Life Is Too Damn Short

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Author's Note: Rest in Power Chad✊🏽

I sat down and opened the pizza box. Before I could take my first bite, the power went out. I groaned as I turned on my flashlight on my phone. I dropped my slice of pizza and began to look for a better flashlight or candles. I opened the hallway closet only to find out I didn't have either one. My phone vibrated in my hand, signaling a new text message.

Neighbor: You okay?

My lips formed a small smile before responding. Yup. I got my trusty flashlight on my iPhone

Neighbor: 🙄🙄🙄 Not exactly helpful
Neighbor: Come over. I got plenty of candles.

I wanted to respond back with a stupid remark. Something along the lines of, 'of course you would have candles from entertaining all your late night lady friends'. Except, I fought against that idea and simply responded with, 'On my way!'

I grabbed my XL pizza box and walked out the door, not thinking about locking it behind me. I took a couple of steps before knocking at the door across from my apartment.

"Took you long enough!" Chris exaggerated with a bright flashlight in his hands, nearly blinding me. He quickly perked up when he saw the pizza box in my hand. "You brought dinner?"

"Yeah. It was easier to order the XL since it waa their special tonight," I said as I let myself in and made my way to his kitchen with the help of Chris' flashlight guiding me. "The delivery guy dropped it off a couple of minutes before the power went out. Oh shit," I stopped in my tracks.

"What? What happened?" Chris asked immediately.

"I hope he didn't get stuck in the elevator."

"Geez. That would be terrifying. Let's hope he made it out before the power went out."

We sat by the window in the nook Chris had in his kitchen. We talked and laughed as we eat the pizza. Chris playfully scolded me every time I gave Dodger a piece of my crust. After we watched the sunset, his apartment was completely dark. I followed Chris with a flashlight in my hand as he lit candles in his bedroom. Dodger circled around on top of his bed a couple of times before laying down.

"Alright, there we go. That's the last one," Chris said as he blew out the match.

I turned off the flashlight and sat in the edge of his bed. "I'm not surprised you have this many candles in your bedroom."

"Really?" He asked before sitting down next to me.

I gave him a teasing smile, "I see all those girls you bring back."

Chris rolled his eyes. "They mean nothing. Besides, I haven't brought anyone back in months."

"I've noticed." He didn't say anything, but I wasn't ready to drop the subject just yet. "Why did you stop?"

He let out a deep frustrated sigh and leaned back until his back touched his bed. "I was doing it for all the wrong reasons. I realized as much as I'm scared of commitment, that's not what I wanted."

I nodded, completely understanding his reasoning before I fell back to lay down as well.

"What about you?"

I let out a small chuckle. "What about me?"

"I never see you with anyone or bringing a guy home."

I turned to face him, "you spying on me, Mr. Evans?"

"Only in the same way you've been spying on me," he chuckled back.

"I don't know," I shrugged. "A combination of not finding the right guy and commitment issues too, I guess."

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