Marry Me

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Day 25 of Fic-Mas: Christmas Proposal

A/N: Yes, I totally borrowed and stole the idea from the movie Stepmom and I regret nothing! I hope y'all have enjoyed this 25 Days of Fic-Mas and I wanna wish each and every one of y'all a wonderful Christmas!


Two Years Later

Chris was woken up by Dodger licking his face. Chris chuckled and got up knowing Dodger needed to go outside. Chris got dressed and looked at Y/N who was still sound asleep. He wanted nothing more than to get back in bed to kiss her and love her. Dodger tugged on Chris' sweatpants with his teeth, earning another chuckle from Chris.

"Alright, Bubba, let's go outside," Chris whispered.

Chris opened the back door and let Dodger run around. Dodger went about doing this business before he came back to Chris on the back patio. Chris kneeled down and scratched behind Dodger's ears. "Today's the day, Bubba."

Dodger barked and wagged his tail excitedly. Chris chuckled, "You have no idea what I'm talking about, but I like your enthusiasm."

Dodger went straight to his food bowl once Chris filled up his bowl. Chris left him alone knowing he would be perfectly fine. He walked back to the bedroom and pulled out a small box from his nightstand.

He sat on the bed and leaned down to kiss Y/N's bare back with soft butterfly kisses. Y/N began to stir as she felt Chris' beard tickle her back. By the time his lips reached her shoulder, Y/N turned around to face Chris, but with her eyes still closed.

"Merry Christmas," Chris smiled and kissed her good morning. "I've got something for you."

"You do?" She asked, still with her eyes closed.

Chris hummed. "But you have to wake up to get it."

She chuckled before she got up and leaned against the headboard. She picked up her fallen thin straps from her silky pajama top. "Okay, I'm awake," she smiled at him.

Chris handed her a small ring box. Y/N's lips immediately spread wider as her heart began to quicken. She had no doubt in her mind there was a ring in there. She looked at him as she slowly opened the box. Her face fell when she looked down at the open box in the palm of her hand to see a small roll of thread. She tilted her head, completely confused as how this could be her Christmas present.

"Uh, you shouldn't have?" She chuckled lightly.

Chris pulled out the roll of thread and unraveled the thread to start making a small loop. "I think for two people to really love each other, to really commit to each other, it has to be an act of will. And, I think two people have to live with that decision every day. Even when things are hard and you feel like giving up, you have to hang on to that decision, that choice to love each other."

Chris slipped the loop on the tip of her wedding finger and tightened it just a bit before he moved his hand back with the roll of thread. "Even if it's only by a thread. I won't ever break that thread," Chris let go of a ring he had hidden underneath his palm, letting it slide down the thread and on to the tip of her finger. Y/N chuckles as he slowly pushes an engagement ring up her wedding finger. He looked up to see tears welled up in Y/N's eyes. "Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Yes," she whispered before she leaned in to kiss him. "Yes, I will."

They heard Dodger coming towards them. Chris got up and walked to the bedroom door. He told Dodger to go to his bed and locked the door behind him.

Dodger strutted his way back to the bed as he was kicked out of the bedroom once again. As he laid on his bed and got comfortable, he wished he had a little hooman friend to play with when dad and mom were busy. Little did they all know, Dodger's wish was coming true at that exact moment.

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