The One With Ross and Rachel - 2

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Author's Note: Wow. I'm totally blown and overwhelmed with comments and feedback y'all leave me for the first part. As A LOT of y'all requested, here's a second part. Enjoy.



"Hello, people who don't live here," Y/N said as she walked into her apartment and saw her friend Rachel and Scott lounging around in her living room.

The pair quickly stopped talking as they hid something underneath them on her couch. Y/N raised an eyebrow, wondering what exactly they were talking about before she walked in. She shook her head, thinking nothing of it. She noticed they each had a glass of wine on her coffee table.

It had been a rough couple of weeks. She went back to work this week after taking a week off to try her best to mend her broken heart. She failed miserably as she hadn't seen or talked to Chris since they both confessed their feelings in her bedroom. There was a lot of crying, drinking wine, and munching on junk food when she had to eat.

"Pour me a glass will ya?" Y/N asked as she flipped through the mail she had in her hand. The first few letters were bills. She set those aside knowing she would pay those immediately tonight before going to bed. She dropped her purse on the table as she saw a big and slightly thicker than normal letter.

Her name and address was written in his handwriting. She could recognize that handwriting anywhere. Her heart stopped beating as she saw his name and Minka's on the top left side. They're names along with an address we're printed on a label with wedding bells.

"What is this?" She asked, holding up the letter as Scott was in her kitchen with a bottle of wine.

"Maybe that's the one we should've actually hidden," Scott said to Rachel.

"You guys, come one. You don't have to do that. I'm hap-" Y/N stopped herself. She wanted to say happy, but the truth was she was far from happy. And, for selfish reasons, she didn't want him to be happy either.

Y/N opened the invitation and read it. He will be married in one month. How was this possible? Everything was happening too damn fast and Y/N wanted some type of magical remote to pause her life. She wanted someone to shake her shoulders, forcing her to wake up from this horrible nightmare.

She dropped the invitation on the table and grabbed the wine bottle Scott still had in his hand. She ignored the empty wine glass he had for her and took a long drink of wine straight from the bottle. She let out a deep sigh. "I'll work on it."

"I'm sorry, honey," Rachel said as Y/N sat next to her on the couch. Y/N nodded. "You're still gonna come though, right?"

"Oh, I don't know..." Y/N trailed. The dull ache in her heart returned. She was already hurting so much right now. She could only imagine the unbearable pain that would course through her body if she actually witnessed Chris exchange vows to another woman in front of his entire family and friends.

"He's your best friend. You might regret it," Rachel reached for Y/N's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"It'll be too weird for me," Y/N protested.

"You know what would be really weird?" Rachel asked Y/N, who hummed in response. "Is if you weren't there. Just think about it, okay?"

Deep down in her heart, she knew what the answer was. She couldn't do it. She didn't want to do it. She didn't care if it would be something she could possibly regret someday. Instead of saying no, she said the answer Rachel wanted to hear. "Yeah, I'll think about it."

That night, Y/N couldn't sleep after Rachel and Scott left her apartment. Her mind was replaying old fond memories she had with Chris. They were each other's date to every school dance. She had her first slow dance with him with George Strait's "I Cross My Heart". Chris would never let her forget how many times she stepped on his feet that night.

Their senior year, they both agreed to go to prom with their own dates. Chip Matthews never showed up to Y/N's house the night of their senior prom. Y/N was devastated that the most popular guy in school would do something as cruel as this to her. She believed it was some sort of prank. Y/N called Chris in tears, explaining what happened. It broke his heart to hear her sad. He promised her he would fix it and everything would be better within an hour.

As promised, Chris showed up at Y/N's house in the tux he borrowed from his dad. At the end of the night, the DJ played the last slow song of the night, "I Cross My Heart.' As they swayed to the song, Chris pulled her close to whisper against the shell of her ear, "I'll always be there for you. Always."

Y/N ended up crying herself to sleep. She woke up with a massive headache and puffy, red eyes. She was making oatmeal when there was a knock on the door. Y/N peeped through the peephole on her door and saw Rachel. She opened the door and mumbled 'morning' as Rachel walked in.

"Geez, you look like hell," Rachel said as she walked in with two cups of coffee she picked up on the way.

Y/N grabbed the Starbucks to-go cup Rachel offered her. "It was a rough night."

"Why? What happened?" She asked before she sat down on the small table. Rachel gasped as she saw the return RSVP card to Chris's wedding. "No, you're really not going?" She asked as she picked up the card where Y/N had checked off the 'Will NOT be attending' box.

"It's just gonna be too hard," Y/N admitted as she sat down in the chair next to Rachel. She couldn't look at her as she continued to speak. "It's Chris. How can I watch him get married? It's just for the best if I don't go."

"Are you sure?" Rachel whispered.

Y/N looked up at Rachel with tears in her eyes. She nodded as the tears fell down. She was tired. She was exhausted from feeling this way. The pain - the unbearable heartbreak - never seemed to lessen. If anything, it continued to grow each passing day since the engagement announcement. Y/N was beginning to wonder if this pain would ever go away.

"Yes," she answered. "It hurts too much," she finally let go and sobbed. Rachel's eyes welled up with tears. She had never seen her best friend like this before. She didn't know what to do as she herself had never felt this kind of heartbreak before. All she could do was wrap her arms around Y/N and hold her tight as she cried. 

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