First Anniversary - Part 3: First Kiss

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Author's Note: Happy New Year y'all!

Y'all have been awesome and good to me in 2021. I can't thank y'all enough for your love and support.

Here's to hoping 2022 will be good to all of us! Also, I hope to reach 1M reads for this book by the end of the year. 🤞🏼

What are some your New Years resolutions if y'all don't mind sharing?


Y/N darts down the hall, towards the locker room hallway and through the doors that lead to the lacrosse field. Getting closer to the bleachers of where they had their first kiss, the memory comes rushing back.

Y/N leans against the wall besides the locker room door waiting for Chris and is becoming impatient as half the team has already left. Her heart begins to race when she hears the door open.

"Calm down," Chris teammate and best friend Garrett said me as he noticed Y/N practically jumpes. "It's only me."

"Sorry, I thought you were-"

"Nope. He said he'll be out in a few more minutes," knowing who you are waiting for.

The locker room door opens, making Scott and Y/N see Chris walk out.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Chris immediately apologizes.

"It's okay," Y/N gives him a small smile. She feels her cheeks heating up. She's hoping she's not blushing too hard.

"I'll see you at Lydia's lake house in a few?" Garrett asks. Chris nods and gives him a fist bump as Y/N waves.

Chris turns around and faces Y/N as Garrett walks away. Chris's blue eyes light up when his eyes meets her hazel eyes, "Sorry I took so long but I have a good excuse."

"Is that so?" she grins.

"Yes. The guys wanted to go out and celebrate. You know the usual big party at someone's house whose parents are out of town, kegs in the backyard, music so loud the neighbors would surely call the cops on, only to end in a raid."

Y/N nods in agreement knowing exactly how the parties are.

Chris slides his hands into hers, intertwining his fingers perfectly between the space in her fingers. The perfect fit, they both thought. "So I stayed behind so none of them could physically drag me to the party. I rather spend the rest of the night with you," he smiles.

Y/N couldn't help but blush at his words. "Are you sure? I mean you did shoot the winnin' goal, sure you don't want to celebrate with your teammates as well?"

"I'm sure," he squeezes her hands lightly.

"Okay, what do you have in mind? Dinner? Movie?" she asks.

"I have something better in mind," he pulls her leading the way to the bleachers out on the field.


Chris rests back on the bleachers extending his arm out as Y/N leans into his chest wrapping her arms around his waist, and Chris puts his head on top of hers as they look up at the night sky. It was September and fall was barely beginning with its warm breeze and the night clear as day, displaying thousands of bright shining stars.

They were quiet for so long, but the good kind of quiet. It wasn't awkward, or uncomfortable or a moment where they felt the need to say words because it was a perfect moment. A moment that was better cherished by embracing each other in their arms without saying what they were thinking or feeling, they could feel each other's feelings by the warmth of their bodies, their tightness, and their tenderness. They both knew this exact moment would never happen again.

Breaking the silence, Y/N asks, "Did you see that?"

"A shooting star. Did you make a wish?"

"I sure did. Did you?"

"Nah," he simply states as he begins to rub small circles on her arm.

She looks up to meet his beautiful blue eyes looking more like green with the twilight, "Babe! Why not? Isn't there anything you want to wish for?"

Chris rests his hand on her cheek, "No because babe, I already got the one thing I want." Y/N held her breath at his response, not that it scared her, but because she sensed what was going to happen next. With his hand still on her cheek and looking deep into her eyes he genuinely says, "you."

Without even realizing it, she leans into him as he presses his lips softly against her watermelon flavored lips. It's her first kiss but her lips against his felt natural as they moved in sync with his. She couldn't help but smile like a love struck idiot when they slightly pulled back. Chris chuckles.

"What's so funny?" she giggles.

"Babe, you taste so good."

She smacks him on the arm playfully, "Oh my god! Chris!"

"I could just kiss you all the time, babe," he grins trying to pull her in again.

Chris sits still as she slides her hand up from his waist, feeling his hard abs, then his tone chest, curling up around his neck to his hair, pulling him in right before her lips, "what are you waitin' for?"
Chris responds by moving his hands down to her waist pulling her in once more.

Y/N sits down at the exact same spot where they were not that long ago but once again there was no card to be seen. Chris wouldn't leave a card out on the open where the wind would blow it away easily. Where would the next card be? She places her hands on the bleachers and then runs them underneath where she feels a bulky letter taped under the seat.

So you found your next letter. You always have been a smart girl, another reason why I love you.

Remember after talking about the game there was a long silence between us? We were just resting on the bleachers and looking up at the stars in the sky in peace and letting our minds wonder. We were quiet for so long I wondered what was going through your mind, till this day I still do but I won't ask as I rather tell you what I was thinking about. I was wondering how in the world I got so lucky with you. How an amazing and beautiful girl like you liked a guy like me, when you could have anyone in this school. I'm kind of glad I hit you with my locker, lol.

As you can see, there's a lip balm taped to this letter. With my mom's help of tracking down the right flavor, I bought you the same lip balm you wore that night. I loved it for two reasons. It was the perfect clear shade that highlighted your perfectly natural lips and I'm not going to lie, I loved the way it tasted on you. ;)

You wore it all the time when we first started dating, and eventually I noticed you ran out and bought another flavor. Not that I have a problem with your lip balms, but I've always liked the watermelon one because it takes me back to that night. Every time I smell watermelon, I think of your lips and our first kiss.

This is your first gift for your anniversary, not just a stick of lip balm but also a box full of them which are now resting at your dresser back home. That's right, I ordered you a box of watermelon lip balm that'll last you for the next year. I guess you could say I bought this for selfish reasons :P

You also wore that same lip balm on our first date.
Y/N runs back to her car after reading her next clue.

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