Chapter 65: Tragedy

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Kano and Haruna are now on a mission far away from Kazumi, this is their fifth mission straight without her. They have to finish this before getting back.

"After this mission we could finally go home." Kano said stretching his arms up.

"You're right! And then we might even get lucky and have nii-sama cook for us!" Haruna replied cheerfully.

As they arrive at a certain village. They already started to feel a heavy feeling. A certain scent caught Haruna's nose.

"Kano-kun be alert. There's a demon nearby." Haruna warned him.

Kano nodded in response before holding the hilt of his sword. They walked around until they saw a part of the village destroyed and a lot of injured people. Then, another noise towards the forest.

"Kano stay here and help them! I'll go check the one at the forest!" Haruna said as her and Kano took their own ways.

Haruna dashed towards the forest and saw a boy about to be devoured by a demon.

"Thank you for the food!" The demon said.

Waters from his pot emerged out and tried to engulf the boy.

"Insect Breathing, Dance of the Bee Sting: True Flutter!"

Haruna dashed towards the demon at high speed sending a single thrust attack strengthened by her momentum. Instead of stabbing the demon, she stabbed the pot where the water is coming from. Right after that, she grabbed the boy's right arm and jumped away from the demon.

"Take this with you and run away from here, go back to the village." Haruna instructed as she gave the boy an extra wisteria incense bag she have.

He nodded his head before running away back to the village. Haruna then turned her head to the demon. She felt her body suddenly froze when she saw the kanji characters on the demon's eyeballs. But she managed to calm herself down.

'Upper.... upper moon.... five.'
Haruna thought looking at her opponent.

"Oh my! A slayer! That's quite a fast attack you broke my vase." The demon said who transferred to another vase.

"It seems like you got several vases around here to transfer to." Haruna replied sheathing her sword back.

"Well, I always come prepared to eat my dinner. I was expecting a Pillar but, it's alright having a low ranking slayer as a meal."

"I won't let you devour me that easily. I still have to go back."

On the other hand, Kano's currently battling two gigantic monster fishes with legs.

"Insect Breathing, Butterfly Dance: Caprice!"

Kano leapt forward sending multiple stabs and slashes to his opponent injecting them with poison.

Because of their huge body, the poison would take some time to spread completely giving Kano a hard time defeating it. He managed to get the people to safety first as he kept on stopping the two fishes to get away and devour more humans.

Haruna jumped aside to dodge the needles the demon released towards her while deflecting some of them. Despite this powerful attacks, she knew the demon's just toying with her.

"Insect Breathing, Dance of the Dragonfly: Compound Eye Hexagon!"

Haruna dashed towards him striking the six different parts of the demon's body injecting him with poison. The demon got slashed and stabbed but he just transferred to another vase and regenerate.

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