Strip Down

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Day 14 of Fic-mas: Getting snowed in together in your car

Y/N's teeth were chattering as she hugged herself. Chris was blowing hot air on his hands and rubbing them together, trying his best to warm up. They had been stuck on the side of the road for a couple of hours.

They were meeting up with some friends at a lodge house for the weekend. However, Chris had some meetings with ASP all day and Y/N was working late to have Friday and Monday off from work for this weekend gateway. Their friends had left the day before. Although they weren't exactly close friends, they decided to drive up together Thursday night after they were done with work.

However, no one expected a snow storm. One big enough where it wasn't safe to drive in. Eventually they ran out of gas, unable to use the heater to keep them warm. Not to mention, they were in the middle of nowhere, meaning no cell service to get some help if they were able to get any during this blizzard. Unfortunately, they were snowed in her SUV.

"Chris, I'm so fucking cold," she shivered.

"Me too," he hugged himself tight. "Maybe we should hug. You know, kind of cuddle. Create some body heat for the both of us," he suggested.

In other circumstances, Y/N would have said no. She didn't know him that well. He was a friend of a friend. However, she felt like she was about to break every limb in her body from being frozen.

"That's a good idea. The back seats can be pulled down. It'll be easier to cuddle without a middle console in the way," she said.

Y/N grabbed their blankets before Chris brought down their bags from the backseats and placed them on the floor before pulling down the seats to create a flatbed. Chris put one of the blankets out, hoping to have some comfort instead of laying on hard car seats. Y/N crossed over and laid down. Chris laid next down to her before both of them snuggled close together under the blanket.

At first, they warmed up. They made small talk, hoping the time would go by quicker. Eventually, as the night went on, the temperature kept dropping.

"Chris," Y/N said between her chattering teeth. "It's so fucking cold."

"I know," he trembled. "We gotta strip."

Y/N's eyes widened. "What?"

"They say in situations like these, the naked body against another naked body really helps with getting warm."

"No offense, but I'd rather freeze my tits off than get naked with you."

"Usually when someone says no offense, they're offending someone," Chris said before he let out a groan. "Just do it! It's fucking cold! You don't have to be completely naked. Just keep your bra and underwear on."

"What if I'm not wearing any?"

"That would be hot but given that it is winter, I bet you're lying," he held her gaze, trying to find any hint of lying in her eyes.

She broke eye contact by rolling her eyes. "I hate it when you're right."

"Come on, we'll use our coats as a bed comforter and we'll cover ourselves with both blankets. What do you say?" He asked, already getting up and taking off his puffy, thick coat.

"Chris, it's not that I don't want you to get naked. It has more to do with me being naked," she looked down at herself. She let out a sigh as her tears welled up. She hated that she was about to get vulnerable with someone as handsome and wonderful as him. "I'm really insecure about myself— well, my body. I'm not comfortable doing this with you."

Chris' heart broke. He didn't like that she felt that way about herself. But, also, he didn't like that she felt she couldn't be comfortable with him. The truth was he always had an interest in her when he first met her a couple of years ago, but the timing wasn't right. She was dating her shitty ex boyfriend at the time and then he was constantly out of town for work.

"Y/N," Chris' voice softened. He reached for her hand, "you have nothing to be insecure about. You're a beautiful woman. Not to mention you're funny and kind hearted. I would be lying if I said I never checked you out, especially when you wear dresses that hug your amazing body figure. I want you to know you're amaIng and I want you to feel comfortable with me. I never want you to feel insecure about yourself, ever, especially when you're with me because if I had it my way, I'd tell you every day what I love about you."

Tears fell down Y/N's cheeks. Chris gently wiped them away.

"I don't know what to say," she whispered. "I had no idea you felt that way."

Chris gave her a small smile, "are you kidding me? You're fucking gorgeous. Despite this horrible blizzard, I'm glad I'm stuck with you."

Y/N chuckled, "I'm glad it's with you too because I don't think I could be doing this with anyone else."

She took a deep breath and discarded her coat and long sleeve. She laid down and wiggled herself to remove her pants. She let out a deep breath as she laid there in her underwear. Chris removed his shirt. Y/N found it incredibly sexy how he took it off in one swift motion. Chris grabbed the blankets and pulled them towards them.

Immediately feeling the warmth of his body, she moved closer. Chris wrapped opened his arms, inviting her. She snuggled against him as he tightened his arms around her. Her muscles relaxed at his warmth and the feeling of being safe in his arms.

"I got you," he whispered before pressing a kiss against her forehead.

She closed her eyes as she felt internally grateful for Chris. She smiled against the crook of his neck, knowing someday this would be a story they would tell this kids how their relationship started. All thanks to a damn blizzard.

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