That Should Be Me - Part 1

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Author's Note: Don't judge me, but this was lowkey inspired by Justin Birber's "That Should Be Me", lol.

I will be working on a part 2, but let me know what y'all think about this one and let me know what other CE imagines y'all would like to read.


"Ugh, I really hate this," Y/N groaned before she drowned a shot of tequila. She licked the salt from the top of her hand and quickly sucked on a lemon wedge as she stared at the couple laughing at the bar.

"I know, honey," Scott took a drink from his beer as he also looked at his brother Chris laughing with his girlfriend Alba.

"I don't even know what he sees in her," Y/N confessed with a whine. "You know, before he met her, I thought we had a moment, Scott. The night before he left to film The Gray Man..." Y/N groaned in frustration. She buried her face in her hands. "And stupid me, gave myself hope that we would be something more than best friends."

Scott padded her back gently. "Honey, I can honestly say, whoever Chris is with - or who you date - those people will always be second best. They'll never come first even with a wedding ring on."

Y/N's head jerked to Scott's face. "What did you just say?" She whispered.

Scott's eyes widened as he realized what slipped. "Nothing," he answered immediately.

"Wedding ring..." she said slowly. "He's going to propose?" Tears began to well in her eyes.

"Shit. This isn't how you were supposed to find out," Scott started to ramble. "He hasn't bought anything yet. He's just looking! It doesn't mean he's going to."

"I gotta go," Y/N stood up, losing her balance.

"Whoa, you can't leave. You've been drinking," Scott immediately stood up and grabbed her by the arm before she could lose her balance again.

Chris looked away from Alba and saw Y/N shove Scott away from her. He politely excused himself to see what all the commotion was about.

"I know that," Y/N said. "That's why I'm going to get a Lyft."

"What's going on?" Chris asked.

"Nothing," Y/N snapped, unable to look at Chris knowing the tears in her eyes would make their way down her cheeks.

"Y/N wants to leave. I think I should order her a Lyft," Scott answered.

"I can take you home," Chris offered. "I only had one beer when we got here and then I've been drinking water the rest of the night. Let me pay our tabs and we'll head out."

"No," Y/N said sternly as she pulled out a couple of twenty dollar bills and slammed them on the small table she shared with Scott. "You're the last person I want to be with right now. As a matter of fact, I don't want to deal with you at all anymore. Goodbye, Chris!" She walked out of the bar.

Something happened that Chris had never experienced with Y/N before. His heart broke into a million pieces. And, it released this unbearable pain. This was worse than when the first girl he ever loved broke his heart. It felt like he had lost a part of him, and he was afraid he'd never get the second piece of his soul that made him whole.

He looked over at Scott who looked nervous. "What the hell did she mean by that?"

"The beers definitely helped me say something I wasn't supposed to," he admitted as he looked back towards the door Y/N walked out through. "You need to go after her before you lose her forever."

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