A House Call Visit

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Author's Note: Not proofread.  Ooops.


In the middle of the huge and open living room was a coffee table, and Chris was pacing around it repeatedly. He mumbled to himself that everything was okay. Nothing was wrong. It was all in his head. The pain in his chest meant nothing. He was too young to have a heart attack.

Just last week, an actor passed away, and he was only 40!

"No!" Chris stopped abruptly and closed his eyes, trying to push the voice in his head back.

A buzzer echoed through the living room. Chris rushed to the security camera and saw an unfamiliar car at the front gate.

"Hello?" A woman's voice spoke through the speaker. "Mr. Evans?"

Chris didn't know who it was and this wasn't the first time someone he didn't know rang the buzzer at the gate. Although he lived in a closed gated community, people still somehow manage to get through and try to get into his property. Sometimes it would be paparazzi and very few times, fans.

Chris was about to ignore the woman at the gate, hoping she would believe no one was home.

"I'm Dr. Y/N Y/L/N. I work for Doctor Bergmann. He sent me since he couldn't make the house visit. He had a family emergency."

Chris immediately pushed the intercom button. "I called for Dr. Bergmann."

"Yes, but he couldn't make it. He has a family emergency with his wife. He sent me for your house visit," she explained.

"Please don't think this is ridiculous, but can you lift up your badge to the camera?" Chris asked politely.

"Of course, Mr. Evans." She held up her work badge, which also included her hospital ID badge. Chris saw that her name matched the ID. He had never met her before. So, he was hoping that was her in the photo.

"Thank you. You can park in front of the front door. You don't need to drive up the driveway," Chris said before he pushed the open button.

Y/N waited for the front gates to be completely open before she drove up to the house. She grabbed her medical bag and her book bag, which included Chris' file and her work tablet.

She came straight from the hospital after completing an eight hour surgery. Normally she would be dressed better for house visits, but she had no time to change out of her scrubs. Dr. Bergmann had called her just seconds after she finished a successful surgery. He asked her if she could take on a house visit as his wife was going into labor. Y/N was confused as she wasn't aware Dr. Bergmann did house calls. She worked at his private family practice for five years and she had no idea.

Y/N lifted her hand, ready to rap her knuckles on the wooden door. The door opened before she could knock. Her eyes immediately landed on a pale looking Mr. Chris Evans.

"Oh, my gosh," she immediately walked up to him. "Let's go into the living room so I can examine you. Can you tell me what you're feeling?"
Chris closed the door after she walked into his house.

"My chest is tight. I get a really sharp pain when I take deep breaths." He led the short walk to the living room. He sat on the coffee table. He gestures to the sofa in front of him, letting her know the coach was all hers. She dropped her book bag on the sofa to open up her medical bag. "I also feel very clammy? Sweaty? Is that the same thing?" He asked nervously.

She gave him a reassuring smile. "Yes. What else?" She asked as she grabbed her pink stethoscope.

"It feels hot. I'm not sure if it's hot in here or I'm burning up-" He rambled and stopped as she placed the back of her hand on his forehead.

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