm a former Water Pillar that's all. Are you on your way back?"

"Yes, I received news that the Final Selection will start tomorrow." 

As they have a small chat, they finally arrived at Urokodaki's place.

"Thank you again for saving me and accompanying me home."

"No worries Sakonji-san. But I do have a question."

"What is it?"

"Can you be my friend? It'll be very wonderful to have someone you just met be your friend."

".... Alright and goodluck to the Final Selection Kazumi."

"Yes I will, thank you. I'll visit here for some time Sakonji-san." Kazumi waved goodbye to Urokodaki before turning around and walk away.

Urokodaki just watched her as he notice that from walking she started running further away.

'I'll be expecting your visit.'

End of Flashback《《《《

"So that's how you met her." Giyu said after listening to what his teacher just told him.

"Yes, she's clever enough to use wisteria poison in place of a real nichirin."

"She also told me that, she mostly kill her victims with poison instead of using her breathing forms."

"I see but, on the very least she's still able to kill demons."

As the two finish their chat, Giyu decided to spend the night there for a while before leaving for a mission tomorrow morning. He kept on thinking a certain happening that Urokodaki just told him.

'I guess she might be stronger than Shinobu, killing a demon with the use of a wisteria dipped wooden sword.'

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