Part 2: Trying On Rings

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Author's Note: This is a second part to "Friends Don't". Also, I stole a scene from Sweet Home Alabama, and another scene from Sister, Sister, ha.


"Are you ready?" Chris asked as he stood in front of me. My heart was racing, wondering where we were and what he was up to now.

My hands reached for the back of the blindfold covering my eyes. Chris playfully slapped my hands away before cupping my cheeks. I took in a deep breath, taking in his cologne. After all these years, he still wore Dolce & Gabbana. Either he went out and bought a bottle or I did for any occasion as a gift. Regardless, my heart swelled knowing he loved the cologne I bought him for his birthday a few years ago and he's worn it ever since.

"I'm scared," I giggled nervously.

"Don't be. You trust me, don't you?" He asked against my ear.

Although my eyes were covered, I turned around to face him. "With all my heart," I admitted without any hesitation. I felt Chris' lips on mine, making me immediately smile in the middle of our kiss.

"Okay," he pulled back from me. "One, two," I felt his hands on my blindfold's bow, ready to pull and release it from my eyes, "three!"

I blinked a couple of times as the sudden bright lights hurt my eyes before I realized I was standing in the middle of a closed Tiffany's jewelry store.

"Oh my gosh," I whispered, my hands immediately covered my dropped jaw.

"Okay," he held his hands up, as if to pause for a second. "First of all, I made a couple of calls and we have this place to ourselves for two hours. Second, I hope you don't mind that I practically 'stole'," he air quoted with his fingers, "and recreated the scene from your favorite movie. And, three, this isn't exactly your proposal."

My hands dropped from my face and gave him a very confused look. I wasn't hurt. My gut feeling wasn't telling me this wasn't gonna be a horrible moment, but if this isn't my proposal, then what exactly is this?

Before I could question him, he grabbed my hands. My heart fluttered against my chest as his beautiful blue eyes looked deep into mine. "We just had the serious conversation last week. We both want to get married and we both want a big family someday. We both know exactly what we want. And, if I'm being completely honest with you, I also know exactly how I'm gonna propose to you. However, I don't know exactly what kind of ring you like, what you prefer, all that shanggains. You might not know what rings I like either. So, today, we're trying on rings."

At his words, 'we're trying on rings', my mind replayed some of our moments as a couple. Like when we finally decided to move in together and our bed frame didn't arrive on time. We put our new mattress on the floor. We didn't care as long as we had each other wrapped in each other's arms.

Our relationship wasn't always perfect. We've had heated arguments, some that had us nearly walking out the door. However, we always ran fast, straight back to the thing worth fighting for.

Although I have known Chris for years, I'm thankful for the night that turned our friendship into something more. Never in a million years did I think I would be grateful he got drunk at Tom's bachelor party and I had to pick up Chris' drunk ass.

Now, here I am, looking at him, looking at me like we always have. We've made each other happy, laugh, and cry, and we wouldn't have it any other way.

"Okay, we're trying on rings," I smiled wide with excitement.

We looked at all the rings in each glass case. Chris kept insisting not to look at the price tag and just try on whatever I like. So, I did. Some were prettier than others, but only very few were worth trying on.

I narrowed it down to three that I loved the most and would let Chris make the final decision. It was simple, yet classy. Not filled with so many diamonds, it could blind someone with it.I would be happy regardless what ring he picked out.

When we moved to the Men's wedding bands for Chris to try on, the manager asked, "so how long have you two been together?"

"Three years," Chris answered.

"But, we've known each other for a little over 10 years," I added.

The manager's jaw slightly dropped. "Mr. Evans, with all due respect, why on earth did it take you so long to snatch this beautiful woman?!"

I looked at Chris, curious to know his answer as well.

"Well, they say timing is everything and I'm glad I waited for the right woman. See, I always thought that people who talked about searching for their soul mates were just looking for an excuse not to settle down. And, then, I met her. I knew from the moment I saw her, she was the one, but our timing wasn't right. Things happened in our lives that caused us to be busy and apart. Once I finished my contract with Marvel, I went out to a friend's bachelor party and I knew this single life wasn't for me anymore. All I thought about was settling down.

"I hear her voice, and my heart starts beating. When she looks at me, I melt. I look into her eyes, and I get weak. When she smiles at me, I can't help but ask myself, 'how did I get so damn lucky?' I love her and for some crazyreason she loves me back. She's the right woman for me. I love her," he said.

My eyes were filled with tears. "I love you too," I whispered back.

Chris leaned forward to kiss me, but I turned my head, causing his lips to kiss my cheek. From the corner of my eye, I saw Chris pull back with a confused look on his face. I grabbed the notepad and pen the manager had and slid it to Chris. "Write everything you just said before you forget. I think we just found your wedding vow speech."

Chris chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "You're crazy and funny."

"But, you still love me," I smiled back.

"That is true," he smiled before he kissed me.

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