Black Friday Shopping - Quarantine Edition

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Day 6 of Fic-Mas: Going Christmas Shopping

Y/N let out a huge sigh, almost dramatically, except Chris knew she wasn't trying to catch his attention. He noticed the sad look on her face and something was truly bothering her.

He got up from the sofa and walked to her sitting on a stool. He saw a variety of Black Friday ads spread throughout the kitchen island. He leaned down to wrap his arms around her shoulders as he kissed the top of her head. "What's wrong, baby?"

"I'm bummed I'm going to miss Black Friday shopping this year because of this stupid pandemic," she admitted.

"But, you can still get all the sales online. Can't you?"

"It's not the same," she let out another sigh. "I know this may sound stupid, but there's something exciting about rushing into a store and getting all the good deals. Yeah, I'll still get the deals and sales, but it's not gonna be the same."

Chris' heart broke seeing how sad Y/N was. This pandemic had already taken so much from her. Not only is she across the country from her family, but like a lot of people around the world, she's also lost some family and friends during this global pandemic. He has been there for her every step of the way and he knew how much she loves shopping, especially on Black Friday weekend. He wanted her to have some normalcy during this shitty ass year.

Then, an idea crossed his mind.

"Baby, I have an idea, but I'm gonna need you to circle everything you're planning on buying on these ads and then give them to me when you're done," he said.

"What? Why?"

"I can't tell you that. It's a surprise."

"But, I can't reveal what I'm getting for you," she said.

"That's fine. Don't circle what you're gonna get me, but circle everything else you're planning on getting for the family and your friends."

She eyed him closely, unsure what exactly he was up to, but she nodded as she grabbed a marker. She began circling as Chris kissed her cheek and went back to watching the football game in the living room. He pulled out his phone and sent his brother a quick text, "I need a favor. It's a surprise for Y/N. You in?"

Scott immediately responded, "hell yes!"

As promised, Y/N gave Chris the Black Friday ads after she was done looking through them and circling what she's planning on buying. Once she was asleep, Chris sneaked into her office. He knew it was off limits as everything was organized for her Etsy shop business. However, he was on a mission and he knew Y/N's office had the supplies he needed for his plan. He turned on his laptop and got to work.


Y/N yawned as the credits to A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving started rolling on the TV screen. Although Thanksgiving was a bit different today, she was still exhausted. She patted Chris' chest as she saw there was 15 minutes until midnight. "Come on. Let's go to bed," she said.

"Actually, I need you to get dressed," he said.

"What?" She asked, confused. "It's almost midnight. Where are we going?"

Chris' lips formed a smirk. "I can't tell you other than wear something comfortable, especially comfortable shoes."

"What are you up to Christoper Robert Evans?"

"I swear it's nothing bad," he groaned, knowing she only said his full name when he was in trouble. "I have a surprise for you. Just go get dressed and wait in the bedroom until I call you."

"Fine," she got up from the sofa, "only because you said it's a surprise."

Chris' phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out to see Scott was already at the front door. "Trust me, you're gonna love it!" He shouted as he walked to let Scott in.

Scott and Chris quickly hugged each other before Scott hung his coat.

"Help me set up for the first store," Chris said.

Together, Scott and Chris set up the living room for Y/N's surprise. They even moved some furniture around, but made sure to keep the sofa in place. Throughout the living room, Chris and Scott placed pictures of items Y/N was planning on buying at Best Buy.

"Alright, I think this is it," Chris said as he double checked the items he had written on a notebook. "Go hide," he told Scott.

Scott quickly hid in the guest room next to the living room as Chris walked to the bedroom to get Y/N. He opened the door to find her sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yoga pants, your Patriots hoodie, and Converse," she said as she stood up. "Wasn't sure how warm I'm supposed to be. Should I wear jeans and get a coat?"

"No, that's perfect. Now, close your eyes," he said.

She did as she was told and grabbed on to Chris' hand as he led her to the living room. He left her at the entrance and told her to give him a second. He stood in the living room when he told her to open her eyes.

"What is this?" She asked, completely confused.

"Well, it's officially Black Friday and I know how much you love hitting the stores Thursday night and shopping until 2am on Friday. So, I thought I'd bring the stores to you!" He gestured at the items on cardboards. "So, we're gonna start with Best Buy. Whatever you grab and put into your fold out cart - that I stole from your craft room - I'll actually add it to the Best Buy cart online. Once you're done, come to me for check out and I'll help you load your items into your car," he pointed at the sofa. "You'll drive to your next destination. Although I wouldn't recommend this in real life, you'll be 'driving'," he air quoted, "with blindfolds on while I set up the next store. We'll repeat this until you're done shopping or all the stores are closed at 1AM, whichever comes first."

Y/N's eyes were filled with tears. She let out a sniffle as she walked to him. She pulled him in for a deep and passionate kiss. "I fucking love you," she whispered against his lips. "No one has never done anything as sweet and thoughtful as this. You are absolutely amazing, Chris."

Chris cupped her cheek and wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb. "I'd do anything for you. I hate seeing you down and I plan on cheering you up somehow, someway."

"Even if that meant going into my Etsy shop office," she grinned.

"Hey!" Chris backed up with his hands up in the air, "It was for a good cause. And, trust me, I put everything back as it was."

"Okay, I'm ready to shop!" she said excitedly.

"Please go wait outside with the rest of the customers as we'll open our doors in a few seconds," Chris said as he walked to stand behind the kitchen island with the laptop ready with the Best Buy website.

Y/N turned around and yelped as she saw Scott standing at the entrance of the living room. She was about to say something, when he said, "Excuse me, ma'am, but there's a line! You can't cut!"

"Sorry about that sir," Y/N chuckled as she got back behind Scott. Clearly he was playing a role as a shopper and Y/N smirked as an idea crossed her mind.

"Alright, we are now open," Chris said as he pretended to open a door.

"Move it or lose it, Mister!" Y/N pushed Scott out of the way and rushed forward to reach for the cutout of an iPad she was eyeing for her mother.

"Foul on the play!" Scott shouted.

Chris' hand rested on his chest as his head rolled back, dying in laughter at all the commotion. Chris was thankful he was playing the role of the cashier and not a shopper, because he knew to stay away when Y/N was in her shopping zone. He didn't feel bad for Scott one bit, but he was ready to have some fun with their little shopping game.

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