What If I Never Get Over You - Part 2

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Author's Note: Lately, I've had an idea to do a second part for "What If I Never Get Over You". I'm already brainstorming for a part 3, so let me know if you want a part 3!

Also, if your name is Abby or Kayla, I'm sorry. I just randomly picked two names off the top of my head for two other characters in this chapter.

Lastly, be sure to like and leave some feedback. It's always appreciated!😊


"Do you want anything? I'm going to the kitchen," Chris asked Scott. Scott shook his head, not taking off his eyes from the screen as the Saints we're currently beating the Patriots.

Chris quickly made a beeline to the fridge to get another beer. He grabbed a can and closed the door. He froze once he saw a wedding invitation hung on the fridge. He pulled off the magnet and got a closer look at the invitation.

Join us for the wedding of
Y/N Y/L/N and Cody Christian

Chris heart dropped to his stomach as he read those words in black cursive. The beer can slipped out of Chris hand, causing it to explode once it hit the tiled floor. Scott heard the commotion and rushed to his kitchen.

"Shit," he whispered under his breath as he realized the invitation in Chris' hand. He completely forgot to hide it from his older brother before he came over.

Chris looked up at his younger brother, the invitation still in his hand. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"You know why."

"She can't-" he dropped the invitation on the kitchen counter and ran his hands through his hair. "She doesn't know the truth. She can't marry him until she knows. She deserves the truth, Scott."

"Yeah, she does. I love you, bro, but you did everything wrong with Y/N. She deserved the truth before you broke up with her without an explanation. I'm always going to support you and be there whenever you need me, but when it comes to her... I'm on her side."

"Fuck," Chris groaned as he fished out his car keys from his jean pockets. The game had just started and he only had one beer so far. He was nowhere near buzzed and was perfectly fine to drive. He's not one to walk away from a Patriots game, but he had to see Y/N.

"I gotta go to her," he walked around the spilled beer.

"Oh, don't worry! I'll clean up the mess you made!" Scott yelled out scarastically.

"Thanks!" Chris yelled back before slamming the front door.


Chris walked up to a small house, one he remembered fondly and had so many memories in. He took a deep breath before knocking on the door. He heard Y/N say 'I'm coming!'. His heart was pounding against his chest not knowing what would happen when she would see him.

She opened the door, her smile completely vanishing as she saw Chris standing at her front door with his hands in his jean pockets. She hadn't seen him since he showed up to her live show in Boston. Before then, she hadn't seen or heard from him since he dumped her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I need you to come with me," he answered nervously. He wasn't sure if she would go anywhere with him. Maybe years ago, she would have without any hesitation; but, it's been 6 years.

"Give me one good reason why I should go anywhere with you," she crossed her arms to her chest.

"If you come with me, I promise you'll get the answers to everything that happened 6 years ago."

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