Marry That Girl

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Author's Note: Hi. Miss me? Ha.

Not the greatest one shot for a comeback, but I hope y'all enjoy this one shot that was inspired by Easton Corbin's song - which I attached the Lyrics YouTube video on top if y'all want a listen. 

Happy reading!


Chris approached the bar. He found it odd there was no one behind it. Every bar stool was filled and they each had their own drink. There were couples flirting, probably on their weekly date night. A group of college girls giggling as a couple of guys stood behind them. No doubt they were trying to buy them their next round of drinks. If only there was a bartender...

Chris wasn't surprised the country bar was packed on a Saturday night. He turned around to see if maybe he could find a bartender, when his heart stopped.

A beautiful girl in a diem skirt, black halter top, and brown cowboy boots walked toward him. His knees buckled as she smiled at him, showing off her perfect pearly whites. His eyes flicker to her red lipstick. Her smile widened and his ocean blue eyes flickered back to her eyes. She winked at him as she made her way behind the bar.

She pulled out five shot glasses. As she reached for the bottle of rum on the top shelf, Chris stood behind the bar. "Hi."

"Howdy, cowboy," she smiled at him.

Chris looked down at his outfit. He was the furthest thing from a cowboy, but he'd take the compliment anyways. "I'm Chris."

"Cowboy Chris," she smirked at him. "I like it. I'm Y/N." She poured rum in each shot glass. "Want one?"

Chris shook his head. "I'm more of a beer kind of guy. With the occasional shot of tequila. Maybe whiskey."

She turned around to place the rum bottle back. She grabbed the tequila on the top shelf and quickly poured some in a shot glass. She handed him his shot glass, grabbed a shot of rum and held it up.

He chuckled. "I'm definitely not going to turn down a free shot from the bartender."

He clicked his shot glass with hers. They locked eyes before they cheered and shot it back. Chris groaned as the tequila burned the back of his throat.

"I'm not the bartender," she giggled. Chris' jaw dropped. He was baffled she was gutsy enough to go behind the bar. "My cousin is celebrating her 21st birthday with her friends," Y/N pointed at a group of college girls laughing and singing along to Easton Corbin's song blasting through the speakers.

"Be right back." She walked over to her cousin to drop off the shots of rum.

A deep voice chuckled. "It's a good thing her daddy owns the joint otherwise she'd be in trouble. Then, again, trouble is her middle name." Chris turned around to see a man behind the bar. "I told her to keep an eye on the bar while I go to the John. Can I get you something to drink?"

"He likes beer," Y/N answered, "but he'll be right back." She took his band and led him to the dance floor.

"Dance with me, Cowboy Chris. This is my favorite song!" She smiled at him.

He did just as she asked. He danced with her. All night long. He twirled her around the dance floor, lined danced next to her, and held her close during the slow country songs. They danced until everyone was gone. By the end of the night, when he walked her to her truck, they exchanged numbers. He kissed her good night on the cheek before she drove home.

Chris walked towards his truck where his friends were waiting for him, only to see the bartender about to get in his truck. "Did you have fun with Trouble?"

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