The One With The Prom Video

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Author's Note. This is strictly inspired by the show/episode. I do not own the rights to FRIENDS. I've used their direct quotes and made some slight changes to it to fit the storyline.

The italics are the flashback moments, which were caught on video.

What's bold and italics are thoughts.

Hopefully it doesn't confuse anyone as flashbacks are interwoven with the current time of the story.

Lastly, not proof read. It's late and I'm exhausted. I'll go back and edit it and fix all the errors at a later time. I just wanted to get this up since it's LONG overdue.

I hope y'all enjoy it.


Chris leaned off the couch and saw Y/N's phone vibrating on the coffee table. An unknown number lit up on the screen. Chris knew Y/N had been doing job interviews lately and he knew Y/N very well. For whatever reasons he didn't understand why, but Y/N doesn't have her voicemail set up. He knew he had to take the call if this would lead to a job opportunity for Y/N.

"Y-ello!' Chris immediately cringed as his younger brother, Scott, gave him a quizzical look with a raised eyebrow. Chris knew better that was not the way to answer the phone if it was an important business call."No. Y/N's not here right now but can I take a massage?" Chris grabbed the notepad and a pen from the coffee table. "Alright, and how do we spell Casey? Is it like at the bat or and the Sunshine Band? Okay. Bye." Chris looked up from the message he wrote and asked his brother. "Hey, who's this uh, this Casey?"

"Oh, some guy she met at the movies," Scott answered before he stuffed his face with a handful of popcorn.

"Oh, really? What uh, what does he want with her?" Chris tried his best to not sound too jealous.

But Scott heard the jealousy in Chris' tone. Scott knew his brother was obviously "secretly" in love with Y/N. Why not tease him in the process?

"Well," Scott's voice started off nonchalantly, "I'm guessing he wants to do a little dance. . . ya know, make a little love. . . well pretty much get down tonight."

Chris crumbles up the message and put it in his Jean pocket. Scott raised his eyebrow at Chris. He sighed, his shoulders dropping. "I don't know. I don't get it.

"I mean two months ago Y/N and I were closer than ever. We were this close-" Chris showed the small space between his thumb and pointing finger- "this close to being something so much more. And now? What? I'm takin messages from guys she meets at the movies? I mean this Casey should be takin' down my messages, ya know? Or Y/N and I should be together," he rambled.

"Hang in there, it's gonna happen," Scott said with confidence.

"How do you know that?" Chris asked.

"Because she's your lobster," Scott answered. He noticed the confused look on his older brother and started to elaborate. "It's a known fact that lobsters fall in love and mate for life. You know what, you can actually see old lobster couples walkin' around their tank, ya know, holding claws like this," Scott linked his hands together to show Chris how lobsters linked their claws together.

Chris was about to make a comment at his brother's bizarre animal fact when Y/N finally came out of her room. She had changed out of her work clothes and into her favorite pair of sweats. She wore dark grey capris sweatpants and an oversized Patriots hoodie. She had a big smile on her face and her hand was hidden behind her back.

"Whatcha got there?" Scott asked.

"The reason why I invited both of y'all over tonight," she pulled out a VHS tape. "Your parents mailed it to me and I got it yesterday, but I didn't want to watch it without you guys."

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