Snowed In on Christmas Day

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Day 12 & 19 of Fic-mas: Snowed in on Christmas & Cuddling By The Fireplace

A/N: I wrote Day 12 inspired by Chris snow day Instagram story and I ended up including some cuddling within the storyline. So, I've decided to make this as also Day 19 as that prompt is cuddling by the fireplace. I didn't want to be redundant. So I hope you don't mind and enjoy today's post!


Y/N sighed in content before wrapping her arm around Chris' waist and snuggling closer to him. He tightened his arm around her shoulder, enjoying, loving, and accepting  her embrace. He slightly turned away from the tv, his nose taking in the lavender shampoo scent, instantly making his muscles relax. He pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

With Dodger laying down at the end of the bed just in front of their feet, the couple were in bed watching Charlie Brown. Just below the TV mounted on the wall, was the fireplace. Chris had grabbed some wood from the back porch and fired it up, knowing they should spend the day in bed.

The curtains were pulled back as it was snowing in Boston today, making today the perfect day to be snowed in. Although it was Christmas and the snow was preventing everyone from leaving their homes, Y/N was glad she was at home with her husband and their wonderful dog.

The two were in their favorite comfortable clothes. Chris had on dark grey sweats, a simple long sleeve shirt, and his favorite pair of slippers that always kept his feet warm. Y/N wore a pair of black yoga pants, one of Chris Patriots hoodies, and her own pair of unicorn pull-on slipper socks.

Y/N looked at the big empty space next to Chris. She getley tapped his chest, signaling him to look at her. "Why did you buy a king size bed? It's too big for the both of us."

His lips slowly formed a small smile. He leaned down and kissed her. It was a soft, lingering kiss. When he pulled back, he brushed a strand of her hair back and tucked it behind her ear. "Because one day, it's going to be filled with our kids on days like this. We're definitely going to need all the space we can get."

She grabbed his hand and interlaced her fingers with his. She kissed the top of his hand and looked up at him. "Well, someday is gonna be here a lot sooner than you think. 6 months sooner to be exact."

Chris' eyes welled up with tears. "You're pregnant?"

A tear fell down Y/N's cheek as she nodded. "Merry Christmas, Chris."

"Best Christmas ever," he said before kissing her once more.

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