You Scream. I Scream. Dodger Barks.

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Author's Note: I found some fall prompts to kind of get some ideas to write some Chris imagines  for y'all to enjoy. This is the first one. It's tailgating a football game. I changed it up a bit and tried to make it more comedic and less football-ish, ha.

Hope y'all  enjoy and happy reading!


"Honey?! I'm home! What's the big emergency?!" Chris yelled as he walked into his house. His heart was racing against his chest, already imagining the worst since Y/N called him 20 minutes ago.

Like every Sunday morning, Chris went to visit his parents. Before he even got the chance to sit down and enjoy a cup of coffee, Y/N called him. She told him something had happened and she needed him to come home right away. And, because she knew how worried Chris would be, she reassured him she was fine, but he needed to come home.

Chris tried to explain and apologize to his parents, but they completely understood. They told him he had to go home to her immediately. Little did he know, his parents knew exactly what Y/N was planning for Chris...

"Hon-" Chris came to an abrupt halt when he walked into the kitchen.

Y/N was standing next to one of the best makeup artists in the business, Eryn Kruger Mekash. Chris' eyes flickered towards the kitchen table. It was covered with all different prosthetic pieces, different shades of foundation, a makeup box filled with more makeup and another makeup box filled with makeup brushes, sponges, and tools.

"Umm... what's going on?" He asked, confused.

"Baby, I have a big surprise for you. This is Eryn Kruger Mekash," Y/N lifted her hands and moved them around Eryn as if she was showcasing a prize from The Price Is Right.

"Holy shit! I know exactly who you are! Your work is amazing! Sorry, I'm blabbering," he rushed. "Hi, I'm Chris," he extended his hand out for a handshake.

"Thank you," Eryn laughed. "And, it's  nice to meet you too, Chris. I'm also a fan of yours. So, I'm glad we'll be working together today."

"Working? I'm so confused." Chris looked at Y/N. "Honey, what's going on? What's the emergency?"

"You're gonna wanna sit down for this," Y/N smiled as she pulled out a chair for Chris. He looked at her skeptically as he sat down. "I got a hold of your agent and asked him to help me find the best special effects makeup artist. He reached out to Eryn's agent and once she found out what I wanted to hire her for, she reached out to me to plan something for you."

"Plan together for....?" Chris still wasn't following.

"I got you and Scott tickets for tonight's Patriots game including tailgating tickets. I know you said you've always wanted to tailgate at a Patriots game, but you felt like you couldn't because you were scared you might be mobbed by fans. Which, realistically, is a good excuse to not want to even attempt trying to go to a tailgate. However, I've hired Eryn to completely transform you into someone completely different that no one would even think you look anything like Chris Evans."

Chris' eyes lit up with excitement. "Wait! They'll recognize Scott. They'll know it's me."

"Not if I also look different," Scott popped up from behind the counter. Chris' mouth dropped as he saw his little brother. His cheeks were fluffier and more round than normal. Eryn had given him a bigger nose as well. He didn't look him himself.

"HOLY SHIT!" Chris jumped from his chair with excitement. He wrapped his arms around Y/N and lifted her up. She giggled as he said 'thank you' repeatedly in between peppered kisses all over her face. "I fucking love you!"

"I know you do," Y/N smiled before she leaned in to kiss him deeply. "Now, let Eryn give you a broken looking nose, a fat bushy unibrow, and whatever else she can do to make you look ridiculous."


It was a little after 11PM when Chris got home. He noticed for the most part the entire house was dark except for the living room. He followed the soft glow of the TV and found both Y/N and Dodger asleep on the couch. Scream 4 was playing on the screen. Knowing Y/N, Chris had no doubt she was having a Scream movie marathon.

Chris's heart melted at the sight in front of him. He just had one of the best days of his life and he was so damn lucky to be coming home to these two.

He quietly walked towards the couch. He pulled the blanket up to cover Y/N. Dodger groaned and turned over on his back, letting all four paws rest up in the air. Chris chuckled softly. He leaned in and pressed a soft kiss on Y/N's forehead. "I'm home, honey," he whispered.

She swarmed a bit as she left out a soft groan. Her lips formed a smile knowing her man was finally home. She fluttered her eyes open and let out a loud shriek, which caused Chris to scream too as her scream scared him. Dodger immediately jumped up and started barking at Chris, protecting his mom.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Chris!!!! You scared the hell out of me!" Her hand was above her racing heart.

"I scared you?! You scared me! What the hell?!"

Dodger still continued to bark at Chris. He even growled at him. "What's wrong with you, bubba? It's me!" Chris said.

Y/N got up and grabbed Dodger by the collar. She opened the door that led out to the gated backyard. "Go potty, Dodger."

She closed the door and turned back to Chris, who looked completely confused as to why his dog was treating Chris like he didn't know who he was.

"How would you like it if you fell asleep watching horror movies - granted Scream movies are also comedies - but then get woken up by a complete stranger?!" She asked.

"Did you have some special brownies? Did Dodger get to them? Cause I don't understand why or how both of you would think of me as a stranger."

Y/N chuckled. She grabbed Chris' hand and led him to the mirror in the hallway. Chris burst into laughter with his hand on his chest, trying to control himself. He had so much fun today he had forgotten he had been completely transformed into a completely different person.

"You could have at least taken off the makeup before scaring the hell out of me and Dodger," Y/N laughed with him.

Chris wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her to his chest. She felt the rumble in his chest as he still laughed about the scare. He leaned down to kiss Y/N but she pulled away.

She shook her head. "No way, sir. Take off all that makeup first and then you can kiss me."

Chris pouted, his bottom lip pushing forward. "Do you not love me?"

"I love you more than anything in the world," she admitted honestly.

"Is it because I'm hideous?!" He mocks, trying to fight back a smile.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "No. You're the most handsome man I've ever laid eyes on... but that," she pointed at the prosthetics makeup, "is making me not want to kiss you. Especially after the heart attack it gave me."

"Aww, come on, honey," Chris took a few steps towards her. She saw his eyes flicker with desire. "I thought I'd leave it on and maybe I'd do a little role playing tonight."

Chris wiggled his eyebrows, but since Eyrn gave him a unibrow, it looked like a caterpillar wiggling on Chris' forehead. Y/N stiffed a giggle.

"There's no way I'm going to be able to focus with all the prosthetics makeup," she leaned in to the shell of his ear. "Besides, I bought this really sexy Patriots lingerie set just for you..."

She tugged his earlobe, immediately making Chris groan. The mental image of her in a Patriots lingerie set made his dick twitch.

"If you don't remove that makeup in 5 minutes, someone isn't getting lucky tonight," she winked at him and patted his chest above his heart before she walked towards the door to bring Dodger back in.

When she closed the door and locked it behind her, she saw Chris bolt to their bedroom. She chuckled and shook her head. "You're dad is crazy."

Dodger barked in agreement.

Chris Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now