Y/N's Wingman

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Valentine Prompt: Another Valentine's Day single and alone. You'll be my wingman tonight, won't you?

Author's Note: Here's the first of a few Chris Valentine prompts. I don't have set dates for when they'll be posted. You'll just have to wait for the surprise, ha.  Enjoy!


Y/N groaned through the phone with her best friend, Chris, "Another Valentine's Day single and alone."

Chris chuckled, "a bit over dramatic, don't you think?"

"You'll be my wingman tonight, won't you?" She asked, completely ignoring his question.

Chris shook his head, not wanting to be any part of helping her find a man tonight at some sleazy bar. But, he was in love with his best friend, and he'd do anything for her, even if it meant her being happy with someone else.

"Sure," he said. "I'll pick you up in 20 minutes."

"20 minutes?! It takes more than 20 minutes to do my hair, Chris. There's no way-"

"Take it or leave it."

"Ugh, fine," she hung up on him and immediately started getting ready.

Chris put his phone down in his bed and let out a deep sigh. Dodger strutted up to his owner and leaned his head on Chris' knee. Chris gave him a small sad smile. "I don't know how much longer I can do this, bubba."

Dodger whined, sensing the sadness radiating from Chris. He licked Chris' hand, the best way he knows how to comfort him. Chris scratched behind his ears before he got up to get dressed.

He put on a black v-neck and a pair of dark jeans. He grabbed a pair of worn out boots and his favorite leather jacket. Chris double checked Dodger had some food and water in his bowl just in case and took him out before he grabbed his keys.

As he said, Chris showed up in front of Y/N's door in exactly 20 minutes. He rang the doorbell, only to get a text message a few seconds later. He recognized the duck quacking ringtone, signaling it was from Y/N.

It's open!

He let himself in and shouted, "you're still not ready?!"

"I can't find my purse!" She yelled back from her bedroom.

"You mean the one hanging off the coat rack right by the door?!"

Y/N came out of her bedroom in black tight jeans and a red blouse that hugged her curves perfectly. Her red heels clicked against the tile floor. Chris' eyes slowly lingered down her body, noticing how incredibly sexy she looked in her outfit. When his eyes slowly took in every feature of her face, he was admiring how beautiful she looked with some light makeup and her hair pulled back in a bun.

"Hello!" She snapped her fingers in front of his face, causing him to snap out of his trance. "Did you even hear a word I said?"

"Umm, yes," he lied.

"Perfect. I'll order us a Lyft."

"What? No-"

"So, you weren't paying attention?" She chuckled. "Come on, I need my wingman to get as drunk as me."

Chris shook his head, "I don't plan on drinking tonight, especially if you're gonna end up bailing on me and going home with someone else."

"Well, that's the goal isn't it?" She smirked.

He stared at her as he thought to himself. What was the point? She never felt the same way he felt about her. Why was he going to help her find some douche tonight and go home alone? Shouldn't he have just as fun as she wanted? Maybe this would help him move on.

"Fuck it," he said. "Let's get drunk tonight." Y/N cheered and clapped her hands excitedly as she ordered a Lyft.


The bar was packed tonight, filled with single people who also aren't celebrating the holiday with a special someone; but they all knew the best way to end the holiday was leaving the bar with someone.

The jukebox played softly as people talked amongst each other. Chris and Y/N managed to find two stools at the end of the bar. They ordered the first round of drinks as they scanned the bar, looking for anyone who could be a potential 'take home' for Y/N. However, Chris had another plan in mind. He wasn't going to be her wingman as promised. He was going to make damn sure she wasn't going home with anyone.

Rob was the first guy who approached Y/N and bought her a drink. After exchanging small talk, the two hit it off. Chris ordered himself another beer and scrolled through his phone. Y/N excused herself to the bathroom to freshen up, but Chris knew it was her signature move. She would purposely sway her hips, hoping the guy would watch her away walk. Although this move worked more than he'd like it to, he knew this was the perfect opportunity to talk to Rob.

Chris explained it wouldn't work out between him and Y/N because she's a lesbain. Rob was completely taken back. "Really? I didn't get that vibe." He said before he got his drink and left Chris alone to himself with a smirk on his face.

When she came back, Y/N asked for Rob and Chris said he took off. She was bummed about Rob leaving, but she wasn't too hurt. The night was still young and there were plenty of other potentials.

The same cycle repeated twice with a guy named Dave and Ben. Just after her signature move, Chris got rid of the guys with the same excuse he gave Rob. The more he did it without Y/N knowing, the more Y/N got annoyed about the guys leaving. She knew something was wrong but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it.

Y/N had just finished her third drink while Chris chugged the last of his 5th beer. Chris wasn't drunk yet, but he was definitely feeling good with the buzz he had. He let out a small grunt as she gently punched Chris' arm. "What the hell is going on? You are the worst wingman."

"I don't knoooo," he slurred a bit. "Maybe they're gay," he snorted at his own joke.

She furrowed her eyebrows. How could they be gay if they approached her first. "That doesn't make any sense." She groaned. "Whatever, I'm annoyed and ready to go home."

"You're annoyed?" He asked. "I've been annoyed since you called me!"

"What? Why?" She asked, confused.

"You think I like being your wingman?" He shook his head. "No one likes to be the wingman to the person they're in love with." His eyes went wide as he realized the words that rolled off his tongue so easily. He didn't even realize what happened. It was as if his mouth had a mind of its own.

His heart pounded against his chest as Y/N stared at him, completely taken by surprise. All the noise in the bar - the music playing from the jukebox and people talking so loud - faded as Y/N's heart fluttered against her chest. She wrapped her hand behind his neck and pulled him in for a sweet gentle kiss. She kissed him once and pulled back for a second. When he didn't hesitate, she kissed him again. It was a soft, lingering kiss. Nothing heavy or passionate. Simple and sweet.

"Let's go home," she whispered against his lips.

Chris searched her eyes. He cupped her cheek and his heart broke for a second. She didn't say she loved him back and he knew exactly what her intentions were for tonight. He didn't want that. He wanted something so much more.

He shook his head before he spoke, "not if I'm some guy you're picking up at the bar."

A soft smile formed on her lips. She leaned her forehead against his and kissed him once more. "You could never be that guy to me, Chris. You're the it guy. The one. I never said anything because I didn't think you felt the same way. I love you, too."

Chris' heart thundered against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her to him. He smiled at her, "let's go home." She began to pull away but Chris stopped her. "Wait," he leaned in to kiss her, with so much passion. She was breathless when he pulled back. "Happy Valentine's Day, my love."

"And here's to many more," she smiled at him before she kissed him again.

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