First Anniversary - Part 2: First Meeting

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While driving down to the school Y/N remembers the move to a small town near Boston. She was more nervous than all of the other juniors on the first day of school as she had just moved there from Texas. She'll never understand why her mom decided to pick such an uninteresting small town. At first she was upset with the move, how could she not be? There was no one she knew around the area, where everyone seems to already know each other, and everyone Y/N knew is back in Texas. Now, everything is the opposite. She can't imagine her life without the friends she has now, or Chris. Especially Chris. Moving here was the best decision her mom made.

Y/N walks down the halls of the high school and stands from a corner across from where she first met Chris and let the memory play back like a movie.

A girl with dark red hair and a farmer's tan skin tone walks down the hall in a plaid shirt, worn out jeans with a buckle and cowboy boots, with her head looking down at a map of the school. She mumbles in frustration while trying to figure out where her classes were because naturally she refused the principal's help.

Around the corner of that same hallway is a boy with an athletic figure, smooth dark hair and eyes as blue as the ocean. He's trying to find something in his backpack that is clearly disorganized, while struggling to open his locker quickly at the same time. He's late for class as the hallway showed no signs of any one else but the girl looking down at her map a few steps ahead in the same hall.

Next, everything happened so fast.

While still looking down at her class schedule and school map, the boy finally unjams his locker at the same moment the girl makes a turn at the corner of the hallway, instantly colliding with his locker door. She quickly falls back to the floor, instantly making her disoriented as the force from the opening his locker was hard.

"Holy shit! Are you okay? I didn't see you," Chris says kneeling down right next to her. "Don't move. Does anything hurt?"

Y/N slowly opens her eyes and meets with his warm and worried blue eyes making her wonder if she's dreaming of this very handsome guy in front of her because guys this good looking only exist in movies or don't give her the time of day.

Chris waves his hand in front of her face, "can you hear me?"

"Yes." She blinks several times making sure he still exists. She needs someone to pinch her as a sign she's not hallucinating.

As if he read her mind, he touches her arm gently making sure she's okay, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hit you. Not that I would purposely hit you..."

"That's okay. It was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going," she states as she sits up and rubs her forehead. Her eyes met his, making her nervous and begins to ramble, "People always tell me I need to look up instead of down but it's hard to both at the same time, ya know? It's not like I have a third eye to look in every direction. Oh my god, did I just say third eye?"

Chris chuckles, "I think I hit you pretty good in the head. You should see the nurse."

With one hand on her forehead, she moves her free hand around the floor to reach for the school map that flew out of her hand from the impact. She picks up the map and holds it in front of her face. She squints her eyes thinking it would help turn the double lines, squares, and letters into their right form. "ummm... which way is that?" she asked, confused.

"Here.... try this," he turns the paper right side up. She laughs at her mistake.

"Maybe I should take you to the nurse myself."

She nods in agreement.

He puts his hand on the small back of her back making her stomach flip, "Okay, slowly get up. Don't rush, okay?"

She holds on to his other hand as they both stand up slowly. She sighs in relief knowing nothing else is hurting from the fall.

"I feel like I should introduce myself. I'm the idiot who hit you by accident, but my friends call me Chris," he grins displaying his perfect pearly whites with his hand still on her back leading the way to the nurse's office.

She returns a smile, "nice to meet you, idiot. I'm the stupid girl who ran into your locker by accident, but most people call me Y/N."

"Can I see your schedule?"

She hands him the paper.

"Looks like I'll be seeing you around. We have four classes together including Chemistry. Hey! We have chemistry," he flirtatiously grins at Y/N.

"You're so cute you make my zygomaticus muscles contract," she flirts back.

Chris's eyebrows pull together in confusion, "umm... what?"

She laughs, "It's the muscles that make you smile. It's a cheesy chemistry pick up line," she blushes and begins to ramble again, "sorry. It must be the damage talking. Oooooookay, I'm going to stop talking now."

Chris couldn't help but shake his head a little and chuckle at her adorableness as they reached the nurse's office.

Y/N was smart, smart enough to make a chemistry joke. Her beautiful and contagious smile made his zygomaticus muscles contracted every time she smiled. Chris's touch was gentle but also sent an electric energy to both their bodies. And in that moment Chris knew Y/N is without a doubt the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, and without even knowing it, it was the start of their love story.

Y/N walks up to Chris's locker but doesn't see a letter taped on it. She twists in the combination and opens his locker to find nothing but his books, and pictures of the two of them taped on the inside of the locker door. She begins to wonder where the letter could be? She looks to the floor and still sees nothing.

"Where could it be?" she asks herself.

Suddenly she realizes the exact moment they met. The floor.

Y/N lays down in the exact same spot she landed with the fall, and as she looks straight up she sees her next clue written in black thick letters on a poster taped to the ceiling, "our first kiss."

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