Part 1 - My Best Friend

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Y/N turned the key and unlocked the door. She closed the door with her foot as her hands were full. Dodger ran towards the door and immediately started wagging his tail as he saw Y/N.

"Hey Dodger! Where is he, bud?" She asked after putting her purse and keys on the kitchen counter. She scratched behind his ears and gave him a quick kiss.

"I said not to come over, Scott!" Chris shouted from his bedroom.

"Good thing I'm not Scott!" She yelled back. She got a spoon from one of the kitchen drawers before making her way to his room with a pint of ice cream in one hand and a case of Chris' favorite beer in the other.

"I don't want you here either. I want to be left alone," Chris mumbled when Y/N walked in to his room. He covered his head back underneath the covers. "Let me crawl into a hole a die."

Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes. "Dramatic much? Besides you and I both know I'm not gonna leave you alone during a crisis."

"A crisis?!" His head popped back out. "It's not a crisis. It's my worst nightmare come true."

Y/N sighed, knowing it was completely pointless to express how exaggerating Chris was being, even though he was allowed to given the circumstances. "Although I think I already know the answer, I still have to ask. Do you wanna handle it like men?" She lifted the pack of beer, "Or do you want to talk about your feelings like girls do?" She picked up the pint ice cream.

Chris grabbed the ice cream, immediately taking off the lid.

"That's what I thought," she handed him the spoon. She sat down on his bed before she twisted the cap off the bottle of the beer with her bare hand. She didn't flinch or struggled, something Chris was always impressed by.

"It's absolutely horrible, Y/N. It was an honest mistake. But stupid me should have tripled check before I posted anything. I usually do, but I don't know why I didn't this time around," he vented before he shoved a big spoonful of ice cream in his mouth.

"Hey, you are entitled to feel exactly how you want you, but, it's gonna be okay," she gently squeezed his forearm and gave him a warm and hopeful smile.

"No, it's not," he mumbled.

"Chris, you'd be surprised how many people take nudes," Y/N said before taking another sip of her beer.

"Yeah right, Miss Innocent-Goody-Two-Shoes." Y/N laughed harder than she thought she would at his remark, only confusing Chris. He didn't know what was so funny.

"It amazes me after all these years we've known each other, you still think I'm innocent. I've taken and sent a few nudes myself, mister."

"Really?" He asked shocked. For as long as he's known his best friend, she's never once mentioned this before. As a matter of fact, she's never been one to mention anything about any guys she's seen now that Chris thought about it. It never bothered him until now. "Wait a minute, who have you been sexting?!"

"Yes, I have and I'm not answering that," Y/N said as if it was no big deal, because to her it wasn't. "We're getting off topic. We're not talking about me. We're talking about you. The point is sometimes these things happen and nude pics gets seen by the wrong person. Remember my friend Theresa? She accidentally sent a picture to father when she meant to send it to her boyfriend. The bottom line is, it's normal to want to take sexy photos for someone you're seeing or care about. Granted, not everyone does it but it's not a big deal either. You think your life is over because you're under the spotlight when others aren't. Besides, someone else's nudes will get leaked next week and they'll be all over that and forget about yours."

"You're right," he let out a deep sigh. "You're absolutely right. But I still can't help but feel embarrassed."

"Trust me you have nothing to be embarrassed about," I reassured him.

Chris handed me his pint ice cream cup. I thought he was offering me some, but I noticed it was empty and he wanted me to place it on his nightstand next to me.

"Let's watch any movie you want on Disney+, okay?" I made myself comfortable next to him before giving him the remote.

As he scanned through the movies, trying to decide which Disney classic movie he was in the mood for, he watched his best friend from the corner of his eye. "Be honest, did you see it?"


Chris groaned in embarrassment, burying himself deeper in his bed and under his sheets of that was possible.

"Not on purpose!" Y/N immediately answered. "I didn't search for it! You know I have alerts when you posts things. So..." she lingered, "I saw it literally seconds after you posted it. Before I could call you about it, you had already deleted it. Plus, anytime I saw a screenshot of it on my feeds, you bet your America's ass I reported their pages."

When he said nothing, she pulled back his bedsheets. Her eyes immediately locked with his worried blue eyes. She held his hand in hers and continued to reassure him. "I promise you, it's gonna be okay. Don't worry about what people think and what they're saying. All that matters is you and right now you clearly need me."

"Thanks," he let out a big sigh. "I honestly don't know what I would do without you."

"Probably eat a lot more of ice cream without me." Chris finally laughed for the first time all day. After he caught his breath, he interlaced his fingers with hers, which made her heart skip beat. She looked back into his blue eyes, trying her best not to get lost in his beautiful blue orbs.

"I mean it, Y/N, I'm glad you're in my life. You're the best best friend ever."

She tried her best to match his smile as she felt her heart ache. She had been in love with him for as long as she could remember, but she never said anything because she didn't want to ruin what they have now.

"You're my best friend too," she whispered as Chris pressed play on the Disney movie he picked.

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