Part 2 - My Best Friend

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Author's Note: Y'all wanted and asked for a part 2. Please be gentle with me. I must have came up with something and deleted every draft at least 4 times before I settled with this draft. I'm still iffy about it, but let me know what you think!


Chris push his key in Y/N apartment in the lock and unlocked it. Normally he would let her know when he was coming over, but he hadn't heard from her all day. She wasn't answering his phone calls or text messages. Naturally, he was worried and wanted to see if she was okay.

"Okay! I'm here! What's wrong?" Chris shouted as he closed the front door with his foot. He had a case of Y/N favorite's alcoholic drink and her favorite pint of ice cream in the other. He wasn't sure how bad whatever she was going through was, but he made sure to bring two of her favorites to choose from.

"Chris?" Y/N shouted back. She was in the living room. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, you didn't answer me all day," he said as he walked down the hallway and when he turned to go into the living room, he saw a guy he had never seen before on the couch with Y/N. "I figured something was wrong..." he trailed.

"Whoa!" The guy shot up from the sofa. "You're Captain America, bro!"

"Alright, Kenny, it's time to go," Y/N started guiding him towards the door.

"But, he just got here and I wanna hang out with him," Kenny protested. "Why didn't you tell me you were friends with him?! I could have been friends with him this whole time!"

"That's exactly why I didn't tell you," Y/N said. "Goodbye, Kenny."

"Wait!" He shouted, but Y/N had already closed the door on him. She let out a frustrated groan.

Chris stood at the end of the hallway and saw Y/N leaning against the door with her eyes closed. He cleared his throat, causing her to open her eyes. For a split second, she forgot he was there. She walked towards him and noticed the items in his hands. She grabbed the pint of ice cream and made her way to the small kitchen to grab two spoons. Chris put the drinks in the refrigerator. She grabbed his hand and led him to her bedroom. They made themselves comfortable and leaned against the headboard. She opened the pint of ice cream and gave him a spoon.

"So, who was that?" Chris asked. He had an inkling feeling of who it could have been. Since she admitted to it, Chris hadn't let go of the idea that she had been sending out nudes to some guy. Truth is he didn't know all the facts. He didn't know if there was just one guy or a couple. However, this guy admitted he had known Y/N for a while, and he couldn't help but wonder exactly how long.

She swallowed her spoonful and gave him the pint, letting him get his turn with the ice cream. "Kenny and he came here because I dumped him."

Chris paused before putting his spoonful of ice cream in his mouth. He bit his lip, trying to take in this new information she had given him. He didn't want to say anything just yet. Not until he got the full details.

"Elaborate," was all he said.

Y/N moved her spoon around the pint of ice cream, stalling. She blew her lips, letting out a raspberry sound. "Kenny is someone I matched with on Tinder..."

"Oh," Chris mumbled. He stole another spoonful of ice cream, knowing he needed all the extra comfort he could get.

"About two years ago," she finished.

"Two years?!" Chris yelped, causing him to cough as he swallowed the ice cream wrong. He cleared his throat several times after he stopped. He hadn't even noticed Y/N had left and came back with a water bottle for him. He gladly took it, feeling a relief as the cool water went down his throat.

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