That Should Be Me - Part 2

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"Coming!" Y/N shouted. Someone had knocked on her door and she knew it was the pizza guy. She grabbed her wallet from her purse before opening the door. "Sorry about the wait-"

Y/N stopped mid sentence as she realized it wasn't the pizza guy. It was Chris.

"You have kept me waiting long enough," he stood there with a pizza box. "I had to bribe the pizza guy with a couple of selfies to take your pizza since you've been ignoring me for the past week."

Y/N sighed. "I really don't want to talk or see you," She began to close her door, but Chris stopped her.

"I just want to talk," he pleaded.

Y/N noticed his blue eyes were broken, filled with sadness. It broke her heart and she hated that she still cared when she didn't want to anymore.

Who is she kidding? She'll always care about him.

She didn't say anything. Instead, she walked back to her bedroom. Chris took the opportunity to go inside before she changed her mind and kicked him out. He put the pizza on top of the kitchen counter. He grabbed a couple of paper plates and a few napkins and placed them on top of the box. Next, he opened the fridge and groaned at the sight in front of him. She only had wine coolers. He hated it when she ran out of his favorite beer. He grabbed two wine cooler bottles and closed the fridge door with his foot. When he turned around, he saw the trash can was filled with his favorite beer cans emptied and an empty box of tissues. His heart sank. She was clearly going through something. Except, he hated that she was choosing to go through it alone and not want him to be there for her.

WIthout dropping anything, Chris took everything to her bedroom. He noticed she had hid under her comforter. The movie "P.S. I Love You" was paused on her tv. That was her to-go movie when she was sad and needed a good cry. He sighed realizing it was worse than he thought.

Chris sat on the edge of her bed. "Please talk to me. I want to do something for you, whatever you need. Just let me help you."

Y/N's head peaked out from underneath the covers to look at him. "Anything?"

"Anything," he promised.

She hesitated before she got up. Chris was about to get up and follow her but she shook her head. She straddled his hips, wrapped her arms around him tight, and buried her face at the crook of his neck. "I just need you."

His muscles relaxed. He let out a deep sigh of relief as his hands rested at her hips. He buried his nose in her hair, taking in the sweet smell of her shampoo.

"You already know, I'll always be here for you whenever you need me," he pressed his lips gently at the top of her head. "Don't get me wrong, I love our koala hugs, but why does this one feel different?"

She pulled back to look at him. She cupped his cheeks and looked deep into his blue eyes. She wondered what he was thinking, what he felt behind those sad blue eyes. Her thumb brushed lightly at the top of his cheekbone.

"Because," she bit her bottom lip as tears began to well in her eyes, "lately it feels like I'm losing you for good and I just want to hold on to you for a little bit longer..."

His heart stopped beating for a second as fear washed over him. He locked eyes with her as the thought of losing her... the thought of her not being in his life anymore was something he didn't want.

His arms snaked around her body before he leaned back on her bed, bringing her flushed against his body. She felt safe and secured in his arms, but for how long knowing he'll be spending the rest of his life with someone else.

At that moment, Y/N realized this was wrong. She should not be koala hugging someone else's man even if it's her best friend. She began to unravel, but Chris only tightened his hold around her, refusing to let her go.

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