Strawberry Wine

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Author's Note: I came across this song and became obsessed with it. I thought it would be a perfect Chris AU where he's a farmer. That's right. I said farmer!!!! Enjoy!


Y/N walked with a wooden basket in her hand. She turned on her feet and started walking around the booths, checking out what local farmers were selling.

It was a warm summer day with clear blue skies. The perfect day to visit the town's farmer's market. Everyone seemed to know everyone as they talked amongst each other. Besides her cousin, Y/N didn't know anyone. She hadn't come to Tennessee in over 20 years, the summer before her first year of college.

She found her cousin, Deana, at the strawberry booth and walked towards her. "Whoa, those might be the biggest strawberries I've ever seen!" Y/N said as she saw a strawberry almost the size of Deana's palm.

"Just picked them out this morning," the farmer said.

"Travis, this is my cousin, Y/N. She's in town because," Deana's voice lowered. "Well, you know why.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, darling," Travis shook Y/N's hand. "I'm so sorry about your grandfather. He was truly one of a kind. A tough ol' bird. The town won't be the same without him."

Y/N's eyes welled up. "Thank you, Travis."

Deana paid for her strawberries as she asked Y/N if she had seen Carter. Y/N shook her head, "No. Apparently, it's not cool to walk around the farmer's market with your mom," Y/N rolled her eyes.

Deana laughed. "You're a fantastic mother. She's just a teenager."

"I know," she sighed. "Let's try and find her."

Y/N turned around and froze in place as she found Carter at a booth that was selling jam. He was a bit taller than she had last seen him. His shoulders were much broader. His skin was still as tanned as before. His baby face was now covered in dark facial hair. Her heart skipped a beat as she remembered that summer she fell in love for the first time.

Y/N opened the door to the big red barn. She saw a horse in its stall. She walked over with a big smile on her face. She reached out her hand, letting the horse smell her. After a few seconds, the horse nudged its nose on her palm. Y/N giggled before she began stroking her hand against the soft skin down the horse's nose.

Chris furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed the barn's door was wide open. He could have sworn he had just closed it a few minutes ago. He walked up to the door and peeked in when he heard a girl's giggle. He saw the most beautiful girl he had never seen, being so gentle and kind to Bucky.

"You're such a handsome boy," she said to the horse.

"Why thank you," Chris spoke out loud, causing Y/N to jump out of her skin. She turned around to see a tall, lean boy in a plaid shirt. The sleeves had been rolled up to the curve of his elbow. His jeans were covered in dirt and grass. His boots were completely covered in dry mud.

"My ma tells me that every day, but it's nice to hear it from a beautiful woman that isn't a mother," he smirked as he stood in front of her.

Y/N's cheeks flushed. "I was talking to the horse."

Chris placed his hand on his chest, above his thundering beating heart. "Ouch. That hurts."

Y/N bit her bottom lip, trying to fight the urge to smile at him.

"I'm Chris," he extended his hand.

"Y/N. I'm-"

"You're Earl's granddaughter," he interrupted. "He mentioned you were spending the entire summer with him."

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