The Evans Cookie Decorating Contest

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Day 20 of Fic-mas: Cookie decorating competition


"I'm gonna win again this year," Chris said as he pulled up to his mom's house.

"No, you're not. This is my year," Y/N retorted back. "I'm gonna beat y'all of y'all this year. Just watch."

"I like your confidence, but there's no way you're gonna beat the champ. I've won 4 years in a row now."

"Well, Mr. Evans, your amazing and awesome wife is gonna sweep you under the rug!"

Y/N and Chris turned as they heard a knock on the driver's side of the window. "Come on you two! It's time for the cookie decorating competition!" Scott yelled with excitement. "And I'm beating your ass this year, bro."

"Not a chance, Scotty boy! It's my year!" Y/N smirked at him as he got out of the car.

"What are you waiting for? Get inside," Lisa called from the front door.

Chris grabbed Y/N's hand before walking behind Scott into the house. Their sisters were already in the kitchen with their significant others talking amongst themselves over a cup of hot chocolate.

"About time!" Carly smiled before hugging her brothers and sister-in-law.

"Let's get started!" Shanna said excitement.

"Okay, y'all know the rules. There are 4 different types of sugar cookies, Santa, a Christmas tree, a gingerbread man, and an angel. Pick only two. Here are all the frostings, sprinkles, and candies. If something runs out, make do with what's left over and  figure something out."

"Are the judges here?" Scott asked, looking around to see if his two nephews and his niece were in the house.

Lisa shook her head. "No, Bob, took them out. They'll be here in time for the judging."

Every year in the Evans household, Lisa started a Christmas Cookie Decorticating contest for the kids and Bob would judge. As they got older, they looked forward to it every year and it became a fun competition for them. When Lisa finally had grandkids old enough to participate, they didn't find it as fun. They had more fun picking out the cookies and eating them. So, Bob retired as a judge and past on the duty to the grandkids, who each loved to judge.

"On your mark.... get set.... Go!" Lisa yelled with excitement.

Y/N reached for an angel and Santa cookie. She quickly snatched the white frosting. She grabbed a knife and spread some frosting on the entire angel cookie. She then gave her Santa cookie a white beard and filled in the white portions of the santa hat. Next, she grabbed the red icing. She drew a heart in the middle of the angel's chest. She went back to her Santa and filled in the rest of the hat with the red icing. Once she finished, she drew a small heart on top of the white fuzzy ball of Santa's hat.

Scott had just put back the black icing with the rest of the decorating items. Y/N quickly grabbed it, beating Chris to it. She playfully stuck out her tongue at him since he was too slow and she got it before he did. She quickly drew eyes and a smile on each character. Lastly, she drew a halo at the top of the angel's head with yellow icing.

She looked at her cookies and was impressed with herself. She watched the others as they finished up their cookies. By the time Scott finished his last cookie, Ethan, Miles, and Stella came running into the house. The smell of freshly baked cookies had them rushing to the kitchen.

"Is it time yet?!" Stella asked as Lisa picked her up.

"You guys are right on time," Lisa smiled.

The three kids sat on the bar stools as they overlooked the plates of cookies. They had no idea who's plate was who, which was fair as everyone thought they would pick their parents cookies. They whispered amongst themselves, making some of the adults chuckle at how serious they were about judging cookies.

Ethan leaned in to say something to Stella, who immediately shook her head. "No! Remember-" She stopped as she saw everyone staring at her. She leaned into her brothers and whispered a little too loud, "We're supposed to pick the ones that have hearts on them!"

"Wait a minute!" Chris stepped forward. He looked down at the cookies and noticed Y/N's cookies were the only one who had hearts. "Why are you supposed to pick Auntie's Y/N's cookies?" He asked.

"We can't say," Ethan said at the same time Miles said, "she paid us."

Y/N sighed heavily. "It was supposed to be a secret you guys! It was the only way I could beat your Uncle Chris."

"Well...." Ethan started, "Uncle Chris has been paying us to pick his cookies for the past few years."

"WHAT?!" Scott exaggerated.

"That's totally unfair!" "Cheater!" The Evans sisters shouted at the same time.

"You guys, that was supposed to be a secret!" Chris said to his nephews and niece. "And I paid y'all again for this year! What happened?"

"Auntie paid us more than you did," Miles smiled as he went to hug Y/N. She couldn't help but chuckle as she picked up Miles for a hug and kiss him on the cheek.

"Wait a minute!" Scott interrupted and looked at the little ones looking at him. "I've been bribing you guys with money too!"

"Uncle Chris offered each of us ten bucks," Ethan answered.

"But Auntie Y/N promised us twenty buck-a-roos!" Miles said with so much glee.

"Uncle Scotty only gave us five. He's cheap!" Stella added, filling the entire kitchen with laughter.

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