The Return of Johnny Storm

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Author's Note: Something short and sweet since we all know now Chris Evans has reprised his role as Johnny Storm.

Hope y'all like it! Happy Reading!


Y/N was snuggled up against Chris on the sofa as they were in the middle of binge watching The Boys. An empty pizza box was opened in the middle of the coffee table and their wine glasses were half empty. Dodger reached in for the last crust Y/N had purposely left behind just for him.

Chris's fingers traced random shapes on Y/N's back with his eyes never leaving the TV. A few weeks ago, Chris was offered a small part for The Boy's final season. He had heard nothing but great things about the show overall. From cast to crew. Although he was grateful for the opportunity, he wasn't going to give an answer until he had done his research. Hence, why they had just finished season one.

Before starting the first episode of season two, Y/N looked up at Chris and asked, "soooooo what do you think?"

"The writing is great and it's a good show! And you know I'm a HUGE Supernatural fan so it would be great to work with Eric Kripke. I'd be a little concerned if I have any sex and nudity scenes but..." he hesitated.

"You don't know if you want to tap back into being another superhero," she said as if reading his mind.

He nodded. "I genuinely don't think I would come back as Cap as much as I love that role. I know how much he means to a lot of the fans, but I think he told a great story with a good ending.

"It would be different if it was Johnny Storm. He didn't get a proper ending or send off. We kind of just stopped making the movies.

"But to play a completely different superhero from a different universe... I don't know. I don't want to betray Marvel and their fans like that when they have given me such an incredible career," he said.

"I know, baby," Y/N cupped his cheeks and locked her eyes with his bright blue eyes. "And as always, I'll support whatever decision you make."

"I know," he smiled at her. "It's one of the many reasons why I love you," he leaned in to kiss her.

Chris's phone binged. Y/N pulled back with furrowed eyebrows. "You know no phones allowed during binge watching date nights," she jokingly scolded him.

He chuckled. "I know. I know. I'll silence it right-"

Chris stopped talking as he saw a new text message from his buddy, Ryan Reynolds.

Ryan: Listen, might be a long shot, but would you have any interest in reprising something from 20 years ago?

"OH MY GOD!" Chris screamed with excitement and stood up quickly, anyone who would have seen him would have thought the couch was on fire.

"What?! What happened?!" Y/N panicked, causing Dodger to bark and follow after Chris pacing around the coffee table.

He showed her his phone with the message. She jumped up and yelled with excitement. Chris immediately wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tight before spinning her around, their living room filled with their laughter.

"You need to call him! Like now!" Y/N said. Chris pressed the little camera icon, immediately FaceTiming Ryan.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Johnny Storm!" Ryan answered after the second ring with a big smile on his face. He noticed Y/N was also on the call. "And Mrs. Johnny Storm! How are you guys?!"

"Hey man," Chris's smile matched Ryan's, filled with so much excitement.

"Do you have our place bugged? Or are you psychic?" Y/N asked jokingly.

Ryan laughed. "What do you mean?"

"It's a funny story," Chris said with laughter.

"I'll let you two talk," Y/N kissed Chris's cheek. "I'll be in bed. Take all the time you need. Love you."

"Love you too, sugar plum!" Ryan said.

Y/N laughed and gave a small wave. "Good night, Ryan."

Y/N picked up the empty pizza box and her glass of wine. As she walked to the kitchen with Dodger by her side, she could hear how excited both men were about this project.

"I don't know what you're talking about or what the project is, but I'm in!" Chris immediately said.

Y/N chuckled to herself knowing Chris would never hesitate to work with Ryan any chance he could.

Ryan laughed. "Well, I don't have all the details finalized yet, because I wanted to check if you were down and available to make a cameo as Johnny Storm in the third Deadpool movie."

"Holy shit! Yeah, man! It's funny because literally right before you texted me," Chris explained to Ryan what happened moments before his text. From why he was watching The Boys and telling Y/N he wouldn't mind playing Johnny Storm.

Y/N watched Chris for a few seconds. Her heart was full with happiness as she saw Chris smiling. The light in his eyes was bright and filled with excitement for his next film adventure. She was thankful Chris had great friends who not only supported one another - but helped each other with their careers as well. She was grateful to witness his career growing further each year and she couldn't be happier standing by her man's side and supporting him along the way.

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